The Damned Posted January 16, 2009 Author Posted January 16, 2009 Kenau Reeves is just so flat and boring. Every role is like watching him read from a whiteboard someone is holding off-camera. That's why people don't like him, and that's why him being chosen for this role is considered a bad thing. The odd thing is, he had way more range and personality in the Bill and Ted movies. It wasn't until he did the Matrix movies that he came across as lifeless. Quote
prophetik music Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 Kenau Reeves is just so flat and boring. Every role is like watching him read from a whiteboard someone is holding off-camera. That's why people don't like him, and that's why him being chosen for this role is considered a bad thing.The odd thing is, he had way more range and personality in the Bill and Ted movies. It wasn't until he did the Matrix movies that he came across as lifeless. because that's what neo was, man. that's what the movie required. you don't do a movie series with the scope of Matrix and not have it color your career. wait, diddly, did you just ask for Paris Hilton to be cast as a character in anything? hint hint - she has NO marketable skills, she's not even pretty anymore with how skinny she is. note that i said no marketable skills. included in that is acting. Quote
BooDidley7 Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 The odd thing is, he had way more range and personality in the Bill and Ted movies. It wasn't until he did the Matrix movies that he came across as lifeless. Yeah, I'd really like to see Ted "Theodore" Logan back in action again along with Bill S. Preston, Esquire. He says "Woah..." better too. Quote
BooDidley7 Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 wait, diddly, did you just ask for Paris Hilton to be cast as a character in anything? hint hint - she has NO marketable skills, she's not even pretty anymore with how skinny she is. note that i said no marketable skills. included in that is acting. That cast was for the worst imaginable of likely casting, since Keanu is such a poor start. I left off Nicolas Cage. He should probably play Jett instead of Stallone, to assure the film is 100% awful. Quote
Jenz Drake Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 ....... ...... I'm confused... I don't know what to say.. I think Keanu Reeves is awesome... but I dunno... sorry you all feel that way.. I know Hollywood messes up movies... but you may just never know.. Have faith! I hope it turns out at least decent. I've watched the entire series plus the movie... all brilliant.. I've been a fan for a while... I'm actually pretty excited. Quote
Strike911 Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 That's just so bogus, dude. Totally not righteous. WYLD STALLYNS! I'm excited about a Cowboy Bebop movie... although I'm very concerned it won't be done right. Uhm... I don't know how I feel about Keanu though. Keanu is notorious for his blank stares and monotone performances. Spike is cool, but his level of emotional action doesn't really jump around all that much in the anime (with only a few exceptions)... he's just too cool to really overreact a lot of times. While it is a shot in the dark, it might end up okay with Keanu in that role. That said, he wouldn't be my first pick for Spike at all. AND, it doesn't account for Hollywood writers having the tendency to completely ruin original story lines. I know I said it before in a different Cowboy Bebop movie thread, but as long as they keep that jazz feel and style in tact, I'll be happy. I'm not expecting much though. Quote
ifirit Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 It wasn't until he did the Matrix movies that he came across as lifeless. I think Johnny Mnuemonic did it for most people. (Those who actually saw it.) Quote
Bleck Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 anyone who doesn't understand why Keanu Reeves played the role of Neo perfectly in The Matrix doesn't deserve to be making comments about film Quote
Petara Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 Anime-based movies have no place in America's film industry. Period. We break everything then shit all over it. fixed mustard Quote
FuriousFure Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 I think it could be good, i do like the idea of him being dubbed over. as for the hair, they have done it before. infact this actor is fabled to be who spike was modeled after. Yusaku Matsuda. in the movie, he even had the circular sunglasses that spike has in the cowboy bebop. Kneanu can play the part well, I'm sure. in fact, spike is the least of my worries. Faye, Ed, and Jet will be even harder to capture their essence. Quote
Brycepops Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 You guys saw the "...Kenji Uchida, Shinichiro Watanabe, Keiko Nobumoto, and Masahiko Minami are coming onboard as producers and production consultants..." part, hmm? I mean with these people there, it shouldn't be too bad, right? ....right? D: Quote
The Damned Posted January 16, 2009 Author Posted January 16, 2009 You guys saw the "...Kenji Uchida, Shinichiro Watanabe, Keiko Nobumoto, and Masahiko Minami are coming onboard as producers and production consultants..." part, hmm? I mean with these people there, it shouldn't be too bad, right? ....right? D: I did, and it depends upon how much control they have over it. If they're just there for the sake of it, so the producers can say "Hey, look, we have the people that did the original in it, so it's going to be good! Trust us!", then it's meaningless. I also fear for the music. I wonder if they will even bother trying to keep it anywhere near the original. Or maybe they will just ditch the styles for an all Top 40 Pop roster... I think Johnny Mnuemonic did it for most people. (Those who actually saw it.) I actually forgot that movie even existed. How ironic. (No, it isn'tironic, I'm makig fun of people that use irony incorrectly). /hopes to avoid irony threadjack Quote
