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I got a playstation 3 about two months back, and I was told that it can work with all playstaion 2 games. I thought that was cool because I can play all the ps2 games I missed out on when I only had an xbox. the other day I got sly cooper, and my ps3 is telling me that my version of ps3 will not work with the ps2 format. does anyone know if I can download, or even buy an update that can let my ps3 work with ps2 games?

I got a playstation 3 about two months back, and I was told that it can work with all playstaion 2 games.

Sounds like you got played. They stopped making backwards compatible PS3s a while ago. Who did you buy it from?

It seems that Sony was loosing too much money making those and they weren't really as stable as they should have been. Sometimes they would screw up the game disks and overheat.

I strongly recommend picking up a PS2 anyways, you can get one for like 50 anymore. I have the feeling that backwards compatibility will eventually be removed from all PS3 systems.

It already has. The older ones that are no longer being manufactured are the only ones that still have backwards compatibility.

It already has. The older ones that are no longer being manufactured are the only ones that still have backwards compatibility.

I meant that I think there will eventually be a system update that removes even that.


Wow Sony. I always appreciated backwards compatibility and was glad that my Xbox 360 could play games like X-Men Legends that I loved to play but would not keep that old brick of a system to play it on.

Is Sony taking that out backwards compatibility because of production costs? I know 360s emulate their old games via software on the hard disk so it's not even an issue in production.

I meant that I think there will eventually be a system update that removes even that.

That wouldn't even make sense considering the 60GB models had PS2 chips built in while Sony went out of there way to include software emulation in the models that came after. Not to even mention the backlash they'd get. I don't think Sony would go to the trouble of doing that when it has no purpose other than to piss off PS3 owners with backwards compatible systems.

Wow Sony. I always appreciated backwards compatibility and was glad that my Xbox 360 could play games like X-Men Legends that I loved to play but would not keep that old brick of a system to play it on.

Is Sony taking that out backwards compatibility because of production costs? I know 360s emulate their old games via software on the hard disk so it's not even an issue in production.

Sony wants people to focus on PS3 games, not PS2 games. Also to make more $$$.


thats one of my biggest qualms about getting a ps3. i just don't like how the new ones lost the backwards compatibility.

i mean i know i don't know how often i'll really be using it, but it just makes me feel like i'm missing something. maybe if ps3 comes out with another configuration with another extra thing added, i'll reconsider. or if it gets any cheaper. or prettier (my personal opinion is that it doesn't look quite as slick as it should be; its very shiny yes, but not slick and a bit on the heavy-looking side).

i really want to play valkyria chronicles though...

I think there's a game on PS3 of more importance. You and I both know what it is ;)

you speaking of mgs4? i haven't even finished mgs3 yet. been playing the original metal gear on the bonus subsistence disk.

I would sell your PS3 and buy a PS2, then spend the rest of the money on PS2 games :)

unless you really wanna play Resistance 2.

Resistance 2 is kinda crappy...reminds me of the Halo games too much for all the wrong reasons.

Personally, my PS3 is mostly for PS2 games, with an occasional try of a PS3 game here and there. If you can get a backwards compatible PS3 for less, I'd go for it.

Resistance 2 is kinda crappy...reminds me of the Halo games too much for all the wrong reasons.

Personally, my PS3 is mostly for PS2 games, with an occasional try of a PS3 game here and there. If you can get a backwards compatible PS3 for less, I'd go for it.

exactly my sentiment. sure resistance looks nice and all, but i have to say its a pretty standard shooter to me -- its like it was designed by the book so that it'll sell. not that i'm saying its a bad game. i'm sure its fun and great and if i had a ps3, i'd probably buy it. it just doesn't do things differently enough for me to really catch my interest after i played the halo and gears of war games. I thought those were great but i think the whole fps genre is getting old for me. unfortunately for resistance 2, it's caught me after i've played one too many of those kind of games. i'm just tired of being the soldier fighting against a bunch of uglies and want to do something different. mirror's edge did something a bit risky and different and i jumped to buy that game. i'm sure it won't sell as well as resistance 2, but i like to play games that don't always sell well.

so far, little big world, valkyria chronicles, and mgs4 are the only ps3 games out right now that i'm interested in. maybe when god of war 3, and 2-3 other exclusive titles come out, i'll look at ps3 again then. i sure hope it gets a redesigned look by then though, because i still think its ugly. shiny but ugly. until then, i'm still enjoying my ps2 and psone library too much to justify buying a whole new ps3 for basically 3 games i want to play right now.

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