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Wasn't there supposed to be a Blu-Ray extended edition coming out soon? I remember seeing a trailer with extended fight scenes (which would hopefully rectify the disappointing endgame standoff), buy I haven't heard anything about it lately.

Yeah, the release has been pushed back a bit. Last time I checked, there wasn't even an estimated date for it anymore. Advent Children on Blu-Ray will be true eyecandy though.


I say, what works in a videogame does not work in a movie. What works in a movie does not necessarily work in a game.

That's why a game is a game and a movie a movie. Both have their own appeal for their own reasons.

After having just watched 'Spirits Within' again, I can say its story is the very essence of Final Fantasy.

Everything works because it is made to be a movie that tells its story like any other movie would.

Not every character needed development, but the right characters did and they did.

FF:AC, in my opinion made little sense, story wise. I guess that's the Eastern influence. Not that that's bad, but as a Westerner, that takes a while to get used to and grasp. Much like a Chinese movie I saw yesterday, which in the end was very good, and deep, but because the Chinese have such a different vision and way of story telling, it was a little hard to follow at first.

FF:AC is still an okay watch, but it doesn't work as a (broad-audience) movie in my opinion.


The film received mixed reviews and despite aggressive promotion by Sony, it became a huge box office bomb. With a budget of $137 million (including marketing costs) the film made $85 million worldwide, meaning total losses were approximately $94 million (the studio typically receives half the box office gross). The domestic box office loss was, at the time, the largest in film history. The merger between Square and Enix, which had been under consideration since at least 2000 according to the then Enix chairman Yasuhiro Fukushima, was delayed because of the failure of the film and Enix' hesitation at merging with a company that had just lost a substantial amount of money.

Lawl, thanks wikipedia.


I wonder if it had done better or worse if it hadn't had the Final Fantasy tag on it.

I suppose sci-fi movies don't do too well in general anyway.

Still, as a movie I loved Spirits Within. I remember seeing it for the first time when I was on vacation in the US, it was in a movie theater. Me and my dad and uncle were probably 3 out of only 12 vistors haha.

I blame marketing 0_0;

I wonder if it had done better or worse if it hadn't had the Final Fantasy tag on it.

I suppose sci-fi movies don't do too well in general anyway.

Well, Spirits Within was very much a B-movie that was trying to be A-level. The only thing it really had going for it was the visuals.


I truly believe that Spirits Within tanking was the sole reason AC didn't get a theatre release in the US. And even in Japan it had only one showing in some theatre for the fans. I mean the least they could have done was a limited release....I figured if something like Cowboy Bebop or Paprika got a limited release, something as wildly popular as FF, let alone an actual movie based on the game, should have. Face value it seemed like a mindless, yet flashy action movie that would have done decently in the box office, but we'll never know.

Well, Spirits Within was very much a B-movie that was trying to be A-level. The only thing it really had going for it was the visuals.

Just out of curiousity, what kind of expectations did you have of the movie? I myself didn't go in expecting anything, especially in regards to elements from the games. Sure it's no master piece, but was there really nothing besides the visuals you enjoyed about it?

I think it did well at what it did.

Just out of curiousity, what kind of expectations did you have of the movie? I myself didn't go in expecting anything, especially in regards to elements from the games. Sure it's no master piece, but was there really nothing besides the visuals you enjoyed about it?

I think it did well at what it did.

I was one of the people who was expecting something resembling something close to a Final Fantasy game to be honest. At the same time I knew to at least ATTEMPT to separate myself form this line of thinking.

I was one of the people who was expecting something resembling something close to a Final Fantasy game to be honest. At the same time I knew to at least ATTEMPT to separate myself form this line of thinking.

Hmm, this brings me back to my original point: what works in a game does not always work in a movie, and vice versa.

I think the perfect Final Fantasy 'movie experience' for me is just playing the game itself. Just lock yerself up in yer room for a couple of days and immerse yerself in just the story. Final Fantasy works as a game, so why should it be a movie? Or any game really?


I watched Spirits Within very closely before it came out. Even before trailers came out, I'd look at very early screens that were released (and the EARLY footage was VERY different), and I knew it wasn't going to be based on the games, and I had/still have, no qualms with that. I really don't care about seeing the exact same game being interpreted as a film. Yeah, if anyone asks, I like the Mario Bros. movie, big freaking deal. I even liked DOA, it's a good bad film, if that makes any sense (plus it had Jamie Presley, which isn't a problem with me).

There's been talk of Metal Gear being made into a movie. I honestly hope they take it into a different direction. Sure, it'd be cool to see MGS Twin Snakes (or the original for purists) done on the big screen, but I've played the game over 20 times at least, I know the story like the back of my hand. But I'm sure that if they do, fanboys will do what the irritatingly do best, whine and moan, and be on forums thinking they're doing the world a favor by posting stuff no one's gonna care to hear about.

If people would accept the fact that games don't necessarily translate well into a film, or that changes ARE necessary for narrative, I don't think there'd be as much complaint. I mean, you get to see live action renditions of your favorite characters on rare occasion, done well, right?

Also, needz moar Cid.

Just got a stiffy....:nicework:

MGS3 limited edition (very difficult to find), came with a dvd that had all of the cutscenes strung together from the game. actually was decent to watch and explained the story better with a big bowl of popcorn.:nicework:

:nicework:'s so far: 2

Hmm, this brings me back to my original point: what works in a game does not always work in a movie, and vice versa.

I think the perfect Final Fantasy 'movie experience' for me is just playing the game itself. Just lock yerself up in yer room for a couple of days and immerse yerself in just the story. Final Fantasy works as a game, so why should it be a movie? Or any game really?

You wouldn't like to see Katamari Damacy as a movie? :) What if it was directed by Hayao Miyazaki?

Though I do agree with the sentiment about MGS being an easier movie adaptation. Starring Vin Diesel as Solid Snake (JOKING).

I really can't think of too many video game to movie successes... Actually from what I remember, I did really like the resident evil movie.

Hmm, this brings me back to my original point: what works in a game does not always work in a movie, and vice versa.

From a storytelling point of view, yes. You have to do things differently in a game than in a movie; adaptation is an art, and a tricky one at that.

The problem was that Spirits Within really wasn't Final-Fantasy-anything. For God's sake, it took place on Earth. Earth! In the future! Seriously? These are the people that gave us worlds like FF6's and FF7's, and the best they could come up with was post-apocalyptic Earth invaded by alien ghosts?

Where was the medieval/steampunk fusion world? Where were the crystals, where were the black and white mages, the airships? Where were the brave, sword-wielding warriors?

Where were the chocobos? :whatevaa:

I wasn't really looking for any kind of adaptation of an existing game, but I was hoping for something a little closer than a pretentious scifi B-movie. Square slapped "Final Fantasy" on the product to sell it.

And yes, I realize Advent Children didn't have black mages or white mages or crystals, and honestly, no, I don't remember any Chocobos in it, but you know what? At least it didn't take place on Earth and at least Bahamut wasn't rampaging through New York City. I liked Advent Children because like every Final Fantasy game, it removed itself from our world.

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