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OCR01067 - Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX & VI "Those Chosen by the Medly"

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This is, unless I'm completely insane, from Final Fantasy 7, not the original Final Fantasy. The Sephiroth theme, I think. It plays somewhere in Nibelheim, anyway. Except... for the end. That's that generic theme they all play, right? I'm not sure. But from the beginning to the middle is definitely 7.

Edit: Right, that last bit is Terra's theme. I'm a retard.


This is a pretty impressive mix. I can only name one song and I may be wrong at that... I think there's a good bit of Those Chosen by the Planet from FFVII in there... I could be wrong

I guess that would explain the name of the mix really...


Yeah, there is definately some FF7 in this. I swear, I can hear a bit of FF8 in it too. The music played during the garden battle, when the gardens collide. It has an odd appeal to me. I like it. I hear the FF6 too. This is a great remix. I really like it, because it blends some good songs together. Whjeres the FF9 though :P


Yeah, the ID3 tag says:

(FF7) - Those Chosen By The Planet

(FF8) - Liberi Fatali

(FF9) - Kuja's Theme

(FF6) - Terra's Theme

Personally, it didn't do much for me. It was pretty interesting for the first few minutes, but I think it sort of lacked the kind of "punch" I expect from this genre. Maybe it was the samples...I wasn't too impressed by them. The ending was also abrupt...there should be something after the Terra segment to let people know you're about to end the mix. Perhaps a recap to the beginning.

There's also "click"-ing here and there. Slightly annoying.

Overall, though, the arrangement and flow is pretty durn good. Recommended for any FF fan.

(Oh yeah, and the BTW, it's spelled "MEDLEY," kthxbye.)


You probably don't even need headphones to hear the glitches...there were several, right from the intro up to almost the end, which I heard through speakers.

As for the arrangement itself...hm. I have mixed feelings on this one. A lot of parts sounded like simply layering two songs on top each other, toss in a drum loop and some modulated arpeggios, lather rinse repeat. Then again, in some parts the juxtaposition of melodies created an interesting mood or harmony not heard in the originals.

Dunno, still on the fence here after several listens...


I like the style of the remix. But it could be longer; the Terra theme ends almost abruptly. There is a lot of potential here for further remixes, me thinks.


I personally liked this remix a lot. It'll definitely be used for a few purposes. I especially liked the instruments chosen, with the choir and the out-of-tune organ, it really brings out the dissonance in there. The arpeggios worked fine for transitions, I think, even if they were a bit repetitive, but I think it's an awesome mix. And "America's Favorite FF Theme" was put in at the end so that if you didn't like the mix, you wouldn't have a bad aftertaste once it was over. Again, awesome mix. ^_^


this remix makes me want to create a convert-mp3-to-female-human machine, where i'd insert this mp3 to create a female human, then marry her, and make sweet, sweet love to her allll night long.

(i really dig the those chosen by the planet and kuja's theme part, then it closes with Terra's theme [it shines a totally different light on the remix]...which I didn't realize until later. good job.)


I'm not partialled to this remix. Medleys like this are hard to pull off, and I don't think Trace Dragon managed to pull it off very well.

The samples are very basic. There is a severe lack of effects over this as well. The arrangement is good, which I understand is the reason this was accepted.

Other than that It's not really special to me.


Is it me, or the song only comprises of music from FF6, 7 and 8?

Nice melodies though, the percussion is very good. I wish it could last longer :P



Hello, everyone this is my first post as I am new to the site. This remix was decent in my opinion however after reading your input I felt obliged to inform you that I would have to agree with Dhsu that there is a bit of Kuja's theme and everyone notice the bit of Terra's theme however, being a huge fan of Final Fantasy 7 myself, the song from said game (it starts the remix) is "One-Winged Angel" not "Those Chosen by the Planet". Also, even though the first game in the series is called Final Fantasy NOT Final Fantasy One, perhaps the reason that this mix was listed there is because it is from a conglomeration of Final Fantasy (series) songs.


I've been listening to remixes from this site for a while, and this one was one of a few that impressed me more than others (because I often like to hear higher sound quality - although that doesn't automatically make it a good mix... blah blah blah).

It used themes from FF8 at the start, FF7 throughout the middle, then back to FF8 and finished with FF3. The use of those tunes melding into each other was very cool - and the transitions were obvious through the use of the orchestra hit sounds. I enjoyed this mix greatly - but I think if it needed to be altered, it would be to either add more of a "full" theme to it. By that I mean, have some sort of baseline or something, that it can stick to. Some sort of recurring tune. I also liked that there was intensity at certain points - but I was hoping it would build to a maximum. It always left a little bit untouched. That WAS a cool idea, because it just kept building, but I would've liked to hear it climax.

There was a point at about 3:30 where it really toned down, and I thought the artist might take it in a different direction, where instead they broke off with the FF3 theme. It worked - but I think I would've preferred not to hear the guitar synth at the end, because the rest of it sounded very medievil with a cool beat and a bit of electricity in the bass, and the guitar didn't seem to fit.

I'd give it an 85%. Very cool.

Hello, everyone this is my first post as I am new to the site. This remix was decent in my opinion however after reading your input I felt obliged to inform you that I would have to agree with Dhsu that there is a bit of Kuja's theme and everyone notice the bit of Terra's theme however, being a huge fan of Final Fantasy 7 myself, the song from said game (it starts the remix) is "One-Winged Angel" not "Those Chosen by the Planet". Also, even though the first game in the series is called Final Fantasy NOT Final Fantasy One, perhaps the reason that this mix was listed there is because it is from a conglomeration of Final Fantasy (series) songs.

scuzzy? this is soo "Those Chosen by the Planet" and it totally kicks ass! after listening to it a bunch of times it really gets better and better. When i first listened to it i got the ff7 right off (of course its the underlying theme throughout the whole song) i figured the second had to be ff8 but i didn't know what it was til i read the post, i'm a huge fan of the kuja theme and you used it well, nice, dark, and very scary, and finally i love terra's theme from ff6, i didn't even know what the theme was, i've been trying to play ff6 for the first time (don't shoot don't shoot) and i've grown to love this theme and you really did a good job with it. nice mix althogether, maybe your next one should focus on the Terra part and work with that into a longer even greater mix cause its got potential

  • 3 weeks later...

D00d. This is real damn cool. Every part of my being should hate you for even thinking of doing this. I should loathe this piece and commit suicide for listening to it, Yet I still love it. WHY?!?!?

  • 1 month later...

I don't know.. I don't really like this one. The beginning already really puts me off.. and the song never comes to grip me. It sounds.. flat. The piano does some good (I love pianos), and some others are okay as well (the chimes/xylo, for example) but still.. I don't know. Not for me.

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