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Wild Arms: ARMed and DANGerous - History

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Awesome, Way of Illusion is my favourite track from the soundtrack, and based on Artem's Threshold track.. I can't wait to hear the end result. It's going to be good and I'm expecting it'll be original as well.


Nice. Hope I do it justice for you then. Can you tell me a little about where the track fits into the game itself? I've never played Wild Arms myself, and am obviously going to have a hard time thinking up a name for the track.

Nice. Hope I do it justice for you then. Can you tell me a little about where the track fits into the game itself? I've never played Wild Arms myself, and am obviously going to have a hard time thinking up a name for the track.

It's used in dungeons based on supernatural and paranormal forces, like the Sealed Library (magic) and the Ghost Ship.

It's used in dungeons based on supernatural and paranormal forces, like the Sealed Library (magic) and the Ghost Ship.

That is correct! :D Thanks for providing that info. Speaking of which, Way of Illusion is done... I just now need the agreement from my co-directors. I can't wait until you guys hear it. It's wow. ;_;


So....my computer crashed on me. Hopefully I didn't lose much, cos I supposedly had backups going, but I'm not entirely sure how recent the latest one was. I'm out one hard drive and one video card, and I think I'm going to just end up doing a complete system rebuild.

The upshot of all that is that I may be a little later completing my tracks than I thought. :evil:

So....my computer crashed on me. Hopefully I didn't lose much, cos I supposedly had backups going, but I'm not entirely sure how recent the latest one was. I'm out one hard drive and one video card, and I think I'm going to just end up doing a complete system rebuild.

The upshot of all that is that I may be a little later completing my tracks than I thought. :evil:

Let me know whats crackin' for our collab. <3 Hope you get it up n runnin son


Just letting the community members know that I am still alive and in full support of this project, I am so looking forward to this project now...you know, sadly, the project due date is 9 months from now...dude, it's almost like a baby :P

It's a load in the artists' collective junk, preparing to be bukkaked on the woman that is music.

Well assuming the final date is 9 mos away, I think it's already been conceived :P

Has anyone heard from Jade? I emailed her my track(Not sure if I'm allowed so say that), but I haven't heard back from her since I sent it on the 30th of Dec =/.

I'm sure she just hasn't gotten around to it. I mean, the holidays just ended. Maybe she's still with her family or whatnot.

Has anyone heard from Jade? I emailed her my track(Not sure if I'm allowed so say that), but I haven't heard back from her since I sent it on the 30th of Dec =/.

Well that's not even a week ago. Even project directors are busy sometimes, especially around the holidays. I'm sure she'll send you a reply shortly


I think she's just been busy doing other things...she's been on Facebook quite a bit lately, I imagine it shouldn't be too long before she's back on here updating.

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