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TBH the Silent Hill franchise hasn't been all that great recently (I don't mean musically), so I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Yamaoka take on a new game/franchise. Preferably a really good one.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is out next week on the Wii. Anyone excited about this? The fact that they have the game making subtle changes based on answers you give to determine what puts you on edge sounds pretty interesting.

It's a nice gimmick and yet, SH2 did it rather well without it imo. Plus the idea of Harry being completely defenseless except for running just seems off putting; at least in a SH sense. Not that he ought to be able to carry tons of pipes and guns in his jacket but still.

Plus I'm still feeling a burned somewhat by Fatal Frame 4 being exclusive in Japan only. However there's been some reports of an unofficial patch coming out for it that puts in English subtitles & text utilizing the Wii SD Slot and a Japanese copy of the game. Supposedly this patch will allow the copy to play on US/European Wiis.


Silent Hill Shattered Memories Update:

Shattered Memories Pre-Order Bonus Available from GameStop, EB Games:

On September 19. 2009, GameStop and EB Games retailers in North America began offering a bonus promotional soundtrack with pre-orders of Silent Hill Shattered Memories for all currently supported home console systems (Nintendo Wii / PlayStation Portable / PlayStation 2).

The bonus soundtrack was originally listed as containing 18 tracks *[1] from the Silent Hill Shattered Memories game score composed by Akira Yamaoka. Box art for the soundtrack was also available on the pre-order webpage (see below).

Silent Hill Shattered Memories will release for the Nintendo Wii on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 for $49.99 USD (plus sales tax) in North America. The release date for the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2 consoles is tentatively set for Tuesday, January 12, 2010 for $29.99 USD (plus sales tax) in North America.*[2]

*[1] Footnote: Early reports state that the pre-order bonus soundtrack actually contains 21 tracks (Personal Note: 3 more that is reported on the pre-order page.)

*[2] Footnote: Although Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. set the release date for Autumn 2009, retailers have been floundering dates with progressive delays. Amazon.com having the initial release date set for October 13th, 2009, while GameStop having set its release date for November 3rd, with changes to November 26th for Wii and December 31st for the PSP and PS2. (Personal Note: Although the release date for the PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2 versions is still not completely certain, it seems unlikely to change now that a 2010 has been precisely given. I think that the initial setting of the date for Dec. 31 was simply to state that a 2010 date release was likely to occur, though the exact date was still to be determined.)


GameStop - Silent Hill Shattered Memories (Wii)

EB Games - Silent Hill Shattered Memories (Wii)

GameStop - Silent Hill Shattered Memories (PSP)

EB Games - Silent Hill Shattered Memories (PSP)

GameStop - Silent Hill Shattered Memories (PS2)

EB Games - Silent Hill Shattered Memories (PS2)

Silent Hill Shattered Memories Update:

Silent Hill Shattered Memories Bonus Soundtrack Leaked:

On November 24, 2009, user Godai from #gamemp3s uploaded*[3] a torrent containing the, as yet, unreleased promotional bonus soundtrack to Silent Hill Shattered Memories.

The soundtrack contains 21 tracks from the game composed and performed by Akira Yamaoka. A complete track listing appears below. Four vocal tracks are included among the track list performed by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn*[4] with lyrics by Joe Romersa. The tracks are "Always on my Mind,"*[5] "When You're Gone," "Acceptance" and "Hell Frozen Rain." Lyrics for the four vocal tracks are also listed below.

Although the soundtrack has been leaked, please remember to support the official release by pre-ordering a copy of Silent Hill Shattered Memories from either GameStop or EB Games.


Gamemp3s.net - Silent Hill Shattered Memories Soundtrack [torrent / .mp3 files / 90.5MB]

Silent Hill Lost Memories.net (English Branch) - Silent Hill Shattered Memories Soundtrack [.mp3 files / 90.5 MB]

*[3] Footnote: The majority of sites which are mirroring the torrent of the promotional bonus soundtrack cite the release date as November 25, 2009. However, this date is incorrect from the originally posted date (mostly because that is the date that Silent Hill Lost Memories mirrored the individual mp3s). (Personal Note: For those that are assuming that this is the receive date for the soundtrack to GameStop and EB Games, one can only cite this as an approximate receive date.)

