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OCR01085 - Mega Man 3 "Magnet Man Goes West"


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Wow, this is impressive. Of course I'm a sucker for Megaman remixes in general, and Magnet Man was one of my favorite themes. This does justice to it, and the fact that not every single instrument is a synth makes it easy for non-technoers like me to listen and enjoy. It's smooth and edgy all at the same time. Definitely recommended.

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Is there any point to this? Seems like you just put nice-sounding instruments playing the original to some abysmal drum machine beat. Granted, this could be good, but I don't really see any depth to it.

That's all excusable with the intentions and styles of the song, but I've grown to expect a certain level of quality with each remix.

I'm guessing the quality in this is derived from the mood, but I just don't feel it...

(And I would probably be more forgiving if this had a real arrangement. It just seems to loop.)

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As Gecko Yamori said, there are better MM3 remixes by Disco Dan which haven't been posted on OCR. Two that come to mind are his Gemini Man "Around The World" remix and his "Needle Man By Night" one. They're pretty original as well, just presented in a different flavor.

As for this particular ReMix, it's alright. I like the flavor of it, but it felt like it needed more. Yeah, it's repetitive, but you gotta keep in mind, Disco Dan has always been about keepin it real and original (which is a style I like). This is decent, but comes nowhere near the awesomeness of Blue Lightning and Metal Man Goes Clubbing.

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Dear god... finally. I've already remixed my #1 favorite vg tune of all time. I could never quite decide how to do my #2 favorite, which would be Magnet Man.

One of the difficulties was that the original, no matter how cool, was very short. So you're automatically excused for the perfectly acceptable amount of repetition in this one. Anybody who is somehow magically unable to hear the variation that Disco Dan has wrung out of this, I regret to inform you that you are deaf, and it's all very sad for you. Seems like some people are too eager to piss on any work that fails to trick them into believing that the Second Coming of Christ has occurred. 'Course everybody's entitled to their opinions and all - and I feel equally entitled to wish them misfortune.

So it isn't every day that a mix of one of my top 5 favorite songs ever appears, and I downloaded this with a mixture of excitement and skepticism.

Now I'm listening to it, and smiling from ear to ear. This is fantastic, DD. There are a couple of places where the chords/slides are nothing short of gorgeous. I also love some of the echo/arp sections in the brokedown latter half - very pretty. The tempo, beat, and tone are of the only sort that I'd want to hear paired with this particular song. So I finally have a souped up Magnet Man to listen too, which I've always wanted - thanks man.

Very nice job.

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As Gecko Yamori said, there are better MM3 remixes by Disco Dan which haven't been posted on OCR. Two that come to mind are his Gemini Man "Around The World" remix and his "Needle Man By Night" one. They're pretty original as well, just presented in a different flavor.

As for this particular ReMix, it's alright. I like the flavor of it, but it felt like it needed more. Yeah, it's repetitive, but you gotta keep in mind, Disco Dan has always been about keepin it real and original (which is a style I like). This is decent, but comes nowhere near the awesomeness of Blue Lightning and Metal Man Goes Clubbing.

Hey, I wanna hear those two remixes!! That is Around the World and Needleman by Night. Could someone pm me and maybe inform a website where they could be found, or just directly send them for me? Please?

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As Gecko Yamori said, there are better MM3 remixes by Disco Dan which haven't been posted on OCR. Two that come to mind are his Gemini Man "Around The World" remix and his "Needle Man By Night" one. They're pretty original as well, just presented in a different flavor.

As for this particular ReMix, it's alright. I like the flavor of it, but it felt like it needed more. Yeah, it's repetitive, but you gotta keep in mind, Disco Dan has always been about keepin it real and original (which is a style I like). This is decent, but comes nowhere near the awesomeness of Blue Lightning and Metal Man Goes Clubbing.

Hey, I wanna hear those two remixes!! That is Around the World and Needleman by Night. Could someone pm me and maybe inform a website where they could be found, or just directly send them for me? Please?

Go to his profile and check his homepage.

As for the mix, its well done, but I don't really like the choice of genre. That's fine though, to each his own. Nice work Dan.

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Oh man i have to thank you Dan. I don't think i could have gotten through all my college art finals without this mix. (12 drawings in 2 days 8O ) Yep, it takes the right kind of music to get me goin and this was absolutely perfect. Its also a piece that im sure will be ringing in my head for weeks to come. Anyway, I think the selection was PERFECT. One of the better songs in the series. And of course, you put your own signature fun in it, which is always different but great (ala tal tal heights) I consider this one of the best mixes on the site so just keep up the good work. Cant wait for the next one.

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the banjo makes me think Alabama which is south and yet the guitar sounds more Nashville than Hawaiian. I have listened to my share of country of music, as opposed to you other country noobs who have mistaken for Hawaiian. Shame on you.

I liked it. Mind you, I have never heard the original, mostly because I can never get anywheres in a Megaman game. (It's too easy to die. :( )

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Weak. Plain weak. Normally, I wouldn't mind such a remix... but this is coming from Disco Dan, the guy who created the awesome BlueLightning and Braving Tal Tal Heights. Sure, it's an old piece... but given how hypercritical Disco Dan is of some of the remixes that are submitted to OCR, this is very disappointing.

VicksCornatto's What Hath Thou Done With This > Magnet Man Goes West.

And to think if that were submitted now, it wouldn't be accepted because of its samples. While I'm on the subject... shouldn't we be a little bit more critical of a remix's substance rather than sound quality?

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