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It's easy to do wrong, and hard to do right.

It's doable, but I don't feel that it would be worth the time investment.

Maybe next time, if it's commercial :nicework:

Of course, I can understand that you're putting a lot of passion and time in this project already. ;-)

By the way, are the training & level clear songs still available / wanted?

Of course, I can understand that you're putting a lot of passion and time in this project already. ;-)


By the way, are the training & level clear songs still available / wanted?

Yep. And I might be expanding the tracklist a bit more since we have more artists than tracks it seems.

Blaker, FireSlash, should there be multiple area-specific tracks? That's the impression I get from the "compliment the zone".


Area, Battle, Boss, for each area?

I'm still debating some of this (Specifically the network/virus tracks)

Battle tracks might be doable as mentioned above, but the code side and platform risks are high. I'll need some time to asses that one. Boss tracks are ok and easy to implement, IF everyone doing an area track is willing to do one as well. However, I don't see any particular problem with a common boss theme since it's used for so little of the actual game. This is more up to the artists than the coder I believe, since it's your work; not mine.

For now lets stick with the area tracks and get that hammered out first. We can start looking at expanding the assortment once we see how the game development cycle lines up with the music creation speed. I would plan for an area boss track, and I wouldn't rule out a battle theme, but don't feel the need to start writing either yet. While they're cool ideas, I think we should focus on the base first and build from there.

Would you mind if I took an option on the two tracks in question?

You're too fast for my editing spree :<

I've re-adjusted the first post with blake's information, and the assigments for people I've heard wips from. Gario and Will will get assigned a specific area once I get a wip, or if they want to post and claim one. There are also a coule new areas, so you can take one of those, or the ones I just mentioned.


Well, you may actually end up with more music than stages to fit in!

Which is a good thing, to be able to choose from many, rather than having to use the same theme all the time.

That put aside, concerning the themes requested earlier:

You'll most probably need a stage clear short song, but are you really gonna need a training stage song?

Cause I'm guessing your game will be as user friendly as possible, and allow for immediate fun, i.e. no need to learn how to play?

That put aside, concerning the themes requested earlier:

You'll most probably need a stage clear short song, but are you really gonna need a training stage song?

Cause I'm guessing your game will be as user friendly as possible, and allow for immediate fun, i.e. no need to learn how to play?

The idea is that it should be, but at the same time there will be people dense enough to not get it. Also, since this isn't a perfect cookie cutter metroid/castlevania game, some people might not get it right away. That being said, the "training" stage is to be short, skippable, and generally painless. I'm not holding your hand through movement; if you can't figure that one out then you're probably better off going back to Peggle. The purpose is to cover the unique parts such as enemy possession.

It doesn't need it's own track, I just thew it in there if someone woke up at 5am with the burning desire to write a small ~1 minute loop for a training stage. :<


It doesn't need it's own track, I just thew it in there if someone woke up at 5am with the burning desire to write a small ~1 minute loop for a training stage. :<

Now I'll know what to do if I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night after a bad dream. :smile:

Will be sending some WIP your way soon.


it's yours!

Also, don't be afraid to reach out and collab. I'll stress again that there's no deadline here, no need to rush. I'll let you know when there's a realistic timetable to be realistic about. Realistically.


Ack, Rozo's got the spaceship? Blast, I thought I mentioned it... Oh well, I'm working on a WIP right now, and it works for the wartorn city, so I'll get 'dibs' on that now before anything else happens. :-x

WIP should be done sometime today; my comp has been acting up the last few days, but it's giving me an opening to do something right now :P.

I'm good for writing area specific tracks :)

Ack, Rozo's got the spaceship? Blast, I thought I mentioned it...

Yeah, when the tracks got shuffled I moved some assignments around for people I already had WIPs for. I can probably move things around a bit more if you have a strong attachment to that spaceship :)


Hey, Blake mentioned a 'Battle' music that you want to have implemented. I'm fine with that, but will the battle music cut the zone music often? Right now, my music more or less builds to the real guts of the piece, but if the battle music will be interrupting it every minute or so I'll need to make some changes to the zone music accordingly.


Battle music is probably not going in to the final version. A boss track will though, but that's only a one time cut, which will probably involve some fading.

EDIT: to be clear, right now I only want level and boss tracks. The other tracks posted by blake are ideas we've tossed around, but I don't think will make it into the final release. Sorry for any confusion. I'll keep the first post of this thread up to date with any finalized information. Please use that as a guide.

- Frozen Facility ( Skrypnyk )

Whistling arctic gusts sliced by the sharp fingers of broken glass, a groaning and settling superstructure yielding a hollow and metallic ghostly wail. Cracking ice punctuates the sullen lifeless cacophony, echoing down the slick frosted corridors like gunshots. Snow shifts and falls into the deep crevasse.

soooo...... imo, my reprise of Image 1 dooooooesn't really fall into that catagory.

This on the other hand...


Things might be shuffled around a bit more in the next few days. I realize this is rather disorganized, but I wasn't expecting people to turn in wips so soon.

Also, there is a chance that I might be handing the music direction over to someone else, in conjunction with something awesome. I'll let you all know when I know. Until then, I'd suggest holding off any any more major work.


Soooooooo, will this soundtrack be available for seperate download when the game is released? Although the actual soundfiles are probably just going to be hidden in the game files anyways...

Soooooooo, will this soundtrack be available for seperate download when the game is released? Although the actual soundfiles are probably just going to be hidden in the game files anyways...

Yes. That's part of the "something awesome" :<

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