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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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Kong in Concert was a high-quality album, IMO, so it was my pleasure to host last night's listening party, of sorts. Along with the first 2 hours of assorted work from the community and Protricity's call-in, we had 3 1/2 hours featuring the complete Kong in Concert album along with several interviews featuring the artists of KiC & project director Digital Coma. THANK YOU to everyone who called, as well as everyone who stuck around for the full show, which was definitely the longest one ever. I apologize if the 5.5hr MP3 looks daunting or unlistenable at first glance, but the material on there, particularly Kong in Concert alongside the various artist interviews, is worth your look.

Head over to my webspace to pick up the 225MB/5.5hr MP3 (MP3 mirror) along with this week's decidedly fucked up AIM transcript. I know some people are like "OMG, stop with the prank calls, but I'm a big advocate of both equal time and not taking the show format way too seriously. For myself it's actually farily hectic as shit dealing with the prank calls live, but when I listen to the MP3 later I can appreciate the stupidity more.

In any case, I'm indeed hoping to have Mustin on the air at some point in the near future in order to let him have his say on Protricity, OCR, his conception of remixing, the commercial release of remixed material and any broader issues beyond that. As a big figure in the remix community, but one who mostly stays out of OCR and VGMix, he doesn't usually have a chance to engage in debates about remixing outside of OneUp Studios so it'll be good to get his angle without anyone twisting his views. Now enjoy the playlist!

Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

Saturday, September 11, 2004 / 10:15 PM - 3:45 AM EST

1. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "JHX Soundtest" Bumper

2. Digital Coma - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Kong in Concert Bumper 2" [Kong in Concert]

3. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Jungle Groove" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

4. NoWave - Secret of Evermore "Secrets Abound" [The People's Remix Competition 16 / VGMix2 #1471]

5. bLiNd-Leifo - "Summer Rendezvous" [http://www.thebrailroom.com / http://www.leifo.com]

6. Flik - The Legend of Zelda 3 "Kakariko Prom" [VGMix2 #1845 / OC ReMix # 1241]

7. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Aquatic Ambiance" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

8. Protricity (with a drug-induced Danny B in tow) joins us to talk about the nature of remix projects, Kong in Concert, his new Double Dragon 2 mix "Mean Streak on Main Street", his take on the issues of the OneUp Studios message boards' rejection of criticism on music, and the story on Cruton & "Toto Gives Up the Bass" [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin / http://members.cox.net/systemaniac]

9. Sadorf & Sir Nuts - Sonic Triple Trouble "A New Ray of Light" [VGMix2 #2197]

10. Protricity - Double Dragon 2 "Mean Streak on Main Street" [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

11. Toto vs. Cruton - "Toto Gives Up the Bass (OUS Style)" [Kassi's OneUp Studios Africa Remix Project]

12. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Mine Cart Madness" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

13. "Homestar Runner" calls and acts more retarded than usual [http://onehemophiliac.deviantart.com]

14. "Mustin" is fuming at Protricity, Prot joins the conversation via 3-way (WHOA!) but actually manages to be scared off by "Mustin" (who then rants about being the president and...um...yeah) [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

15. Sithlord-Aku chimes in to call for the end of "one mo' time for da bass" [http://sithlord-aku.deviantart.com]

16. trickwaters - Dragon Warrior 4 "Menuet" [seven Fantasies for Piano / VGMix2 #2185]

17. Quinn Fox - Phantasy Star 2 "Slick Uniforms" [VGMix2 #2167]

18. zircon - "Bereavement of Hope" [Original Video Game Music Competition 1]

19. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Misty Menace" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

20. Flik hooks us up with the info on "Kakariko Prom", his affinity for audio drama, contributing to "River City Rap" & DCT's Megaman VII remix of Eminem's "Stan", and upcoming work with Beatdrop [http://www.vagstudios.com]

21. Stemage f/Kellin Watson - Metroid 1 "The Ending" [Metroid Metal]

22. The Wingless & Vigilante - Metroid 1 "Final Exam" [http://www.thewingless.com]

23. Star Salzman - "Africa" [Kassi's OneUp Studios Africa Remix Project]

24. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "DK Island Swing" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

25. Digital Coma - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Kong in Concert Bumper 1" [Kong in Concert]

26. Israfel - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Godiva in the Desert" [Kong in Concert]

27. Hemophiliac - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Swing, Monkey, Swing" [Kong in Concert]

28. JigginJonT - Donkey Kong Country 1 "West Coast DK Island" [Kong in Concert]

29. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Cave Dweller Concert" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

30. Hemophiliac gives us the low on how he got involved in Kong in Concert and "Swing, Monkey, Swing" along with his favorite other contributions to the album [http://onehemophiliac.deviantart.com]

31. D-Lux makes it short and sweet; bring on the Star Salzman/zykO freestyle contest [http://rockbottomdlux.freewebspace.com]

