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What exactly is the difference between 13 and versus 13? Forgive me for being behind the times, but I tend not to give a crap about FF games anymore until they can be bought cheap. 12 kinda ruined it for me. Beautiful game, deep combat systems, deeper story. Problem was it was too damn deep to get into. I got things to do.

What exactly is the difference between 13 and versus 13? Forgive me for being behind the times, but I tend not to give a crap about FF games anymore until they can be bought cheap. 12 kinda ruined it for me. Beautiful game, deep combat systems, deeper story. Problem was it was too damn deep to get into. I got things to do.

As far as I know, which isn't too much, 13 is going to be a more traditional style of FF, with the same skeleton plot (group of ragtags-turned-buttkickers take on evil government with lots of flashy fantasy stuff) along with the par-the-course unique combat system. Versus 13 is going to be more of a deviation from the tradition FF, with much grittier and realistic deptictions of characters, and a much more action-oriented approach to gameplay. Also, the plot developement at least looks like a big deviation from the save-the-world tradition (a trend more easily bucked in recent instalments).


So, if they're so different, why are they both called FFXIII? Do they share the same setting, or do they have some characters in common? Are the plots related at all, or is one a direct sequel of the other, FFX/X-2 style?

If they're both called FFXIII and have virtually nothing in common (which is the message I'm getting so far), that's supremely retarded.

So, if they're so different, why are they both called FFXIII? Do they share the same setting, or do they have some characters in common? Are the plots related at all, or is one a direct sequel of the other, FFX/X-2 style?

If they're both called FFXIII and have virtually nothing in common (which is the message I'm getting so far), that's supremely retarded.

I think they both take place in the same setting/world. Only far from eachother and in different times.

So, if they're so different, why are they both called FFXIII?

They're not. There's Final Fantasy XIII and there's Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the versus implying that the games are diametrically different from each other, but most likely alike in world setting. Oh, and expect some serious anti-heroage in Versus XIII (about freakin time).

Also, I foresee the roman numeral next to the title will be taking on much less of an "installment" idea and more of a "generation" idea. Instead of being one story, each number will be a world with many stories and a game for each (There is also a PSP game coming out with the FF XIII surname).

I was just the opposite about FFXII - I was bored with grinding for $$, how much time it took to get from one place to another, and how expensive everything was turned me off. In addition, the game was designed so piss poorly if you wanted to play without a strategy guide of some sorts. So many things about it frustrated me and caused me to give up on the game.

Not knocking your opinion, but just for the record, I never touched a strategy guide and almost 100% completed the game (had to look up a couple things).

FFXII did a couple of things very well, but the things it does bad outweigh it. For instance, I thought the programmable combat system was sweet. Not getting money from kills, and forcing a crapton of grinding sucked. Having random treasure chests that you can't open or you lose the best weapon in the game sucks. Giving no direction for finding extras without a guide sucks.

I'm currently outside the Necrohol of Nabudis ready to fight Chaos, and just got bored of it because of the grinding :(

Pretty much sums up my thoughts about the game as well. Such a shame, since it did seem to have potential.


Wikipedia is your friend.


And contrary to the dumb names of XIII, Versus XIII actually gives us some really cool names. The main character being Noctis Lucis Caelum. How cool is that? "His full name, revealed at TGS 2008, is grammatically incorrect Latin for "Light of the Night Sky," and his nickname is Noct."

And from what I understand, the two games are several hundred years apart, but have the same mythology. That's why I want to see some 'echos' of xiii in versus xiii like ruins, shrines, landscape, and the like. And they've been working on versus since 2003 originally for the ps2. But it wasn't powerful enough. Imagine the day when the ps3 isn't powerful enough for games...

Edit: I thought the third xiii game was originally for the cell phone.

FFXII did a couple of things very well, but the things it does bad outweigh it. For instance, I thought the programmable combat system was sweet. Not getting money from kills, and forcing a crapton of grinding sucked. Having random treasure chests that you can't open or you lose the best weapon in the game sucks. Giving no direction for finding extras without a guide sucks.

