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Wild Arms: ARMed and DANGerous - History

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Well, I'd gladly love to help out on a Wild Arms Project, while I'm not familiar with the soundtrack of the first game, I have played the second one and plan on venturing through the whole series, I'm in full support of the project, I can try to help with some financial backing, but that's something that will be hard to come by, however, I'm more than proficient with Dreamweaver and I'd be more than willing to help with designing labels and images for the soundtrack and project site. I can also help you with management if it comes down with it. I very much like what I have played in the series and I'll attempt to borrow the first one from my friend who owns them all...play it to completion so I can familiarize myself better with the music.

Also, remixers interested in the project, I can contribute vocals...that's about all the ability I have with music production at the moment. I'm learning FL Studio 8 and I'm not very good yet.

Don't give up hope!!! There are people here willing to help and support you!


Wild Arms is a wonderful game from which I have fond memories, especially the music.

Ever since I discovered the remix community, I thought about remixing Michiko Naruke's work for it.

While I'm far from being skilled enough for that right now, I still strongly support the idea, and would love to get involved at some point.

Don't give up Jade. Just try again later because I'm sure you'll have plenty of support for this. ;-)


Alright, this thread died long ago and somehow got resurrected.

Shes been talking of this for quite some time and figured it was more trouble than it was worth plus with people saying forget it, she figured she would.

I told her there are lots of things involved in a large scale rpg project but the more people helping the better. I can co-direct.

Yea im busy but not too busy for my wifes interests. Chances are i will be rescuing many lost WIPs and tracks for this project if and when it gets started..I seem to have a reputation for the rescuing remixer for projects that are ALMOST DONE and need a track to be finished QUICKLY haha but I digress.

This project would be very strict if it were to take on a life of its own. My thought is, instead of floods of ocremixes in all styles and genres, it would have to be cohesive in a sense...if not by genre, by quality. Im extreme with the quality of music, im hard on myself, which is why I get the quality I do when I create. So I am open to making this project a success by helping artists push themselves over the top, or even helping them mix and master if it needs to be done. I still think the best project on this site is protricity's super metroid project, it was the VERY first one, he created the concept and successfuly executed it. Its an extremely cohesive album that works. A lot of the projects i have been involved in are not cohesive and the reviews show that. Its got to have an album feel and that takes lots of work when multiple artists are involved. Now i have tons of remixes to do but its all preliminary and there are no rushes....not to mention TONS of projects lined up to be shown in spotlight. So this project, if it were done and released, would be a couple years down im sure. The soundtrack is worth it though, its definately worth celebrating and it looks like I have some planning to do.


Omg guys I did NOT see the rest of these posts since I last posted. I am so moved... I feel like I'm going to cry. lol Don't laugh at me either. :P Thank you so much for taking interest and not being hard on me. Do remember that this thread is 9 months old so for it to come back to life is very moving. Thank you for finally caring now.

Sorry to say, but OC ReMix can really lose some people that have potential because they are not "popular" to them. 10, 000 posts doesn't make you "the man." It makes you something else I won't type. lol But that's just my opinion. Since this site is always about giving your opinions when they are not asked for. :wink:

As to what DarkeSword and Oinkness were discussing, sorry to burst either one of your bubbles, but because of what Pezman did and said, I lost interest in coming here. I rarely post and come to the forums. Being brutal is not the answer, especially when someone wants to be more involved in the community. But how else could I be more involved if you all don't give me a chance? I've wanted to learn to make music since I was a little girl. I've been wanting to become an OC ReMixer since 2001. So um.. Why kill my dream for? That's all I'm saying. OCR should be honored that a lot of people want to be more involved, like myself. Isn't that the point of this site? It's not about projects and who can get more remixes done. It's to bring the people together and enjoy what they love the most - music and video games 'cos that's all we have man! Just because I am bLiNd's wife doesn't mean that's all I am. I matter in another sense too. I've known about this site since 2001 and I know about A LOT of remixers and the remixes. I am just as important as the one that posts 10, 000 times. Sorry to offend anyone, but it's true. I didn't post back in those days 'cos I didn't want to get involved with forums, but after bLiNd was in the hospital I found interest. I made a lot of nice friends I lacked all these years. :)

I am very inspired now to probably make this happen... I am in search for not just 1 co-director, but many assistants. I know there are a lot of projects going on right now thanks to Bahamut... :P and many others, but if anybody is interested to do a track or help me with the project, IM me on AIM at JaDE ARaN HaRuNo. If there are any pointers you guys can give me, that would be very useful! Thanks for offering to help me! :smile:

I'm going to come up with some ideas for this project. I don't want to make just a generic project 'cos that will just be boring and exhausting, wouldn't it be? So why not pick whatever song you want and remix it into different genres? That would be much more interesting and fun!

