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who the fuck is refelos

p.s. sup dude

p.s. your sig is broken, fix it please

hey stan. i would have put your name in that list of people but i forgot you for a sec.

as for my sig, my account got banned for pr0n and im just too lazy to make a new one.

I don't think anyone gives a shit about MySpace anymore.

It's because of the "white flight", of the richer white folks going to Facebook. (Seriously, check on it, that's what they call it, lol)

They say Myspace is used more by lower-class folks, and Facebook is for the more affluent classes.

NotADouche.com didn't show on that list though.

You expected free blowjobs from the people who were happy to see you again?

Only as long as they're provided by Gary Busey. Seriously though, it can never just be fun anymore. It's always wah wah wah. Good to see you though, how are you?

Only as long as they're provided by Gary Busey. Seriously though, it can never just be fun anymore. It's always wah wah wah. Good to see you though, how are you?

Pretty good, and you're right about the forums changing, but I don't know exactly why it changed, might just be that we've all grown up a bit, and what was fun and entertaining back then no longer is fun for us.

What I mean to say is: the forums didn't change, we did.


Given that we're posting in moderated Off Topic, and not UnMod, I think it's safe to say that the forums also changed. Community, PPR and what have you not so much, but this section? Yeah, it's undergone some changes.

That's not to say people haven't changed as well. God knows I've seen newbies that were polite and upbeat, turn into quite the opposite after a few years, and I've watched people who got along well begin hating each other. And of course, I've watched as newbies were blamed for regulars leaving, making some of the regulars who stayed become rather intolerant toward the newer folks. So I'd agree that people have changed, but the site itself (or at least parts of it and what those parts allow) has shifted as well.

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