I'm currently outside the Necrohol of Nabudis ready to fight Chaos, and just got bored of it because of the grinding :(

I love this game overall, but agree with most of what you say. Not being able to get the Zodiac Spear because you were having fun, playing the game, exploring, opening any chest you could find...oh wait! I wasn't supposed to open that?! How the hell was anyone supposed to know? Dumb...way to take the fun out of an RPG.

I love this game overall, but agree with most of what you say. Not being able to get the Zodiac Spear because you were having fun, playing the game, exploring, opening any chest you could find...oh wait! I wasn't supposed to open that?! How the hell was anyone supposed to know? Dumb...way to take the fun out of an RPG.

Oh please. It's just one weapon. I thought it was unfair as well, but I didn't make a big deal out of it.

No really, I loved every part of this game except for one. Say you made Basch into a tank. Leveled him up to lvl 100, filling the entire license board. Now all of the sudden, all you need to do is change his weapons, armor, and gambits, and he is the absolute greatest mage that you can make in the game. I hear that the international version fixed that, but still. You don't need to work anything in order to specialize your character.

Oh please. It's just one weapon. I thought it was unfair as well, but I didn't make a big deal out of it.

No really, I loved every part of this game except for one. Say you made Basch into a tank. Leveled him up to lvl 100, filling the entire license board. Now all of the sudden, all you need to do is change his weapons, armor, and gambits, and he is the absolute greatest mage that you can make in the game. I hear that the international version fixed that, but still. You don't need to work anything in order to specialize your character.

I'm all for long winded multi-step side quests (Biggoron's Sword), but when you're forced to practically tiptoe around the game to obtain this item, it interferes with enjoying the game. It isnt a big deal to me, just annoying. None of my characters even use spears.


To be off topic for a moment, I feel very similarly about FF12 in that I hate having to rely on a guide to know which freaking chests to miss, but mostly the thing that chaffed in that game was the amount of time wasted spent grinding and traveling. I was able to fix that however because of a special cheat code (I used code breaker) which allows you to frame skip. It makes the game so much more fun when you can go through the lame stuff very quickly. Kind of funny that they added frame skip to the international version so you don't even need a code to use it.

Anyway, back on topic.

From the trailers, I think I like the looks of Versus XIII a little better because the story seems more character driven, instead of event driven like what XIII seems to be. I really like the idea of having a few characters that you get to know quite well and empathize with. I'm sure they will both be good games though, just by looking at the shear amount of time we have had to wait for them... Right?... RIGHT!?!?

No really, I loved every part of this game except for one. Say you made Basch into a tank. Leveled him up to lvl 100, filling the entire license board. Now all of the sudden, all you need to do is change his weapons, armor, and gambits, and he is the absolute greatest mage that you can make in the game. I hear that the international version fixed that, but still. You don't need to work anything in order to specialize your character.

That is definitely my biggest complaint with Final Fantasy XII. Character identity was skin deep and went no farther than the model because every character could learn exactly the same skills and be changed on a dime to be a completely different class, and perform exactly as well as the person before them. It removed the NEED for using more than the characters you had in your party. Pick the prettiest and play through the whole game with them. If that direction continues with the series, I'll probably never pick up another Final Fantasy game.

I personally (and I'm aware of my minority status) think that 10 had the best training system devised in the history of the series. The sphere grid was genius, because while every character COULD learn the whole grid, they had to start SOMEWHERE, and that somewhere defined what their class would be for the majority of the game. Skipping around meant you never accessed high level skills, you needed to follow a path out.

The second thing that game did right was instant and unlimited party shifts in the midst of a battle. I felt that actually reinforced the identities of the characters. Yuna was never ever a frontline in my party, because she couldn't fight worth a hoot. But if I needed a white mage, well dammit Yuna was it, so I moved out Kimahri, cuz I didn't need a tank, I needed healing and Yuna could do it. I thought it gave a great sense of uniqueness to every character, and a beautiful level of strategy and flow to party management.

