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OCR01061 - Final Fantasy VIII "Rain in Chicago"


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Nice work! I had no idea what to expect because I really have never played this game, but the rhythm absorbed me right from the beginning. Tasteful use of melody and patches, although I thought the horn patch that began around 1:30 was a bit out of place. The only other thing that I seemed to crave as the song went on was a patch with some more sustain, although that is an artistic decision that is totally up to the remixer. Again, I really liked this mix. Keep it up.

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I deffinately like this piece. Right from the begining when the excellent drum and bass begins, this piece just grabs you. You folks might think I'm nuts for saying this, but the drums make me think of Industrial. Sort of like Industrial on a leash, where it's been rained in so that it's more subdued and melodic, but still dark and machine-like.

I disagree with strato's suggestion that the horn in out of place. As Ziwtra was trying for Jazz, I think the horn was just the thing to bring the mix around to that genre. Before that, I have to agree with DJ's comments that it's more like electronica. A little jazzy brass added enough flavor that while I still wouldn't call the piece Jazz altogether, it's deffinately got touches of it.

Overall, a really great piece. I'll be listening to this one for awhile.


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This fucking rocks. AWESOME, awesome percussion. Nice use of jazzy instruments to juxtapose the crazy beats going on, and cool use of reverb. Towards the end I have a few gripes with the lower-register strings and the fade out, but overall this mix just floors me. Spectactular work by ziwtra - without a question my favorite of his mixes.

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On first listen the initial thought in my mind was "wow, this sounds like SimCity 3000 music" -- it's the same form of jazz/electronica that I spend so much time listening to.

*opens up Nero, and makes more room on a CD compilation for this mix*

Outstanding. I've never played the original, but I'm loving this.

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I think I see why many like this over the original. The original had such a cool melody, but I felt Uematsu didn't do much with it in terms of sound quality.

So that why I enjoy this one so damn much :) Ziwtra doesn't dissapoint and I'm truly impressed with the style here with the complex drum programming and calming beat.

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Very unique take on this song. The drum programming and sequencing is excellent, and the elements you incorporated into the composition are very creative. I wouldn't call this jazz at all, but more of a shuffle. That muted trumpet was god awful though. I don't know what djpretzel was thinking. It sounded nothing like the real deal, just more like a whining cat. The trumpet could've been omitted. Anyways, this mix has many strong areas, and deserved to be posted on OCR. Nice tune.


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I was hoping someone was going to do a remix of this song. FF 8 is the only Final Fantasy in the series that I've ever played and this map music was something that I definitively remember from the game. I love the mix, though the trumpet does sound a bit off, but it is balanced well with everything else so it works. I love it.

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First of all, not only have you made my day with this remix.

But secondly it will make my day when ever i play it, some seriously good effects and sound generator's, with a decent drum beat in the back, maybe the bass guitar/line could be a little more jumpy and jazz like, but nothings perfect. In that sentance i would say this is pretty damn close to perfect though...

i wish someone would remix "movin'" on FF8 aswell because that plainly rules.... VIVA LA FF8 REMIXS the best FF in the saga

i give this masterpiece 9/10

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  • 5 weeks later...
This track is an underrated classic on OC Remix. Ziwtra gives one of my favorite tracks from the incredible FFVIII soundtrack some jazzish-electronic loving and it is good.

That's true. This track is actually miles better than the original too. The overworld music for FFVIII was sub-interesting. It did the job, but it was boring, unlike the music for 7 and 9's overworld. This would have been a better replacement. It's not too often I think that for remixes from the playstation final fantasy games.

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