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Hello OCR.

As the end of this semester comes closer, final projects and papers are looming ahead of us.

I am taking a research course where I need to conduct a survey.

If some of your here wouldn't mind taking a few minutes to help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.

It is ten questions about your video gaming habits.


NOTE: I am not totally aware of OCR's policy toward surveys. If this is not ok, I understand.


I'm trying to get over my addiction, but I answered your questions for how I used to be about a month ago lol.

edit: are you also reaching people outside of OCR for this survey? ...because, being a fairly gamer-centric website, your results may end up being a little skewed if you only ask here (unless you're trying to ask gamers only (but your questions do allow for non-gamers to answer)).


The only game I've really felt addicted to is DJ Max, and that's because it's so damn easy to pick up and play for short bursts of time.

Anything other than a rhythm game I have to force myself to play for more than twenty minutes at a time otherwise I never get anywhere.


Ha. I feel pretty self-conscious now. I don't play too much any more, but it feels like it's a BAD thing that I have let them (to a certain extent) affect my worldview.

For me, it's a bit like how reading a particularly odd, interesting, or thought-provoking story can change your worldview. I don't see why video games can't do the same thing.


Filling it out now and also interested to know the results.

edit: are you also reaching people outside of OCR for this survey? ...because, being a fairly gamer-centric website, your results may end up being a little skewed if you only ask here (unless you're trying to ask gamers only (but your questions do allow for non-gamers to answer)).
This is a good point to take into consideration. Just wanna make sure it doesn't get overlooked.


I opened your quiz and read the part about it being specifically for people who play games, so I guess that is aimed solely at gamers.

Also, if you need another interview, I'm more than willing. PM if you need it.


Wow, thank you for the response this has gotten. I was very afraid I would not be able to get any solid results.

I am available for an in-depth email interview, P.S.

I will let you know asap. Do you have AIM?

edit: are you also reaching people outside of OCR for this survey? ...because, being a fairly gamer-centric website, your results may end up being a little skewed if you only ask here (unless you're trying to ask gamers only (but your questions do allow for non-gamers to answer)).

The survey group is being contained to OCR for now, since it is assumed that everyone here has at least played some video game. To be totally honest, I don't want to expand it further. People are just more mature here.

Also, if you need another interview, I'm more than willing. PM if you need it.

I might do that. I need at least one interview for my purposes. Do you have AIM?

A note to all:

Thank you for your interest and participation. I will try to figure out some way to display the results. I'm sure most of you are not interested in reading my 45 page research paper.


Holy crap. The survey was posted just over 24 hours ago, and I have 77 people who have completed the survey, and 3 with partial completion.

In light of this, I might expand on it, since the free survey monkey surveys only allow 10 questions.

This is fantastic!

Thank you all for participating!


I am leaving the survey up for now, with the hopes of getting an even number of assessments. But as it is, I have surpassed my expectations and am ecstatic with the response. As of now, there are 88 completed assessments.

As for now, I need a couple of interview candidates. I would prefer to do the interview over AIM. Is anyone interested?

If you have already expressed interest, check your messages.


Came in a bit late, but I filled it out.

It's a well-designed survey. The questions are clear and unambiguous, so I really hope you get good results (the only other issue would be getting an appropriate sample size, but that depends on what sort of conclusions you expect to be relevant--if it's meant to be applied to self-identified gamers, then it looks like it's on the right track).

Might seem an odd compliment, but I appreciate a well-designed survey that doesn't have misleading or confusing questions. There're plenty that I've quit filling out partway through on account of the lack of that. KF

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there.

Yes, the survey closed itself when it reached a cap of 100 results.

I am astonished that it ever reached that many. Thank you all so much.








The AMA (American Medical Association) has yet to classify any sort of video games addiction.

However, Gambling addiction has been classified as at least 3 hours per day, 5 or more days a week spent gambling.




I was up until about 8:00 this morning writing, so I am far from coherent right now. I will write about my conclusions and the interview later.

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