Schwaltzvald Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 Zero Punctuation is funny and a critic, but you know I tend to get the 'non-gamer' vibe from that guy... Not saying he isn't one, it's just the feel of his videos I got that too when he did his review on Siren: BC (imo watered down version of the original on the PS2). If a player manages to get through the earlier parts and had the patience to try doing everything and finding every single clue/archive, said player may be able to see what made it great in many ways of being cryptic while instilling that stifling horror that grew in many ways within the mind. It didn't rely too much of startling/pop-up scares as in fact the whole damn place was crawling with the damnable monsters to begin with. Most of the characters endings ranged from "pretty damn cool", to "poignant" to down right "fucked up". Wished they released Siren 2 over here... Quote
sephfire Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 I enjoy the humor and appreciate the frustration of old games, but he tends to lose me once his commentary devolves into a string of useless profanity. I have absolutely no problem with profanity (I find it can add a lot to comedy), but his just seems pointless and juvenile, like he needs to fill time until he can actually think of something witty to say. When he's actually talking about the game he can be very funny, and some of his facial expressions are hilarious, but I tend to prefer either Yahtzee or Spoony, who does basically the same thing with a bit more wit and a bit less nerd rage. (That said, AVGN's Rambo game review was hilarious.) Quote
Native Jovian Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 Have you ever played Silver Surfer or TMNT 1? They actually are that frustrating, if not more so. Yeah, actually, I still have my copy of TMNT. I'm not saying he's wrong about them, I'm just saying that I don't find longwinded obscene rants of manufactured rage to be amusing. Sorry? Or, "what sephfire said". Quit trying to be cool by hating on popular stuff. BUT THAT'S ALL I HAVE. Quote
Nekofrog Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 Have you ever played Silver Surfer or TMNT 1? They actually are that frustrating, if not more so. Yeah, the AVGN is a character, but it's funny because we all can empathize with playing (and being disappointed in) shitty games. Quit trying to be cool by hating on popular stuff. Heh, I have memories of renting Silver Surfer as a kid and being floored at how bad it was. Also, I loved TMNT1 as a kid despite its badness. I could get to the technodrome, but couldn't beat it. Quote
Murmeli Walan Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 Big James Rolfe fan here, even bought his AVGN DVD sets at the ScrewAttack website and introduced my brother and a big number of my friends to his work. I won't say that every single review video he does is golden, and he's done a few episodes that were both boring and unfunny, but he does a great job putting out content (I work with video too, and I know how time-consuming it can be), and some of his non-AVGN stuff is really, really good (like his movie reviews on and some of his short films). Quote
KyleJCrb Posted May 4, 2009 Posted May 4, 2009 Avid fan of the AVGN; his work on the Nerd as well as his movie reviews and homemade movies are great. As sephfire mentioned, Spoony is also awesome; his Final Fantasy VIII rants are hilarious and spot-on every time. Quote
Dj Mokram Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 Should be dubbed Awesome Video Game Nerd by now! He's one of my three favorite 'VG humorists' out there. Others are Yahtzee and his 'Zero Punctuation' reviews (that Sephire mentioned somewhere I believe), and Egoraptor with his 'Awesome Game' serie. Anyway, back to the f**king Nerd (as he calls himself!). Well now he's not that Angry anymore. But I've always liked his amazing talent at scratching the bottom of the barrel with more lame games & systems. Favorites AVGN reviews of mine would include: ("how about: vainquish this horrible game?") (absolutely hilarious!) (you can store a beer in it!) ("you want a shoryuken?")Check out his last one: X-men. Quote
Gario Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 Holy shit, what is the song at 6:32 of the X-men AVGN? I'm making a judgement call, here - a track that amazing sounds like a Follin song, for me, in it's pure bliss. I could be wrong, though, and I'm incredibly curious. Does anyone know anything about that song (I'm guessing it's from the Wolverine game, but I don't own it so I can't tell)? Quote
WillRock Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 Holy shit, what is the song at 6:32 of the X-men AVGN? I'm making a judgement call, here - a track that amazing sounds like a Folin song, for me, in it's pure bliss. I could be wrong, though, and I'm incredibly curious. Does anyone know anything about that song (I'm guessing it's from the Wolverine game, but I don't own it so I can't tell)? I'm glad someone mentioned this, I'm assuming you mean the silver surfer like music? I'm not watching the vid this minute lol. I looked it up as soon as I heard the music and found this: Quote
Gario Posted May 6, 2009 Posted May 6, 2009 Thanks Willrock! That would've bug the hell out of me trying to figure that one out. Youtube... Why didn't I think of that?! Yes, this sounds exactly like the Silver Surfer music, and that's my favorite soundtrack on the NES (the megaman series doesn't even hold up to it - that's pretty incredible). Much love is going to that Wolverine track as well, atm. Sweet, sweet Follin... Why couldn't you do music for purely awesome games (making them even more awesome) rather than making incredible music for terrible games (making them somewhat decent)? Quite a predicament, there (probably why he quit ). Quote
KyleJCrb Posted May 8, 2009 Posted May 8, 2009 Anyway, back to the f**king Nerd (as he calls himself!). Well now he's not that Angry anymore. That is true; he doesn't seem to drop the gratuitous strings of swears as often anymore. He is still rude and crude, but it's less ludicrous these days. Those who didn't like his strings of "FUCKSHITFUCKBALLSFUCKFARTSFUCKFUCKFUCKITYFUCKFUCK" will probably find the new videos much better. (Well, except maybe the Odyssey review with "Nerdy Turd"...) Regardless though, the Nerd rules. On the flip side: Interesting that nobody has mentioned The Nostalgia Critic. He doesn't do games (except for Bebe's Kids), but that doesn't make him any less awesome. Linkara and his bad comic review show Atop The Fourth Wall is great as well, even if you're not into comics. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted May 8, 2009 Posted May 8, 2009 Interesting that nobody has mentioned The Nostalgia Critic. He doesn't do games (except for Bebe's Kids), but that doesn't make him any less awesome. You know, I just started getting into his reviews. He is pretty dang awesome! Although his humor sometimes becomes even more juvenile than the Nerd, I like his criticisms non the less. Quote
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