Dyne Posted January 16, 2009 Posted January 16, 2009 You're one of those fags who only watches shitty subtitled anime, aren't you? Hm, last I checked, you weren't exactly someone in a position to judge anyone else. Mr. I-write-risqué-stories. I don't think Keanu is right for the part either, but hey, maybe he really will surprise us...and maybe not... Whoa... Quote
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 I am tired of live action remakes in general... but cowboy bebop the cowboy bebop universe sort of reminds me of the firefly universe... so it might not be all bad. Quote
Ferret Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Hm, last I checked, you weren't exactly someone in a position to judge anyone else. Mr. I-write-risqué-stories.I don't think Keanu is right for the part either, but hey, maybe he really will surprise us...and maybe not... Whoa... I never went into it thinking everyone would like what I wrote (though they certainly did at the time!), but the point I'm making--that I've made before--is that people in this country can be unfairly biased towards subtitles for inexplicable reasons. By the way... You're not in any position to judge, either, so long as you fit squarely into someone else's pocket. Quote
Brycepops Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Dyne's an iPod Mini? No, he's a MONSTER IN MY POCKET! D: Quote
Skrypnyk Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 yay lets de-rail the thread even more. WOOoooo Quote
The Damned Posted January 17, 2009 Author Posted January 17, 2009 I actually liked the dub the did for Cowboy Bebeop, even though it was a little flat. Something about hiring the cheapest voice actors... Mind you, most of the big names are flat and deliver their lines like they're telling someone directions. Remember Monoke Hime? I think Gillian Anderson was on Nyquil the entire time. I'm not saying everyone needs to be Robin Williams as the Genie, but come on, put some goddamn effort into it. Quote
SynthesizedStampede Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 Because Cowboy Bebop is one of my favorite animes (yes, I haven't watched much), I'm just gonna wait til more press is released such as screens. I mean, if the screenshots we get are say, the same absurdity of "Dragonball Evolution", then I'm totally going to pass it up. However, if it does show some promise via screenshots, I'll still be willing to give it a shot. I'm just worried about the jazzy music of the anime the most. It gave it a sort of style and flair that made me fall in love with it, and the characters were very believable. Keanu Reeves as Spike may have hit a nerve for me, but Jet, Faye, Ed, and Vicious need to have great actors too for the movie to work. *crosses fingers* Quote
Tensei Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 biased towards subtitles for inexplicable reasons. Call me biased, but having grown up watching nothing but subtitled (anglophonic) movies and series, I will ALWAYS pick subtitles over dubbed versions UNLESS I know that the dub is just plain better, which, nine out of ten times, it just isn't. To be honest, I don't understand how for example Germans/Frenchies can stand to watch dubbed american movies. Quote
prophetik music Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 dubbed just sounds stupid. and their mouths look dumb. Quote
The Damned Posted January 17, 2009 Author Posted January 17, 2009 The majority of dubbed anime is not well done. This is usually because of one or more of three issues: 1. They try to follow the pacing of the mouth animation too closely. Often, you will have a character that seems to be trying to imitate an auctioneer. Just because there are eight frame of movement does not mean you have to put eight words in the script. 2. Tying to stick too closely to/avoiding the original script. Sometimes, things don't translate well from on language into another. You then have two choices: try to use it in an accurate way as possible, and risk losing your audience with something that makes no sense, or put something that kind of carries the meaning across using terms appropriate for the dubbed language. There are also script changes because of content that the company bringing said show over may be concerned about (remember two of the Sailor Scouts from Sailor Moon? In the original version, they are lesbian lovers, with very little to deny that. In the US version, they are cousins, and the taller "butch" one is a guy). 3. Using the wrong voice for the character. There have been lot of examples where a character gets dubbed with too high or low a voice, is expressed with mannerisms that aren't appropriate (Okinawan accents becoming Texan accents, feminizing/masculinzing a voice because of perceived sexuality/gender), or they hire people with no experience. The ones that are experienced are mostly decent at putting some sort of live into the characters. Sadly, there are only a handful of decent voice actors out there. But luckily, we have had some really good dubs over the years. Golden Boy, for the fan service and shlock that it was, had above average dubbing. The Ah My Goddess! series was rather good, as were some of the Tenchi Muyo stuff. Any way, I think I'm getting off-topic. Quote
wiredzombie Posted January 17, 2009 Posted January 17, 2009 well...i think i'm now going to go into withdrawals ....fuckin shit... Quote
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