What do you think???

I know I can write up a huge list of ReMixers I want on this project without looking at the OCR list. I understand there are so many projects going on right now... but I been talking about this for a year now. :\


Shes right....

She knows more about this site than me when it comes to remixes and artists...::shame::

Now this is truly cool, you guys are awesome to support Jade and encourage her. You don't necessarily need a good rep to organize something, but you DO need reputable mixers to make the project worth a release. Joe Cam had a cult following underground remix project that was a huge success and there are tons of projects with project leaders ive never seen before. Honestly OA and audio fidelity came out of the blue and then later I find out audio fidelity has lived right around the corner from me my whole life :o

You never know what kind of talent is hiding in the forums, and to look at a join date and make a judgement of noob status IS VERY IGNORANT. thats somethingawful forums style of behavior and its not accurate. Jade has been listening to OC remixes and coming to this site longer than I have. She didnt join the forums until she became involved with me but she knows more mixes than even mr oji himself. At magfest she turned his head with her knowledge actually hehe.

So to settle that issue talent comes from all directions and if there are enough people to rally behind it, then its something positive, regardless if it succeeds or fails as a whole. Ive been involved in lots of failed projects but they all had something positive result from it. What we are doing here is recognizing an amazing composers vision for this widely known game and celebrating its great melodies and music. If it releases on the site or it doesnt, it doesnt really matter, we are having fun and paying tribute.


now i sat here and read every comment from start to finish ya'll nigga's shouldnt be bickering about any of this nor putting anyone down its retarded...damn shame, this a community youre suppose to have each others backs no matter what kind of weight ya'll hold...lets jus chill the hell out and lets make some music and have fun doing it.


I've already began talking with JaDE ARan about helping out with this project, I'll do what I can to help her with technical issues regarding this project, I'm not very helpful with music, but can do alot behind the scenes.


You know. I'm not the best at music., but I try, and i learn things all the time. I'm fine with that. because i know as i practice, i will get better. I came to this community pretty much by accident. Found it searching google. What it did was open my love of video games and music, and combined the two. I couldn't ask for much more. Thats all i want to do, is learn to remix and compose my own music.

Jade here, sure shes not a Posted ReMixer. Who the hell cares. Jewbie is right. I mean, seriously. Support the people that want to contribute. I support this 100%. I look forward to a positive out come. You know something else, it will happen. Nobody is a noob in my book. Someone just willing to learn doesn't make them a noob. Support jade, and this Album. Great music came from the Wild Arms series. Lets see this through and have our selfs a kickass album.


This sounds like a great project! I am definitely all for it, and I hope it gets done! Also, if you wait around for all of the other projects to get done, they'll have already been replaced four times over with other projects. Trust me, just do it.


Well, I'm sticking to the Wild Arms Complete Tracks OST... If ya don't like that, then make your own project regarding the PS2 version. :P

Here's what it looks like: http://www.rpgfan.com/soundtracks/wa-complete/index.html

I would also link you to the music on youtube... but surprisingly no one has submitted the music from that soundtrack on there yet. That's kind of shocking and disappointing. :\ I mean there are "some" tracks on youtube... but not enough to cover 2 discs. This album is not respected! Can anybody help me find a website that let's you listen to the music without downloading it? If not... You're gonna have to download it online or get it through me.

If I complete this project into success, then maybe I can do the other sequels into projects as well. We'll see. ;)


*poof* Hey, peoples. :D

So, I'm in full support of this project (not that my opinion quite matters yet), but I just wanted to check in, say hello, be a happy fellow and all that jazz.

