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To any and all RPG connoisseurs:

I need some good RPG's to help this summer pass by. One of my favorites of all time was Dark Cloud. Can anyone list some RPG's that are similar or even better? I tried Chrono Trigger for DS earlier, and about halfway through it just kinda fell short for me (I never played the original, so I had no memories to keep me going.) Right now I'd take anything for PSP, DS, N64, PS2, PS1, or X360.

P.S. Keep the Chrono Trigger bashing to a minimum :tomatoface:


  Thalzon said:

ah but the thing about that thread is that it only addresses JRPGs there some pretty good role playin across the over across the other side of the pond too.

such as.. elder scrolls oblivion, Mass effect (from the makers of KOTOR great rpg also)

Fable and Fable 2( haven't play the second one, the first was fun shallow and short but fun)

jade empire(never played myself but got pretty decent reviews)

when it comes to the ps2 era all i can think of is the very unknown summoner series(i really like the fist one personally i thought it had a neat battle system and a fair amount of rpg meat to it too, i'm probably alone in liking this game and time has not aged it well by any means an obscure gem in my book but don't expect the best)the second one was ok the combat system was way better but a little short.

also baldurs gate dark alliance and DA2

and champions of norrath and its sequel

both are very fun and shallow hack and slash rpg romps but kinda short though.

that's all i can think of when it come's to western RPGs on consoles.

  Soul Splint said:
I know, I know, I saw it.

I didn't check into it 'cause I don't care too much for JRPG's that are overly "J".

Like mentioned, I'm looking for something similar to Dark Cloud.

there is a sequel to dark could if you don't know


Yeah I know about the sequel, gonna get it soon.

Loved Mass Effect and Fable II.

Platforms are specified in first post.

Keep 'em comin guys, it would be great if I could have four or five on my mind to purchase soon.

  Soul Splint said:
I tried Chrono Trigger for DS earlier, and about halfway through it just kinda fell short for me (I never played the original, so I had no memories to keep me going.) Right now I'd take anything for PSP, DS, N64, PS2, PS1, or X360.

I am replaying Chrono Trigger, this time on the DS and I'm determined to beat it. I got bored the first time around too.

Anyway, if you are looking for good RPGs I can help you on a few platforms:

DS: There are a lot of RPGs here, including re-releases of the original 4 Final Fantasy titles. For something completely different, The World Ends With You is stylistically unique but (I found) challenging to grasp.

N64: Limited options here. The best in my opinion is Paper Mario. Some people like Quest 64 but I got tired of leveling up to beat it. Hybrid Heaven is an interesting blend of fighting/adventure/rpg.

PS1: Final Fantasy VII-IX. Seven is ridiculously popular, not without reason, I found eight more appealing for its story, and nine has great characters. Chrono Cross is another option, with great music (see ReMixes here) but a pretty convoluted story. Vagrant Story is in my must-purchase file. Here is a pretty decent list.

X360: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I played this on PC and clocked way too many hours to state without embarrassment. This game is huge. It will swallow your summer (or whatever season you play it). Plus, there are a bunch of add-ons and hundreds of mods. Fable is quite popular too, from what I understand.

If you are looking for another Dark Cloud (action RPG), I would suggest Vagrant Story. Of course, if you are looking for the biggest bang for your buck, go with Oblivion.

  glasfen said:
I am replaying Chrono Trigger, this time on the DS and I'm determined to beat it. I got bored the first time around too.

Anyway, if you are looking for good RPGs I can help you on a few platforms:

DS: There are a lot of RPGs here, including re-releases of the original 4 Final Fantasy titles. For something completely different, The World Ends With You is stylistically unique but (I found) challenging to grasp.

N64: Limited options here. The best in my opinion is Paper Mario. Some people like Quest 64 but I got tired of leveling up to beat it. Hybrid Heaven is an interesting blend of fighting/adventure/rpg.

PS1: Final Fantasy VII-IX. Seven is ridiculously popular, not without reason, I found eight more appealing for its story, and nine has great characters. Chrono Cross is another option, with great music (see ReMixes here) but a pretty convoluted story. Vagrant Story is in my must-purchase file. Here is a pretty decent list.

X360: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I played this on PC and clocked way too many hours to state without embarrassment. This game is huge. It will swallow your summer (or whatever season you play it). Plus, there are a bunch of add-ons and hundreds of mods. Fable is quite popular too, from what I understand.

If you are looking for another Dark Cloud (action RPG), I would suggest Vagrant Story. Of course, if you are looking for the biggest bang for your buck, go with Oblivion.

Thanks very much.

I've heard Oblivion a few times now, that's one to consider.

Vagrant Story? Never heard of it. I might give that a try too, if you say its similar.. Thanks for your time.


If you're looking for an N64 RPG, there is only one choice: Ogre Battle 64. Best Ogre Battle game, best N64 game.

Lost Odyssey and Fallout 3 are my picks for the 360. If you're looking for something Dark Cloud-ish, try ActRaiser? It came out on the Virtual Console.


Off the top of my head, here are my favorite RPG's:

One Character (3D): Zelda:OoT (N64); Zelda:MJ (N64); Bomberman 64 (N64);

One Character (2D): Zelda:Oracle of [Ages/Seasons];

Team: FF6 (SNES); FF Tactics (PS1 or PSP); FFX (PS2); FFXII (PS2); Secret of Mana (SNES); Super Mario RPG (SNES); Paper Mario (N64);

Multiplayer (Only good with friends): Gauntlet Legends (N64);

On a side note, Kirby 64 (N64) was a fun platformer.


I'd recommend Fallout 3. It's definitely one of my favorites despite the flaws like crappy character animations, some awkward looking humans, various minor graphical bugs here and there and the rare random crash bug here and there. Don't let those faults deter you. Fallout 3 is a huge expansive game worthy of your time.

I'll also through out Too Human out there if you really enjoy Diablo style dungeon crawlers with a shit ton of loot to pick, most of which is worthless if you're not of the right class. Another game with many flaws, more so than Fallout 3 in my opinion but it can be an enjoyable game.


Not really sure about a Super NES game right now... hmmm... Maybe.

Alright, here's what I'm thinking of so far. If anyone has some additions or recommendations against what I'm listing, post 'em!

(I already have Z: OoT and Fallout 3 btw.)

1) Dark Cloud 2

2) Xenogears

3) Vagrant Story

4) Elder Scrolls IV

Any more must haves? I'd really like to have some on DS or PSP that are top-notch. (Already have Phantom Hourglass and FF3.)


I noticed someone mentioned the re release of the original Final Fantasies on the DS. I have FF2 and IMO is fairly boring.

I've always been a fan of the shining force series, Chrono Trigger is always a classic but I don't think I could stomach playing it ever again (I played it 10 ways from Sunday when it first came out on the SNES)

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