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Diablo 2 1.13 Patch possibly as soon as next week! Join us!

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Blizzard's seeming refusal to nerf sorcs almost makes me want to roll another Meteorb. The two things stopping me are how annoying it is to level them up and how two-minute Meph runs would consume my life.

Actually, boss runs in general are probably what is going to stop me from joining in on this altogether. We'll see.

Alright, so who would be up for a HC run tomorrow? Wednesday, 4:15 Eastern, East coast server - I'll be in the OCR channel on Bnet. New chars on ladder (for practice, of course).

Anyone up for that?

Sounds good, I'll go with that. Might not be able to play for more than 2 hours though, I got to get up pretty early the next morning.


Good, got one at least for a little while (Actually I probably won't be able to stay on for longer than two hours myself, so it works out pretty well).

Ya, hardcore, so if you want to come don't die at those damn beetles!

I'm glad the run went well, sorry I wasn't far enough to join you at the end!

I'll be in the 'OCR' channel at around 4:15 today (+/- 5 minutes) and try to get the game started at 4:20 (yeah, 4:20). Remember, this is Hardcore Ladder, so the point of it is to avoid death (and get as far as we can as quickly as possible, of course). Make Hardcore Ladder characters if you want to join in!

Anyone die yet? Hah, second page I've started.
My, my - aren't we negative? No, we survived for 2 hours and quit for now. There were only three of us, though, so it wasn't nearly as fast of a run as yesterday was :(

I'd say, we should do HC more often - if you want on the ladder that's the place to shoot for!

Now that we've had some practice, does anyone have an idea as to what they'll be for the real reset? What class and what build are you planning on using to gain ladder dominance? It'll probably be a good idea to think about that one...

I will probably play HC using a Wind Druid (nice for the elemental survivability and general ass-kickage)... Is anyone else planning on laddering in HC, or am I gonna be alone on that venture?

Man, HC is a ton of fun, it's almost like a different game.
Agreed - it's why I never turned back. You will not have experienced true terror, though, until you die at act 3 in hell difficulty with one...
My, my - aren't we negative? No, we survived for 2 hours and quit for now. There were only three of us, though, so it wasn't nearly as fast of a run as yesterday was :(

I'd say, we should do HC more often - if you want on the ladder that's the place to shoot for!

Now that we've had some practice, does anyone have an idea as to what they'll be for the real reset? What class and what build are you planning on using to gain ladder dominance? It'll probably be a good idea to think about that one...

I will probably play HC using a Wind Druid (nice for the elemental survivability and general ass-kickage)... Is anyone else planning on laddering in HC, or am I gonna be alone on that venture?

Agreed - it's why I never turned back. You will not have experienced true terror, though, until you die at act 3 in hell difficulty with one...

Haha not negative, just being sarcastic. I havent tried HC yet and ive been playing D2 since 2002. I'm afraid I'd flip out and break my laptop or something if my character died. :shock:
i'd rather not play hc and spend like a month on a character then die by some bs, then have rage,sadness,disappointment,and more rage all at the same time.

That's exactly why I never bothered with HC.

i'd rather not play hc and spend like a month on a character then die by some bs, then have rage,sadness,disappointment,and more rage all at the same time.

Lag would be the biggest thing. I might try it on Single Player, but lag from battle.net can be very unpredictable.


Aw, wish I coulda joined you guys today. I wasn't home though. And I don't know if I'll be able to join you guys tomorrow either. I'm making a new hc char now though. My acc name is Milon, on useast of course too, if anyone wants to join me.


softcore is for the weak!!

(and for me on my last d2 run, which was my first serious attempt at SCX post-1.1)

i gotta stop coming to this thread. soon ill be addicted to weed i mean diablo 2 again..

Lag would be the biggest thing. I might try it on Single Player, but lag from battle.net can be very unpredictable.

Same here. I've never attempted to make an HC due to me dying from lag on a few occasions.

BTW, Thursday and Friday I can get home about around 3 PM latest. I might try for a practice run if there's the chance. Might need to pre-level my barb to keep though.


Oh, hello thread.

I actually just got back into D2 a few weeks ago. I figured I'd give a Lightning Sorc a go. Bad idea. Everything is freaking lightning immune on Hell. I read about the infinity merc, but good luck to me getting those runes.

Been breezing through the game on an Amazon right now.

Anyway, can't wait for the patch. :P

add my account to the first page please


Yeah, what are some good places to level up?

There's ways to get from level 1 to 70ish in 2 days (Or even 1 day if you bug rush), but since you're new to the game, I suggest you just run through normal difficulty and have a lot of fun exploring and learning the game.

Once you're around level 20 give me a call and I'll join you for quests with my low level lightning sorc. We could possibly get more people to join at that time and continue our run through act 3.

Or, if you do want to level up quickly, join games called Tristrun or Tristram from the list, hopefully with as many people as possible. This will bring you up to level 14 in no time.

Am I the only douchebag on USWest? :neutral:

'Fraid not... I generally hang out in the westside, too - but for the sake of all you OCR peeps I made an east-side account.

Well, while a ladder rush on HC would mean a LOT less competition, it's just unavoidable that with a team of 8, people will end up dying. That's why I think that if we're going to ladder rush, we should just do it on softcore.

Yes, people die... that's the beauty of it all. I can't play without that risk - the game lost it's rush some time ago and was re-energized by the concept of actual risk involved. Admit it, when you get to low life a chill goes down your spine. You can't replace that in any way - that's true fear generated from a game.

I'd rather not play hc and spend like a month on a character then die by some bs, then have rage,sadness,disappointment,and more rage all at the same time.

Play it on single player for some time - you'll die less and less, learning exactly how to survive longer and longer. The first loss is always the worst, however - if you can get back into the game after losing a char over lv50 then your a hardcore player. Try it before you go hatin'.

Besides, weren't you one of the players yesterday? 8O

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