Let's show this game some more love, because apparently there isn't a ton up already! :-P

Hooray! And they lived happily ever after, the dark clouds descended back across the treacherous ocean and the lighthouse of freedom shown brightly across the land.

I'll have to check out the soundtrack and let YOU know. :)

LMAO Nicely put! Thank you for your support! Us "noobs" will make it on here. ;)


Interesting... Well, I don't know if I can contribute, yet, but we'll see - reading where your thread went inspires me to try to help you out, if I'm able. Perhaps I'll re-evaluate my position in a few months (when I plan most of what I'm already doing to be finished), so if there's music open then I might join up :).

LMAO Nicely put! Thank you for your support! Us "noobs" will make it on here. ;)

Yes, we will make it, because divided we may be n00bs, but united we are...


Really, we're just more n00bs, but hey, who's watching? :-P


You know, there's a simple answer to that...if so many people rely on the older remixers (no insult intended to blind or any of the site remixers) than maybe it's time for a New Generation of ReMixers and staff to put together something fresh for a change...there's always projects needing to be done on the site but never enough people to see them all to completion, why? Because there's too few people being considered to help with OCR's projects...


Well if already having a Wild Arms mix isn't proof enough, I love this soundtrack and would definitely support an album. (I'm actually working on another wild arms mix now, but regretfully for another specialty album) This game is definitely under mixed on the site. I don't think you guys should get bogged down in he said she said. If you love it, do it; the rest is just details.

I still think the best project on this site is protricity's super metroid project, it was the VERY first one, he created the concept and successfuly executed it. Its an extremely cohesive album that works.

I agree with the final sentence 100%, and I'm very happy to see this idea of going with a similar approach. I like most of the projects but Relics of the Chozo and Delta-Q-Delta are the best listening experiences from start to finish as a whole.


I understand there are so many projects going on right now... but I been talking about this for a year now. :\

Year? I've been ready to announce my project since late 2006. I am dead serious.

There'll always be musicians for these things, but maybe not enough of 'em with the free time, or enough to give high-quality product, or that are even familiar enough with the music to give the project some "labor-of-love" quality. What I'm saying is "be ready", especially because the scope of this one is already looking ridiculous.

That's been my only real issue with album projects: we all wanna hit the ground running with 40-, 50-, EIGHTY-track extravaganzas that only a zircon or OA with their connections and resources could pull off, and even then, it's a long, difficult, possibly painful process (right, Kyle?). We couldn't get all the tracks we wanted done for BotA; we may be lucky things worked out pretty well there. It's why I'm doing mine in four parts. The Sonic 1 thing right now is a breath of fresh air.

Jade is married to one of the biggest connections you can think of; already a huge advantage. I have confidence in this venture, so good luck, and BTW, everyone: I'm still looking for my opening, so could you please help a brother out? Bounding and gagging Wes is a good start. :tomatoface:


That's been my only real issue with album projects: we all wanna hit the ground running with 40-, 50-, EIGHTY-track extravaganzas that only a zircon or OA with their connections and resources could pull off, and even then, it's a long, difficult, possibly painful process.

Exactly, Jose narrowed it down.

While it's an awesome endeavor to try and produce a double or quadruple cd remix album,

one will find hard to maintain focus and objectivity for nearly a hundred tracks.

I think that's what might make earlier OCR albums appear as more cohesive,

since it's easier to keep a direction when you have an average of 20 tracks to work with.

That being said, Jade, since I don't use aim and you can't be PM'd, I'll ask directly here.

I'd like to claim track 28 of cd1 "After the Chaos and Destruction".

Oh, and here's a playlist of 79 tracks if people want to listen to the album:

Wild Arms soundtrack

They're not in order, but at least you can link the tracklist in your first page to the actual songs.

Hope this helps. :wink:


I'm a big fan of the soundtrack and definitely willing to do a track if the project starts to live... I've already done one Wild Arms remix (a long time ago, only in VGM), and been thinking about further remixing on the OST.

Year? I've been ready to announce my project since late 2006. I am dead serious.

There'll always be musicians for these things, but maybe not enough of 'em with the free time, or enough to give high-quality product, or that are even familiar enough with the music to give the project some "labor-of-love" quality. What I'm saying is "be ready", especially because the scope of this one is already looking ridiculous.

