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Suggestions for a PS3


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It's tax season. Turns out I'm getting a pretty decent check. My wife suggested I get a PS3, and I said 'Why the hell not?' System and a Blu-Ray....not going to pass this up. However, after looking around, I really don't know what to get for it. Nothing really stuck out, and I even wondered if it's worth it.

Ultimate Statement - Convince Me.

Like I said above, not passing this up, but since I never thought about getting one, I never looked into it.

Thanks much in advance.

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Im not too sure about Ratchet and clank though I am a pretty big fan of all their games. I played tools of destruction and to put it simply it felt rushed, and really unpolished. There were lot of little things that bothered me. It has been a while since I have played it so these are from memory.

There was quite a few less weapons and gadgets than I was used to. The upgrade system was weak, Just kill with a weapon and it gets more powerful.

Where in other games they have had a insomanic museum I cant recall one in the most recent game at all. This might of just been me not looking hard enough. But I did not care at all if I did find it.. and the mini games were all simple and nothing to actually challenge the player..

But Its still an ok game, I just would buy it used.

BUT MGS4 is amazing.

Little Big Planet has gotten a lot of praise.

SF4 is coming out soon.

I also got Tonyhawk Proving Ground off ebay for $15 and felt it was worth it.. I dont skate at all but I usually find his games to be fun and this one is no different. Also the area is massive. .

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I helped make "James Bond: Quantum of Solace" if ya want to play that... I took the time to beat it too and had fun. Also "Star Wars: the Force Unleashed" was alright. And I second the praise on Bioshock, I just beat that a few nights ago.

Glad other people are mentioning "Heavenly Sword" too, I just bought it but haven't played it yet.

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Not sure what you're into...

Went with the following

Dead Space (Didn't like it too much on the PC, more enjoyable on console)

Valkyrie Chronicles

Silent Hill - Homecoming

Disgaea 3

I'm currently undecided on whether to get F.E.A.R. 2:PO for the console or PC, mainly because it's a "pure" FPS game. only games I've ever played on consoles that were FPS variety were "Goldeneye 007" and "Quake 2" on the N64.

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I'll be looking into the suggestions. I'm really open ended about gaming, I pretty much play anything. If I can get a game on the PC, I tend to do that over a console. I'm having a much harder time justifying a 360, my luck in life will lead me to a red ring in a week (went through 3 Xboxs before).

Some games you all listed I didn't even think of (let alone realize they were avail for download), I'm looking much more forward to getting this now. I should be able to pick it up next weekend, I'll post an update about what I get/have on my list of to get.

Thanks again!

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I'll be looking into the suggestions. I'm really open ended about gaming, I pretty much play anything. If I can get a game on the PC, I tend to do that over a console. I'm having a much harder time justifying a 360, my luck in life will lead me to a red ring in a week (went through 3 Xboxs before).

Some games you all listed I didn't even think of (let alone realize they were avail for download), I'm looking much more forward to getting this now. I should be able to pick it up next weekend, I'll post an update about what I get/have on my list of to get.

Thanks again!

Excactly the same thing I thought when I bought my PS3. :lol: I've had a less than a year old PS2 completely fail on me. The time I bought my DS the upper screen had a pink tint. And my laptop has failed three times. Luckily, consumer laws and insuranses covered all of those. But I would not risk buying a console that WILL(at least before the latest chip upgrade) be broken at some point due to design flaws.

Anyway, i would reccomend:

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

I thought I would just play through the single player campaign one time and lay it to rest, but the multiplayer is dangerously addicting.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

I haven't played all of it, but what I've played is great!


Loved it! It's even better when you're playing with someone.


If you haven't played it before, you should.

Fallout 3

Almost every friend of mine who own a console, be it a PS3 or an Xbox 360, is addicted to this game. Even people who haven't played earlier Bethesda titles.

Wipeout HD

Dirt cheap, and a great game. One of the best Wipeout games.

Ratchet & Clank (Future): Tools of Destruction

A good platformer. Not the best in the series(opinion), but worth a buy.

Valkyria Chronicles

Just fire up the demo when you buy the console. You'll see why.

Grand Theft Auto IV

If you like sandbox gameplay.

I've also heard good things about Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, Assassins Creed, Burnout Paradise, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Dead Space, Mirror's Edge, Devil May Cry 4, Far Cry 2 and Eternal Sonata.

Look out for future titles, such as Heavy Rain, Final Fantasy XIII, Killzone 2, Street Fighter IV, God of War III and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Not to mention loads of PSN titles that I haven't played, but have been praised.

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assassin's creed was a lot of fun, and it's old enough that it should be cheap now. it's relatively repetative, but it's still really enjoyable. burnout paradise (at least for the 360) has an enormous amount of upgrade-based extras that came free with it - and it's super cheap as well. dead space is an excellent survival-horror game (not my favorite genre), and mirror's edge is really intense and enjoyable (if a bit short...wait till it comes down in price a tad). dmc4 is great if you liked the other dmc games, eternal sonata is awesome for what it is (a really quirky rpg), and far cry 2 is excellent if you like sandbox-based fps games.

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