Wacky Posted April 27, 2009 Author Posted April 27, 2009 SLyGeN said: After all of your Ameri-hate, you've really put your foot in your mouth. The rest of your post was completely on point and valid. You likely have a point. Sure, learning isn't hard. But I can tell you some GH stuff IS hard, and it's certainly NOT instant gratification. But where the hell does the Ameri-hate come from? Where did you pull that out of your arse? I actually don't hate GH. I LOVE it. It's fun! So's learning the Guitar! It's ALSO fun! There's a difference between pointing out the absurdities of life and hating America. I'll even admit that I'm included in that absurd group that loves Karaoke and Guitar Hero. In short, I'm not yelling at anybody, I'm pointing out our general silliness. Perhaps I've come on too strong with the "lol America's funny" stuff. I don't say that because I HATE America. I say it because it's like falling in love with a girl- you can still love her glaring faults. In short, Why the viciousness? Did I insult you? If so, I apologize. But I would like to know how I insulted you. Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Scufo said: They are fun. This is the best explanation I got from people, and you have to admit that it is a pretty good reason. Also Perfect Dark 64> Halo *any of them* Quote
Gollgagh Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 at the risk of sounding like a complete retard, rule 1 of interwebz: everything is fucking serious bizniz Quote
Meteo Xavier Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Gollgagh said: at the risk of sounding like a complete retard,rule 1 of interwebz: everything is fucking serious bizniz rule 2 of interwebz: z's must replace s's and most vowels in largely hyperbolacious contexts. Quote
Sinewav Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Txai said: Just because I'm bored as fuck. Done. Txai said: Never heard much of this game. Really? Quote
SLyGeN Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Wacky said: But where the hell does the Ameri-hate come from? Where did you pull that out of your arse?Why the viciousness? Did I insult you? If so, I apologize. But I would like to know how I insulted you. I'm not insulted by the America fat and stupid comments, but similarly, the sheer ubiquity got annoying. It could have been anyone else, and I still would have said "Yeah, black, watermelon, I GET IT." It just so happened that the stereotype of America is a stupid population, and you were having a difficult time understanding why people enjoy GH. However, now you say you do enjoy the game? So perhaps I misread the first post, and you were simply asking an opinion, and I should be the one to apologize. Either way, it was off-topic and can be disregarded. Quote
Bleck Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 SLyGeN said: It just so happened that the stereotype of America is a stupid population it's not really a stereotype when it's mostly correct Quote
Asaudan Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Bleck said: it's not really a stereotype when it's mostly correct Why not? o_O Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Atomic Dog said: Artesu, I think you and I may be the only people on the planet that hate Halo. No no no, my good man. Put me on that list too! Halo is seriously overrated. Quote
ZeroBass.Exe Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Cerrax said: I know I would probably not take someone seriously who walked up on stage with a plastic guitar with colored buttons on the frets and fired up an XBox. Sorry for the double, but i must say the image this statement brought to mind is frikkin hilarious!!! Quote
sefirosu Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Atomic Dog said: Artesu, I think you and I may be the only people on the planet that hate Halo. Add me to that list also. Okay, so, I used to like it... Wayyyy back in the day. Somewhere around the time I used to play it at my friend's house and right before I spent (read: wasted) my money to actually buy the damn thing. Then it got real old, real fast. Quote
Native Jovian Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Scufo said: They are fun. Thread over as of second post. Impressive. Most impressive... Dhsu said: What in the world is a 4x game. 4X stands for "eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate" (and some that include RPG elements also add a fifth X, eXperience). Yes, the X thing is dumb, but it sounds better than "4E game" so whatever. The Civilization series is probably the most well known example, but there's a bunch of different 4X series out there. Generally speaking they give you some sort of map (whether it be a particular country or a whole galaxy) and you have to explore the area, expand your influence to control territory, exploit the resources you control, and exterminate the opposition where necessary. However, they're harder to get into than most other genres of game, and they tend to lack any defining characters (or oftentimes any characters at all), which means that there's never been a 4X "blockbuster" like Half-Life or Halo. Also, lulz I hate Halo so that makes me better than people who like it har har har. Quote
SLyGeN Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Bleck said: it's not really a stereotype when it's mostly correct Sure it is. I'd say that's one of the ways they propagate. It only irks me when it's not in joke form. To add fuel to that, whenever it's not in joke form, usually the one being a bigot is also proves to be an idiot, themself.. It's annoying, but I myself would be a hypocrite if I didn't just learn to live with it. Serious business, you know. Quote
Doulifée Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Native Jovian said: 4X stands for "eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate" (and some that include RPG elements also add a fifth X, eXperience). Yes, the X thing is dumb, but it sounds better than "4E game" so whatever. The Civilization series is probably the most well known example, but there's a bunch of different 4X series out there. Generally speaking they give you some sort of map (whether it be a particular country or a whole galaxy) and you have to explore the area, expand your influence to control territory, exploit the resources you control, and exterminate the opposition where necessary. like the X series? Quote
Kitashi Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Doulifée said: aren't you supposed to do both? i mean use cooking mama to cook? or is it another Ds game? It's another DS game. Also, summary of my last post: Games present quick rewards with little investment required. As for learning a guitar in the time used playing Guitar Hero, I think it's entirely a matter of the quick rewards and also, as I said in my last post, that to actually imitate the songs you'd need people playing other instruments. Side Note: I played Halo 3 and didn't like it. My main gripe is that I didn't like how strong melee was, but aside from that I played on a console, which I haven't done in a long time, so I didn't like getting used to analog sticks again. Quote
