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U.N Squadron. I loved that game, I still play it often...

What this man said. I also agree with the statement about Streets of Rage Remake. The next version they're coming out with for it looks to be practically orgasmic.

I have no idea why people constantly insist that a distinctive game be redesigned to make it more like a completely different game, and think it's the best idea ever. Not to mention the whole "change the game!" "OK, we changed it!" "omfg, why did you change it? this sucks ass! I hate you!" mentality that fans have.

Pokémon is a traditional top-down RPG. That's part of the charm, it not being one of the many flashy, graphics orgasm that populate (or should I say, pollute) the genre these days. There are reasons why GameFreak can get away with using graphics that aren't top-of-the-line; it's called game play.

I'd also like to point out that the previous attempts at 3D Pokémon games, Colosseum and Gale of Darkness for the GameCube, were not critically well received.

If you're really looking for a change to the overall game, I would suggest checking out the Ranger series. It's more in line with what you described, but not entirely.

And why is it that every time a change in camera and fully 3D world would somehow change the core gameplay? If it was so desired, you could have the default camera places so it would be a "top down" RPG. so update the graphics even though they can "get away" with charmy shit. have with a fully functional 3rd person camera.

make it so that when you go through tall grass, you actually go through tall grass making random encounters actually interesting or have it be a realistic cave with no light and it's your job to light the way and everything be shown in real-time or getting a bike or seeing the bush being sliced in half when you use cut and gyms be intimidating and impressive.

Having this stuff wouldn't change the Pokemon formula, it would just be a great supplement to enhance the expierence.

Imagine going through Celadon City, looking around at the tall building and going a luxurious cruise ship with team rocket going around cause trouble but wait, that might screw up the game play somehow! and you're completely right. having previous attempts fail is a great reason not to try again and do it right.

point being, this thread has a few assumed conditions. the people remaking the game would do it theoretically perfect. keeping the old school charm and game play and feel of the original game while updating the other parts of the game that were comparatively lacking. so I suggest you don't over-react and get defensive about a game being possibly being improved upon while making yourself look like a complete ass.

People like you make me rage. It's in the elite section of videogame masterpieces, and neither you nor anyone else can say otherwise (opinions be damned to hell).

I guess I don't need to say anything here, huh?


I don't get it, Carlos.

I'd also like to see a Primal Rage revival. Anyone remember that game?

Sweet hell yeah!! Makes me want to get some Teddy Grahams and pretend they're peasants.....lol.

Another fighting game to revisit- War Gods. When I ran an arcade, a friend and I wasted HOURS trying to beat that damned game on freeplay. It was toned down a lot for console release.

@ Vagrance - A proper S.F. Rush would be bad ass. That's another arcade time killer.


I was going through my games, this post inspired me, so I'll have more. Some that stood out as soon as I saw it:

Demon's Crest

Desert/Jungle Strike

Lost Vikings

Sesame Street (it helped my bro, it could be helpful to my daughter)

More to come later as I look around.

OH! How about a remake of the Sega Channel service? It was huge in my area.


It's probably been said already (and too lazy to look), but my very first reaction to seeing the title of this thread was definitely Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

Also, wouldn't mind a Secret of Mana remake. Updated hand drawn graphics, fully orchestrated score and online multiplayer? Count me in!

New Super Mario Bros. was an attempt at a Super Mario Bros. 4.

Actually, it wasn't. Super Mario World isSuper Mario Bros. 4 and was renamed for its debut on the Super NES. Its story also continues directly from Super Mario Bros. 3.

New Super Mario Bros. borrows from 1,3, and World while introducing new items and moves to the series.


If you could have the choice to pick any one game from the good ole days and see it get revamped for a modern-gen console, what would it be?

Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Ultimate Ghouls and Ghosts style.

With a fucking level editor and online.

And I don't want to hear any of that Ghoul Patrol bashing shit, that game wasn't ZAMN, but it was just fine.




A new STARFOX that DOESN'T suck balls (gimme my N64 and SNES gameplay back please... no more tank or foot missions... and please remove Krystal.)

The final SHENMUE (although, that'll never happen now probably)

and last but possibly the game I would want the most.



A new STARFOX that DOESN'T suck balls (gimme my N64 and SNES gameplay back please... no more tank or foot missions... and please remove Krystal.)

I'm afraid that if pilotings were to be remade, it would be heavily geared towards children. I haven't played Pilotwings 64, but.. it didn't look as enjoyable to such a wide audience as the original was.

And yeah. Tank missions suck. But 64 had 'em. It was just extra incentive to go the red route. (Plus, the fact that Titania was part of the blue route makes me cry on the inside. not good times.)


EDIT: Also, if anyone remembers The Dig, don't you think that would rock if re-made well?

The Dig was one of the best games I've ever played. Hell, I even had the Alan Dean Foster novelization of the game, I loved it so much. This game would be so awesome, nostalgia-wise, if they remade it.

Come to think of it, this, and the Monkey Island games all need love.

EDIT: Also, if anyone remembers The Dig, don't you think that would rock if re-made well?

If, and only if, the remake's background art is just as stunning as the original's.


Two words: Another World. Four more if you're not European: Out Of This World. 3D, no GUI, same cinematic style as the original, relying on your merely your wits and reflexes to survive. And plenty of awesome death scenes of course.


Hmmm... first one coming to mind, Little Nemo Nightmare in Dreamland. I freakin played that game all the time. Willow, as cheesy as the game was, could be pretty fun. EVO needs to be remade, but I guess to an extent, SPORE is a pseudo representation of that. Then Lufia 1&2. 1 was kinda crap (never able to beat it myself), but it had a good story, so they would just need to update Graphics and Gameplay and all would be golden.


Another idea I had was a Star Wars edition of Mario Kart.

Mario -> Luke

Luigi -> Han (or Obi)

Peach -> Leia

Yoshi -> Yoda

Koopa -> Storm trooper

Toad -> Ewok (or Yoda, in which case Yoshi would be Palpatine)

Bowser -> Vader

DonkeyKong -> Chewie

Each one sitting in a spaceship rather than a gokart, Vader in a mini star destroyer, perhaps. All the graphics in each level would be changed for something more appropriate, not to mention the weapons. This should all be doable with a good rom hack. The music and sounds should be changed too. There wouldn't be much point to a game like this other than as a joke but it sure would be fun to look at for a few minutes.

Another idea I had was a Star Wars edition of Mario Kart.

Mario -> Luke

Luigi -> Han (or Obi)

Peach -> Leia

Yoshi -> Yoda

Koopa -> Storm trooper

Toad -> Ewok (or Yoda, in which case Yoshi would be Palpatine)

Bowser -> Vader

DonkeyKong -> Chewie

Each one sitting in a spaceship rather than a gokart, Vader in a mini star destroyer, perhaps. All the graphics in each level would be changed for something more appropriate, not to mention the weapons. This should all be doable with a good rom hack. The music and sounds should be changed too. There wouldn't be much point to a game like this other than as a joke but it sure would be fun to look at for a few minutes.

That's just too good. I'd play it.

Yes, but will it be played by us or our grandchildren?

Fuck the grandchildren. They're not even SPERM yet.

We need to think about TODAY. Because Today is Tommorrow and Yesterday is Gone.

Now lets think for a minute. Why do we want our old games brought up again? Aren't the new versions usually mangled up by the same people who used to play them? Aren't remakes usually half-assed at best. Its like your high school reunion. Sure you have great memories of those people, but when you go to see them, you realize they've aged. A lot.

Can't memories just live in dignity with us until we die like everyone else? Thats how God meant it to be. No more. No less.

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