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So i have been thinking expanding my old gamecube collection lately and am looking for some essentials that i missed... here we go:

Super Mario Sunshine [zombie]

Pikmin 1 and 2 [zombie]

Cubivore [zombie]

Beyond Good and Evil [zombie]


Hey abadoss, I seen that you want Half-Life 2 for the PC. I have a Free copy that I can give away over steam, Along with Episode 1. Reason being is because I bought both HL2 and Ep1 by themselves, and when I bought the Orange Box it seen that I already had them and I can now give away my 2 unused copies for free. if you have Steam already, I am pretty sure all i have to do is send it to your Steam name or whatever. Mine is Red_Koopa_Paratrooper@hotmail.com if you want to add me.

I think you've got some outstanding business before you get into those...

I know... i know.

Still awaiting checks to be mailed to me. It is beginning to aggravate me. :-x

Hey abadoss, I seen that you want Half-Life 2 for the PC. I have a Free copy that I can give away over steam, Along with Episode 1. Reason being is because I bought both HL2 and Ep1 by themselves, and when I bought the Orange Box it seen that I already had them and I can now give away my 2 unused copies for free. if you have Steam already, I am pretty sure all i have to do is send it to your Steam name or whatever. Mine is Red_Koopa_Paratrooper@hotmail.com if you want to add me.

To be honest, I have no idea what Steam is... I keep hearing it being bounced around, but I haven't run into it yet...

To be honest, I have no idea what Steam is... I keep hearing it being bounced around, but I haven't run into it yet...

steam is a windows app that functions as a user interface, game distribution platform, and in-game chat and friends list. it's free - download it and check it out at steampowered. games generally cost a bit less and valve is known for their customer support and having fun with promotions...and you can buy old pc games for stupid cheap.

beyond that, updated.

steam is a windows app that functions as a user interface, game distribution platform, and in-game chat and friends list. it's free - download it and check it out at steampowered. games generally cost a bit less and valve is known for their customer support and having fun with promotions...and you can buy old pc games for stupid cheap.

Cool. Thanks.

Hey abadoss, I seen that you want Half-Life 2 for the PC. I have a Free copy that I can give away over steam, Along with Episode 1. Reason being is because I bought both HL2 and Ep1 by themselves, and when I bought the Orange Box it seen that I already had them and I can now give away my 2 unused copies for free. if you have Steam already, I am pretty sure all i have to do is send it to your Steam name or whatever. Mine is Red_Koopa_Paratrooper@hotmail.com if you want to add me.

Okay. I downloaded Steam... my username is Abadoss.

The main reason I want Half-Life 2 is for the level creator. I really liked the one in the first one and I'm hoping the second one is even better.


Source SDK comes free with any game based on the source engine (such as HL2, or TF2). In the SDK there's a model maker, a mod maker, and Hammer World Editor (map maker). I'm not sure what the old mapmaker was like, but I use hammer and it gets the job done.

Do you have any of these? (unabridged, of course)

  • The Merry Advantures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
  • Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
  • The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
  • The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir
  • Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes
  • The Free Choice of the Will by Augustine of Hippo
  • The Republic by Plato
  • Les Miserablés by Victor Hugo
  • Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
  • Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • The Science of Discworld I, II, & III by Terry Pratchett
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
  • Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
  • Siddartha by Herman Hesse
  • The Adventures of Tom Saywer by Mark Twain
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • Things Fall Apart by Chenua Achebe
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
  • Person and Personage by Victor Tournier
  • Infinity and the Mind by Walter Ong
  • The Cloud of Unknowing by Anonymous
  • Musicophila by Oliver Sacks
  • The Three Musketeers (a series of six books) by Alexander Dumas


Stumbled across this via 1up, and remembered your post.

Some of the book on your list are included.

Do you have any of these? (unabridged, of course)

  • The Merry Advantures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
  • Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
  • The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
  • The Ethics of Ambiguity by Simone de Beauvoir
  • Meditations on First Philosophy by René Descartes
  • The Free Choice of the Will by Augustine of Hippo
  • The Republic by Plato
  • Les Miserablés by Victor Hugo
  • Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
  • Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
  • The Science of Discworld I, II, & III by Terry Pratchett
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
  • Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
  • Siddartha by Herman Hesse
  • The Adventures of Tom Saywer by Mark Twain
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • Things Fall Apart by Chenua Achebe
  • The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
  • Person and Personage by Victor Tournier
  • Infinity and the Mind by Walter Ong
  • The Cloud of Unknowing by Anonymous
  • Musicophila by Oliver Sacks
  • The Three Musketeers (a series of six books) by Alexander Dumas

Hey, I haven't really been tracking the thread, but I wanted to speak up... are you looking just to read these, or do you collect classic literature? If you just want to read them, you can get a lot of those for free download at www.gutenberg.org. It's a huge project to make public domain books into text files and make them available for free.

Hey, I haven't really been tracking the thread, but I wanted to speak up... are you looking just to read these, or do you collect classic literature? If you just want to read them, you can get a lot of those for free download at www.gutenberg.org. It's a huge project to make public domain books into text files and make them available for free.

I both collect and read classic literature. Most of the ones on my list are ones I've already read. Some are ones that I've only read excerpts of and want the full copy. A few are ones I haven't read at all, but know enough about to make it worth the purchase.


Selling the following lightly-used Nintendo DS flash carts:

:arrow: SuperCard DS-One In box + 2GB SanDisk MicroSD (the maximum size you can use with it)

:arrow: SuperCard Lite (for DS Lite) (white) + 1GB SanDisk MicroSD

For more info, see http://eng.supercard.cn/manual/dsone/ and http://eng.supercard.cn/manual/sc_lite.htm respectively

I'll sell them either individually or together. I may even throw in a MicroSD USB reader :wink:

The SuperCard Lite will require the patching of GBA (DS too if you have a PassKey) Roms to work, but the DS-One takes files directly and works like a charm. The SuperCard name isn't as big as the others (R4, Cyclo, etc.), but I really liked my set.

Homebrew ftw!

Edit: Okay, I'm selling the black DS Lite too--either separately or included with one or both of the cards. The left button is a little stuck and needs to be pressed firmly, but otherwise works fine! It's already got a screen protector and I'll throw in a carrying case free.


Go ahead and kick Resident Evil 2 for the GCN off of my wants list.

If you're out of space, you could make a new thread, and reserve a few of the first posts for text space. Then ask a mod to lock this one.

Been said many times, but again, thanks for running this thread.

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