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WHEN: Friday, April 3 @ 11:30am



Meet at Friday before noon and get a Lucasfilm tour, stay around the Presidio area.

- Meet at the Lincoln & Fulston parking lot in the Presidio

- Lucasfilm / LucasArts / Industrial Light and Magic tour, gift shop, etc.

- Shop for cookout supplies @ IGA

- Baker Beach cookout

- Games/music/chilling at my apt. I have a buncha instruments* you can jam on, as well as the full Rock Band set. I also have the PS3 in another room (StreetFighter4, SoulCalibur4, ResidentEvil5, VirtuaFighter5, StreetFighter:HDR, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone2 and a buncha singleplayer action games)


Going on tour:










Joining at beach, ~2pm:


Starla's roomate Justin

Revelation Orange

* Epiphone Special-II electric guitar, Ibanez Soundgear bass, unnamed acoustic guitar, harmonica, ocarina, tenor and soprano recorders, melodica, flute-I-still-have-to-fix-after-Magfest-but-thanks-for-reminding-me, cheapass Casio keyboard, triangle, tambourine, djembe.


I'm good for either day. I've never been to Baker Beach or SF Japantown so those are cool options. I'll be up in SF this weekend so maybe I'll scout around a bit for other cool options. Yoshi's Japanese restaurant / Jazz Club is a cool place (if it's still open in SF? I heard they might close) so I'd look into that as well.


Whoa, what the heck?

WHEN: Friday February 27 @ 11:30am (Option 1) OR Saturday 28th @ 11:30am (Option 2)

That is way too soon. This will be a mini meet up at best considering how little time there is for people to get the days off neede to travel here.

I will see what I personally can do. I might be able to attend, but I can't make any promises right now.


@ Batt: Cool! Lemme know.

About the date, honestly the real decision is just Friday vs Saturday. If you need more than a month notice then that's totally cool, how's March 13-14 sound, guys?

Let's get a general timeframe down first and then make the Friday vs. Saturday decision.

Will is actually a lot more north than where you circled.

yeah, you pretty much circled waleed

who could possibly also make it up there for this if it is a plausible weekend for him...

also, if bahamut ends up flying in, there are even higher chances of this happening!


March 27th/28th doesn't work for me, Game Developers Conference. April 3/4?

Again I didn't expect this much interest so that's why the original date was so early. I'm okay with postponing, only thing is the more people come, the earlier I'll need to register you as visitors. FYI I'm not sure about the group visits policy, if I can't use a group reg then I'd have to register 3 visitors at a time under other peoples' names.


That's.. definitely a lot more people than I originally thought to be. I didn't know a norcal meetup would end up having people NOT from norcal. :oops:

As I've told you in IRC, my personal vote would be on a Saturday cause then I can stay (I'm off work Sun-Mon). Then again that tour does sound good.


Actually, I may even consider attending if it is the April dates. Yeah, I'd fly in from MD cause this knocks out a couple of things on my to-do list:

1) I have a friend who recently moved out to Cali and a) I didn't get to say goodbye and B) she's new so doesn't know many people, so I'd love to pay her a visit.

2) Hangout more with Busta and whoever else could make it out (I've never been to an outside-of-magfest-ocr-meetup :-)) Magfest wasn't long enough to get in the full quality-hangout-time...it's NEVER long enough...

3) I've actually never been to Cali before!

4) Lucasarts+ tour?!? Umm, yes...yes...

Question for Busta: Can you get rough price details for the activities we'd be doing? I also gotta price a flight potentially.


Can we say April 3rd then? (the Friday)

I spoke to our dept. coordinator and she explained that as long as it's on a Friday, I can theoretically register as many as I want at a time. Again I guess not to harp on it but we'll just have to keep in mind that it's a place of business, best behaviour, no photography of any kind or loud speech, respect the mountain of NDA's they'll have you sign, etc.

(I had to say it at some point)

Otherwise obviously the tour is free, lunch at Lucas can run you maybe $6-9 depending on what you get, some buses are free others are $1.50 and the BART train system varies (up to $5 for a longer trip from an airport I think). Shuttle from Oakland airport to the BART train system is I think $3, SFO airport is actually on thee BART line so you'd just hop on. And I'd bring maybe $20 for dinner depending on where we go, if anyone wants alkeyhall, etc.

(I'm not sure if it's against OCR policy to post about this but if anyone has beer recommendations for consumption at my place, feel free)

Barbecue (if we do it) I guess is on me but it'd be GREAT if somehow someone who's more local to the SF area could help me buy stuff the morning/night before... I don't have a car.

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