That's been my only real issue with album projects: we all wanna hit the ground running with 40-, 50-, EIGHTY-track extravaganzas that only a zircon or OA with their connections and resources could pull off, and even then, it's a long, difficult, possibly painful process (right, Kyle?). We couldn't get all the tracks we wanted done for BotA; we may be lucky things worked out pretty well there. It's why I'm doing mine in four parts. The Sonic 1 thing right now is a breath of fresh air.

Jade is married to one of the biggest connections you can think of; already a huge advantage. I have confidence in this venture, so good luck, and BTW, everyone: I'm still looking for my opening, so could you please help a brother out? Bounding and gagging Wes is a good start. :tomatoface:

Haha, I promise I won't head any other projects for a while other than the several I have on my plate...crunchtime for DKC 2 is making me realize that it's a lot of work leading up to the release.

I'm willing to help people get theirs started up though and fill out tracks, as I offered to Jade for this one whenever she's interested in making it official. In fact, other than the projects I have conceived/in progress, I actually want to dedicate time to helping others fulfill their projects to completion once I'm fairly confident in the progress of the ones currently going on. PM me sometime Jose with the stuff behind your project and I should be able to help!

The ONLY qualm I have about this project is that there is a shit ton of projects already. But whatever, I guess you might as well ride the wave of projects getting started. I'm extremely tempted to do so myself...but I REALLY shouldn't...

I have to agree with this statement.

Seems that the queue for project spotlights is almost as massive as the queue for mixes to be posted :/ And i seem to be involved with a big percentage of them haha

If you read mazedudes interview I have to agree with him...a lot of mixers are no longer doing what they love..remixing their favorite game music, because they end up doing a slew of project songs. Dont get me wrong, I love doing these project songs, some of my best work comes from them. I like doing them because they are a challenge and force me to try new things as a remixer instead of just getting comfortable. They have also taught me how to have an insanely fast workflow. I seem to get tracks done faster than ever now (well as soon as I start them at least) lately I have been having problems with my setup so I have been on hold, but these projects also force me to discover new music so there are definate pluses and minuses. But there is also something magical about taking a track that means a lot to you and doing amazing magic with it. I think thats why Bahamut did this new project the darkness and the light. He wants people to choose some of the best music they loved from rpgs, that they are passionate about and have a strong connection to, to make the remix have SOUL. Instead of just another cover or interpration. I think all future projects need this motivation otherwise we will have lots of great looking and sounding projects that have no soul to them and no umph. If I co direct I really want people to have this mindset, bahamut has it down. We need people that understand this though, to remix everything, and EVERYONE, seems to be tied up. So realistically this will be an even bigger endeavor that may take a very long time. I dont want it to be all about just finishing the remixes for a deadline and cracking whips to get people to finish their songs. Because that result is always mediocre music.

Regardless of how many projects tho, and the scope and size of this one, it CAN be successful, but it will take lots of time and patience for this one to bust out and be different. Thats one of the reasons I never wanted to do a site project because my vision for one seems to be hard to meet. Protricity had the right idea and I still stand on that statement but super metroid is a much smaller soundtrack, so this vision is much larger in scope. I think the tracklist should be a selection, we dont need to cover everything, but everything that is mixable and worth covering should be. Just my thoughts anyway

That being said, Jade, since I don't use aim and you can't be PM'd, I'll ask directly here.

I'd like to claim track 28 of cd1 "After the Chaos and Destruction".

Oh, and here's a playlist of 79 tracks if people want to listen to the album:

Wild Arms soundtrack

They're not in order, but at least you can link the tracklist in your first page to the actual songs.

Hope this helps. :wink:

Ugh dude!!!! I was searching for that link on youtube for an hour last night!!! I only could find Wild ARMs 2 and 3. LAME!!! How did you search for it? I need to get better at that if I am going to be a director. :P Thanks so much for searching!!

And I can't be PMed? o.O Dang, I wasn't aware. I have to check my settings out once I eat and shower today.

Do you have any other messenger besides AIM? and I am not getting tracks claimed yet until I have something to present, but I will let you know. So great people already want to claim...hehehehehe

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