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I saw this on Yahoo.

"April 27 2:53 P.M.

Jodi Wykle knew her son would be thrilled when she gave him a new Nintendo DS for his birthday.

Instead, he was rocked.

According to WTSP-TV, the confused teen opened up his gift only to find bunch of stones and a rolled up Chinese newspaper in place of the popular handheld.

All I got was a rock.

Needless to say, mom was equally stunned.

"When he opened it, he was pulling the seal off, my sister-in-law carries a pocket knife and she opened it and that's when he pulled it out and it was Chinese newspaper and a bunch of rocks," she explained.

The troubling discovery prompted the Florida woman to contact the local Wal-Mart where she bought the curious box and complain, but reportedly workers there told her it wasn't their problem and that she should contact Nintendo instead. Of course, Nintendo told her roughly the same thing, leaving mother and son with a $138 box of rocks.

"They don't want to do nothing. They want me to keep the box of rocks. I'm not buying a box of rocks for $138," she said.

Amazingly enough, however, Wal-Mart soon caved after learning that the same box of rocks had been previously returned by another disgruntled customer. How exactly it made it back onto store shelves remains a mystery, but for her troubles, Wykle was given a full refund and a $20 gift card.

It's not the first time Wal-Mart has gotten into hot water for selling a questionable handheld. Earlier this month, a PSP system bought at a different Wal-Mart store in Florida was found to contain a memory stick filled with pornographic images."



I used to work there. Wal-Mart's return policy is extremely loose, which is nice for the customer most of the time, but can lead to this sort of thing happening from time to time.

Depending on the store manager, and the employees working at the customer service desk and in electronics, they'll sometimes even just reshelf returned items and try to self them again. Of course, if they are the kindof people who do this kind of thing, it probably shouldn't be too much of a surprise that they wouldn't check the contents of the returned box. Heck, maybe they did check the contents, and went home with a free DSi, if you get my drift. Wal-Mart is quite possibly one of the easiest stores to steal from and get away with it.

  DarkeSword said:
Don't buy electronics at Wal-Mart. -_-

Hell don't buy anything at Wal-Mart. :(

After having worked there for about a year, I can get behind this statement fully. Having to wait for your stuff to ship from an online retailer, driving an extra 15 minutes to a different store, or even paying extra money is a small price to pay for the peace of mind you can get from knowing that you're not financially supporting the corporate manifestation of Lucifer.

  DarkeSword said:
Don't buy electronics at Wal-Mart. -_-

Hell don't buy anything at Wal-Mart. :(

I buy all my consoles at either Wal-Mart or Target. Personally, I don't want to get into anymore arguments with the guys at Gamestop or Best Buy over faulty screens. I had to take back 5 DS's in order to get a DS that did not have a dead pixel or a dead speaker and fight the guys at Gamestop over it several times. The flunkies at Wal-Mart just accept the product back without question.

I don't like Wal-Mart from the standpoint I don't like how they are always crowded, laid out like a warehouse, and their employees are typically less friendly that the self-serve check out terminals. But I honestly don't care about their corporate or employment practices. I'm going to file that under "not my problem." Mom and pop can kiss my ass as can their employees who aren't forced to work there.


I bought a router at walmart one night cause mine died. In the course of the first night, the cat decided that the antenna was yummy, and chewed them up, plus the power cord. So I took it back to walmart the next day and told them it wasnt the right kind, and I needed to get another one, the next step up in the brand. So they refunded it without even looking at it, and I bought the next higher version. Way to go walmart :D

  EdgeCrusher said:
I bought a router at walmart one night cause mine died. In the course of the first night, the cat decided that the antenna was yummy, and chewed them up, plus the power cord. So I took it back to walmart the next day and told them it wasnt the right kind, and I needed to get another one, the next step up in the brand. So they refunded it without even looking at it, and I bought the next higher version. Way to go walmart :D

Wouldn't it make more sense to give them the cat instead?

  Avatar of Justice said:
I buy all my consoles at either Wal-Mart or Target. Personally, I don't want to get into anymore arguments with the guys at Gamestop or Best Buy over faulty screens. I had to take back 5 DS's in order to get a DS that did not have a dead pixel or a dead speaker and fight the guys at Gamestop over it several times. The flunkies at Wal-Mart just accept the product back without question.

I don't like Wal-Mart from the standpoint I don't like how they are always crowded, laid out like a warehouse, and their employees are typically less friendly that the self-serve check out terminals. But I honestly don't care about their corporate or employment practices. I'm going to file that under "not my problem." Mom and pop can kiss my ass as can their employees who aren't forced to work there.

I never had a problem with Gamestop until I attempted to buy a used game from them. God, don't ever do that. I wanted to buy Metroid Prime: Hunters.

The first attempt I came home with the DEMO, not the game.

The second attempt yielded the actual game, but the whole thing was in Japanese.

The third time it was finally the right game, but my DS wouldn't read it.

The fourth time I told them to give me my *#&$ing money back. They didn't argue.

  Soul Splint said:
I never had a problem with Gamestop until I attempted to buy a used game from them. God, don't ever do that. I wanted to buy Metroid Prime: Hunters.

The first attempt I came home with the DEMO, not the game.

The second attempt yielded the actual game, but the whole thing was in Japanese.

The third time it was finally the right game, but my DS wouldn't read it.

The fourth time I told them to give me my *#&$ing money back. They didn't argue.

I bought Atelier Iris a few years ago from Gamestop.

Got home with Atelier Iris 2.


I've bought a bunch of used games from gamestop with few problems

the only one that really stands out is the used copy of twilight princess that my brother bought was scratched up to hell and it gets stuck in the wind temple


Yeah, walmart sucks. I managed to return a copy of Worms: Open Warfare, which was released in 2006, last month.

All I had to do was get it shrink wrapped and they gave me 30 bucks for it. Great for me I guess, because it was a terrible game and game stop wouldnt take it back when i originally bought it.


Back when voodoo graphics cards had passed their prime, and were going out of business, I bought one at a discount price from Best Buy. It was pretty funny to open the box and find a roll of pennies instead of a graphics card! Best Buy took it back, no problem. This was a while ago but the DS story brought the memory back.

  Firouzi said:
Back when voodoo graphics cards had passed their prime, and were going out of business, I bought one at a discount price from Best Buy. It was pretty funny to open the box and find a roll of pennies instead of a graphics card! Best Buy took it back, no problem. This was a while ago but the DS story brought the memory back.

I've never wanted to see pictures so bad in my life. :P

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