32. "Kaijin" soothes the listeners with his dulcet tones

33. Unknown - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Rest and (Re)spite on a Soft Summer Night" [Kong in Concert]

34. Adhesive Boy - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain" [Kong in Concert]

35. Icy Guy - Donkey Kong Country 1 "One Zero One" [Kong in Concert]

35. Vigilante - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Beneath the Surface" [Kong in Concert]

36. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Candy's Love Song" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

37. Adhesive Boy provides us with the conception of "Cry of the Chasmal Critter Chain", comparisons of Kong in Concert to Relics of the Chozo, other mixes on the album he enjoyed, the controversy of the peer review between Israfel & Protricity's entries for the KiC intro mix, thoughts on Protricity's spamming of the OneUp Studios messageboards & the ideological differences they all have, and the glut of new remix projects [http://adhesiveboy.no-ip.com]

38. "Donkey Kong" lays it down as he pimps the next track in our KiC spotlight featuring Funky Kong

39. The real "Kaijin" arrives to clear his good name and ream Larry on the difference between a MIDI & General MIDI sounds

40. Vigilante f/Liontamer - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Funky Monkey Love" [Kong in Concert]

41. Red Omen & Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Boiling Point" [Kong in Concert]

42. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Mine Cart Misadventure" [Kong in Concert]

43. Sadorf & Sir NutS - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Echoes" [Kong in Concert]

44. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Life in the Mines" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

45. Red Omen takes his turn to tell us how he fashioned "Boiling Point" including how Protricity got involved with some additions on the track, his fondness for pieces that feature dynamic time signature changes, further plans for original work as well as original & arranged pieces for his school's marching band, the other tracks he enjoyed within the project [http://www.redomen.com]

46. "Matt Pollard" feels bad for missing out on his chance to be part of the Kong in Concert project and wants to share his passion

47. "Koji Kondo", considerably absent from Donkey Kong Country's composer team, let's us know what music he's made; Larry is racist

48. Icy Guy breaks through and shares how he connected with the project and formulated "One Zero One", as well as how that compared to his older material such as his n00b Banjo Kazooie mix "Unusual Suspects" & Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Chemical Spill", a little kissy kissy for the OCR judges' panel, potential ideas for new remixes, as well as other tracks from the project he enjoyed, and a quick thanks to Larry for VGF before he threatens to kill the judges [http://icyguy.digibase.ca]

49. GrayLightning - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Idols of Hanuman" [Kong in Concert]

50. zircon - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Faunaphonic" [Kong in Concert]

51. smh w/Adhesive Boy - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Arboreal Ascent" [Kong in Concert]

52. bLiNd - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Aerofunknamics" [Kong in Concert]

53. Aetherius - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Clouded Mind and Ringing Ears" [Kong in Concert]

54. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Forest Frenzy" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

55. Digital Coma arrives to talk about Larry as opposed to the project, the organization of Kong in Concert, how he's "good peoples" by encouraging several remixers to attempt to join the project, comparisons to Relics of the Chozo, outside pressures to push the project forward while comprising his plans, and the peer review vote for Israfel vs. Protricity/Vigilante & Protricity vs. Nacho before some drunk Emory freshmen start pounding the door hoping to deliver Domino's Pizza [http://www.binnie.org / http://dkcproject.ocremix.org]

56. Prophecy - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Chekan Winter" [Kong in Concert]

57. analoq - Donkey Kong Country 1 "dolilop do wop" [Kong in Concert]

58. GrayLightning - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Machina Anesthesia" [Kong in Concert]

59. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Fear Factory" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

60. analoq encourages us to "permanente sentado, por favor", and breaks down the grueling process and setbacks of creating "dolilop do wop" (Trashed ideas! Writer's block! Jury duty! WEST NILE VIRUS!), how he would classify the genre of most of his material, an upcoming Kraftwek cover, along with thoughts on the other mixes he enjoyed from the project, and a huge plug for the Doom remix project [http://apm.m2pc.com]

61. Digital Coma explains the story of "permanente sentado, por favor" as part of the OCR judges' California trip, details on when the OverClocked ReMix spotlight of Kong in Concert will drop, his thoughts on how other game soundtrack remixes have failed and what others need to do in order to succeed with future projects of that scope [http://www.binnie.org / http://dkcproject.ocremix.org]

62. Jared Hudson is jonesing for Shoutcast, shares his thoughts on the quality of Kong in Concert's "West Coast DK Island" by JigginJonT, the huge improvements the OCR remixing community has shown in the last few years, his plans to redevelop his in-progress Chrono Trigger remix "Generations in Time", flashbacks to Bitsybutt's brief appearance at VGMix1, being contacted out of the blue by a joke track victim of his Jennifer [beeeep], and yelling at Larry to release the show MP3 as soon as possible [http://www.hudsonstudios.net]

63. Dhsu - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Pirate Prelude" [Kong in Concert]

64. SnappleMan - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Thrash the Plank" [Kong in Concert]

65. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Rare Reminiscence" [Kong in Concert]

66. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Funky's Fugue" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

67. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Lost Life" [Donkey Kong Country OST]

68. Dave Wise, Eveline Fischer & Robin Beanland - "Game Over" [Donkey Kong Country OST]


Larry's uploading #30 to my webspace now, for anyone that didn't get it(myself included).