RocketSniper Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 I actually have fun with guitar hero for several reasons: A: I don't try to pick up girls with it. I've never even heard of someone trying to pick up girls with it, it would understandably fail. B: It doesn't take two years of practicing to strum out the lowest difficulty songs possible. C: I usually play drums, which are much, much closer to the real thing than guitar. I understand it's not the real thing, but I have paper-thin walls and my neighbors would flip out with noise complaints with a real drumkit, which brings me to D: The real thing is more expensive. A real drum set? $800. Rock band one, two, all of the downloaded content, and track packs combined? ~$300. Not to mention, some of the skills *do* translate over with that particular instrument - obviously not all of them, but picking up foot coordination, getting a few rythms down... even if my left foot isn't doing anything like I know it should be, it's a first step that I think is in the right direction. Obviously I can only get so far, but it'll be fun in the mean-time anyway. Cooking mama I'll also admit to having, my mom mentioned it as a game she wanted, so it ended up being a birthday present. We played around with it for a couple of days, and since then only play it to fuck around with people with the fish preparation. And now I realize this thread could easily have been religiously offended by bacon of light. /cry Quote
Elex Synn Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 ZeroBass.Exe said: Sorry for the double, but i must say the image this statement brought to mind is frikkin hilarious!!! You know what a friend of mine showed me a video of some guys who actually did this if I remember right. They set up some Guitar Hero guitars to actually play notes like a guitar, or something close to this. I'll have to ask him for the link to show ya. Quote
sefirosu Posted April 27, 2009 Posted April 27, 2009 Elex Synn said: You know what a friend of mine showed me a video of some guys who actually did this if I remember right. They set up some Guitar Hero guitars to actually play notes like a guitar, or something close to this. I'll have to ask him for the link to show ya. Really? I know some guys made a real guitar into a GH controller by connecting it to a regular wireless controller. I think it was on youtube posted by a user with a name of something like HouseHoldHacks. ... and it made me smile. Quote
Gollgagh Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 the GH controller turned instrument used a binary scale, if I remember correctly Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 Doulifée said: like the X series? Yup, pretty much. I love that series, too. I just wish my current computer could handle them. X3:R and X3:TC are such CPU hogs, and with the addons that make the game worthwhile my computer can't handle all the necessary calculations every frame of the game. Hopefully a new rig from prophet is in my near future. Then I'll be having a grand ol' time with those games again! Quote
EdgeCrusher Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 So this thread is a basic troll thread on gamefaqs essentially right? The basic "NERDS STOP PLAYING ______ AND DO THE REAL THING!". Way to go. Quote
The Damned Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 No! This is totally serious and you shouldn't disagree with anything we say because that would make you a faggy-poop-head commie terrist. Also: your mom!1! You can like a game all you want, that's fine. Just don't start shoving your total devotion for it in my face and expect me to fall magically in love with it because you say so. Quote
Bleck Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 edgecrusher thinks that pointing out making a reference to gamefaqs without reading a thread makes him a cool guy Quote
The Coop Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 At the risk of having a lynch mod come marching after me, I guess I'll be the lone voice on the (**GASP!**) pro side of the Halo conversation in here. Did the game and it's first sequel deserve perfect 10s? In my own opinion, no. However, were the games bad? Again, in my own opinion, no. For H1 and H2, I felt the music was very good, the battles were fun and could get intense, the story was more fleshed out than a lot of FPS games, and the graphics looked good overall. It didn't hurt that some touches of humor were also thrown in via the Covenant commentary while you fought them, and they even did a decent job of getting FPS controls on the XBox pads. Oh, and there was some decent AI for the enemies (yay for not mindlessly charging you). I thought H1 and H2 did well in these areas. However, there were some significant issues. In the first game, the most glaring issue was that the level designs were very uninspired. It was like walking through the same section of base over and over again, and it really hurt what other aspects of the game were trying to do. There were other lesser issues, like how your fellow soldiers were about worthless thanks to how easily they died off (especially if they were in a Warthog, and it got rolled), but it was the level design that hurt the game the most. Even so, despite it's painfully repetitive level design, and the fact that it didn't really do anything terribly new, I thought the game was a solid 7.5 (EGM scale). The second game lacked technical polish in spots. You could see higher quality textures suddenly pop in over lower ones during cinemas. And while I thought the ending was a good one in terms of how it was presented, leaving "the fight" right as it was about to get nasty was a poor choice in how to end things. Not Half-Life 2-level bad, but surely they could have given it more of a "finished... for now" feel, instead of cutting right in the midst of it. This one's about an 8.5 from me (again, EGM scale). So yeah, the Halo series has generic aspects, some technical issues, and questionable level design choices in it's first two games (the only ones I've played thus far), but I found that other areas helped make up for those shortcomings. Not enough to warrant "OMG BESTAST FPS IN TEH WURLD!", but enough to say that the first two games were good, competent overall entries in the field. They didn't excel in every area, but they're enjoyable. Oh, and I didn't touch on the multiplayer stuff, as I've never had an XBox Live account to be able to play multiplayer. Quote
Gollgagh Posted April 28, 2009 Posted April 28, 2009 That's actually closer to how I feel than what I actually said, thanks coop. Quote
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