I'm all for long winded multi-step side quests (Biggoron's Sword), but when you're forced to practically tiptoe around the game to obtain this item, it interferes with enjoying the game. It isnt a big deal to me, just annoying. None of my characters even use spears.

You ARE aware that you can still get it later in the game, right?


final fantasy with final fantasy gameplay = yay

devil may cry with devil may cry gameplay = yay

final fantasy with devil may cry gameplay = uh no

screw this game

You ARE aware that you can still get it later in the game, right?

You ARE aware of the odds involved in getting that other one right?

Sorry for the sarcasm, but the odds of actually getting that thing is about 1/1000 every time you come to open the chest, which you can only do after you go 2 or 3 screens away, which takes a few minutes each time (if you are super quick). Mostly I think XII was a punishment to people who are obsessive and want to get EVERYTHING that can be had in the game. Maybe that is what some people go for. A game that will have you running around mindlessly for 300+ hours killing the same crap over and over again. With that kind of playability, who needs WoW?

OK, I'm done ranting. Perhaps there should be an FFXII rant thread...

You ARE aware of the odds involved in getting that other one right?

Sorry for the sarcasm, but the odds of actually getting that thing is about 1/1000 every time you come to open the chest, which you can only do after you go 2 or 3 screens away, which takes a few minutes each time (if you are super quick). Mostly I think XII was a punishment to people who are obsessive and want to get EVERYTHING that can be had in the game. Maybe that is what some people go for. A game that will have you running around mindlessly for 300+ hours killing the same crap over and over again. With that kind of playability, who needs WoW?

OK, I'm done ranting. Perhaps there should be an FFXII rant thread...

I watched my brother try to do this for days. It was like 1 out of 40 that the chest would even show up, and when it did, it was a further 1 in 100 that it would have the spear in it. Far as I know it was about the only item in the game that he finally said fuck it and moved on.

EDIT: I asked him, and no he never got it. The drop rate after the chest shows up is 1 in 1000. This exact type of thing is the reason I quit World of Warcraft as well. If somebody cares to figure the odds of 1/1000 on top of 1/40... it's all but impossible to get. I realized that especially with persistent games like WoW, if I actually attempt to get these items, I am being mindfucked into countless hours of gameplay, and I keep paying them so I can play to get an item that will be obsolete when I do. I refuse to put on a psychological leash like that.


I'm going to buck the trend and say I think both look good. I think citing it's arrival on the 360 as evidence that FFXIII regular is a weak title or that don't believe in it is wrong.

Square has been testing the market with games on 360 already, with Last Remnent and Final Fantasy Crystal Defender coming to XBLA. They are also aware of Lost Odyssey and how it did since it was a lot of SqaureEnix former employees.

Also if you were going to spend the extra cash to port the game to another system it would make sense one to do it from the PS3 to the 360 (360 is easier to develop for, Kaz Hurai(I believe that's his name) the chairmen of Sony even acknowledges the difficulty of programming on the PS3) because of the cost doing it that way. But you want to spend that money to reap money that you would get from the expanded audience. It wouldn't financially make sense to put the weaker of the two on two systems.

Versus looks interesting but I'm not sure how sold I am on the people making it. Kingdom Hearts was nice, but was mindless and downright easy most of the time. Seeing that the other people involved worked on Dissidia and Derge of Cereberus didn't fill me with confidence either.

Though both certainly look interesting and I look forward to trying both out.

God, it looks like Square's still trying to milk the FF7 fanbase. FFXIII could be announced as a prequel/sequel to FF7 and nothing would have to change.

Two trailers.



How can you even tell?

Also, can we please shut up about the Zodiac Spear thing? Yes, it was stupid and arbitrary and retarded and EVERY MORON HAS TO BRING IT UP ANY TIME SOMEONE MENTIONS XII.

We get it already.

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