If anyone else still needs #29.99, reply now/soon. I'm taking it down tomorrow night.

Escape: The Movie needs one or a couple of people to do the soundtrack for it. It's not much, maybe half a dozen tracks at most. (Thread here.)


I love the random drunk froshboy trying to deliver pizza. So what in FUCKING HELL were you thinking doing a 5.5 hour show? for gods sake - i've got cable and its taking like an hour to upload this stupid thing to my computer. for gods sakes, liontamer, what were you thinking? beides how much you wanted that drunk freshman's bud, that is.


45. Red Omen takes his turn to tell us how he fashioned "Boiling Point" including how Protricity got involved with some additions on the track, his fondness for pieces that feature dynamic time signature changes, further plans for original work as well as original & arranged pieces for his school's marching band, the other tracks he enjoyed within the project [http://redomen.owns.it]

That URL no longer works. Use http://www.redomen.com from now on.

45. Red Omen takes his turn to tell us how he fashioned "Boiling Point" including how Protricity got involved with some additions on the track, his fondness for pieces that feature dynamic time signature changes, further plans for original work as well as original & arranged pieces for his school's marching band, the other tracks he enjoyed within the project [http://redomen.owns.it]

That URL no longer works. Use http://www.redomen.com from now on.

Oops! It's been fixed in the post and the MP3. Thanks, bro!


so Larry, what's the deal with the double-mp3 extension on each show?

i.e. Larry Oji (Liontamer) - VG Frequency #31.mp3.mp3

just curious dawg. Just started up the show, I'm really going to enjoy listening to this if Vigilante's track is any indication.

Where's dat #27 VHS tape? I've got a new address for ya I've you got it.

In the interest of getting the show out ASAP, I'm gonna release it without correcting any low volume levels on some of the interviews, so I wanna apologize in advance, but I don't have time to sit through 5.5 hours of convos and pranks.
Are there plans to master the volume levels? Binnie and Icy Guy are way too quiet :(
also, I've got every hi-quality VG Frequency mp3 archived. If anyone wants all of the episodes from #21 - current, they'll fit on 3 cds and I'd be happy to burn you copies- just send me a B&P. For those of you who don't know what a B&P is, (most-all of you) here are instructions:


PM me if interested.

You couldn't just say blank CDs and stamps?

and a self-addressed package for me to send them back to you in :P

but yes, Blanks & Postage.

In the interest of getting the show out ASAP, I'm gonna release it without correcting any low volume levels on some of the interviews, so I wanna apologize in advance, but I don't have time to sit through 5.5 hours of convos and pranks.
Are there plans to master the volume levels? Binnie and Icy Guy are way too quiet :(

I mean, who doesn't want to hear binnie loud and clear?

every person's dream....


so Larry, what's the deal with the double-mp3 extension on each show?

i.e. Larry Oji (Liontamer) - VG Frequency #31.mp3.mp3

just curious dawg. Just started up the show, I'm really going to enjoy listening to this if Vigilante's track is any indication.

Where's dat #27 VHS tape? I've got a new address for ya I've you got it.

I'd like a copy of the VHS tape from episode 27, if someone could arrange that.

Not sure why it does a double .mp3 when you download it. You might have file extensions hidden for filenames in Windows. That's the first I've ever heard of that problem.

The VHS tape of show #27 is at my house. :'-( Shit, I've got to get it sent here and make the copies! I'm sorry, my fellow Georgia collegiate bros! And we've gotta start planning to have you bros come down again to guest host!!!


We need someone with a relatively large vehicle(enough to carry 2-3 people + their stuff) that lives along the I-95 corridor somewhere north of baltimore interested in going down to crash VGF some weekend. You'd have to leave early enough on friday to get to baltimore around 2pm, then down to tennessee to pick up EdgeCrusher, then from there to VGF-Land. I'd pitch in about 40 bucks for gas & such, that should cover most of the gas for my segment of the trip(assuming a fairly high MPG vehicle...if it's a gas guzzler I'm still only putting in 40 bucks).

This would probably have to be done this semester sometime, since I'm taking a lot of evening classes for the spring semester and I wouldn't be pick-uppable until 9pm or later, meaning we'd arrive down there sometime around daylight, I think. Not exactly sure how far it is down there, but it's pretty far.

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