*[4] Footnote: The

from the 2009 GamesCom in Cologne featured an alternate singer for the same song in the 2009 E3
which contained the track "Always on my Mind." It is currently unknown whether this alternate singer will be featured in-game or if it was merely a promotional tactic, as the only singer featured on the bonus promotional soundtrack is Mary Elizabeth McGlynn. (Personal Note: I really hope that the game uses different singers in response to the player's actions.)

*[5] Footnote: The track "Always on my Mind" is an arranged track of the country-western song originally performed by Brenda Lee (most famous for singing

) and written by Johnny Christopher, Mark James and Wayne Carson in 1972. The song was popularized by Elvis Presley, hitting gold status in the same year. (Currently, there are over 300 published adaptations of this song.) However, the version on the Shattered Memories soundtrack reflects the "arranged" lyrics sung by Willie Nelson in 1982 (which are the most commonly used lyrics in modern adaptations) and the synthetic elements from the
tribute in 1987. (Personal Note: Considering that Akira Yamaoka cites a number of influences from various 1980's musicians [metal, synth-pop, new-age] in the Ushinawareta Kioku [book of Lost Memories], it seems safe to say that the Pet Shop Boys version of "Always on my Mind" was the primary source for the Shattered Memories inclusion.)

SHSM Soundtrack Tracklist:

  1. Always on my Mind
  2. When You're Gone
  3. Searching the Past
  4. Childish Thoughts
  5. Creeping Distress
  6. Hostility
  7. Snow Driven
  8. Hibernation
  9. Devil's Laughter
  10. Lost Truth
  11. Angel's Scream
  12. Another Warm Body
  13. Forsaken Lullaby
  14. Raw Shock
  15. Lives Wasted Away
  16. Blackest Friday
  17. Endless Depths
  18. Different Persons
  19. Ice
  20. Acceptance
  21. Hell Frozen Rain

Maybe I

didn't love you

quite as often

as I could have.


Maybe I

didn't treat you

quite as good

as I should have.

If I made

you feel

second-best' date='

I'm so sorry.

I was blind.

You were always on my mind.

You were always on...

on my mind.

Maybe I

didn't hold you

all those lonely,

lonely times.


I guess I

never told you

I'm so happy

that you're mine.

Little things

I should have

said and done,

I just never

took the time.

You were always on my mind.

You were always on...

on my mind.


Tell me...

Tell me that

your sweet love

hasn't died.


Give me...

one more chance

to keep you


Little things

I should have

said and done,

I just never

took the time.

You were always on my mind.

You were always on...

You were always on...

You were always on my mind.

You were always on...

on my mind.[/color']

Did I wait too long?

Moments gone.

And now


Comin' back to home' date='

it feels wrong.

Changes haunt me.

Ends I came before

leave me lost,



Everything I own

takes me back


Objects in my room,

they might be tellin' me

something soon.

Still you

ask me how I feel.

I feel lost.

That's how I feel!

I know (I know).

I know (I know).

There's something I've forgotten,

like a time (a time),

a place (a place),

a shattered memory.

For me (for me),

it' more (it's more)

than I can seem to handle.

It's the pain (the pain)

my mind (my mind)

is writing on the wall.

The truth (the truth)?

You lie (you lie)!

You said it can't convince you

to give up (give up).

This place (this place)

will never set me free.

Enough (enough)!

I know (I know),

I really did it this time.

It's a sign (it's a sign),

this place

is somewhere I should be.

Takin' a piece of muh heart

when you're gone.

Are my eyes too blind

to find illusions

from deep inside


What I lost I find,

and what I find

brings me here.

I know (I know).

I know (I know).

There's something I've forgotten,

like a time (a time),

a place (a place),

a shattered memory.

For me (for me),

it' more (it's more)

than I can seem to handle.

It's the pain (the pain)

my mind (my mind)

is writing on the wall.

The truth (the truth)?

You lie (you lie)!

You said it can't convince you

to give up (give up).

This place (this place)

will never set me free.

Enough (enough)!

I know (I know),

I really did it this time.

It's a sign (it's a sign),

this place

is somewhere I should be.

Takin' a piece of muh heart,

that's how it always starts,

when you're gone.[/color']

Time flows.

Nobody knows.

The years

go by.

Where we go


from here...?

Night falls' date='

Strange-colored walls,

my eyes


What is wrong


with me?

Deep in the night

you think everything's right.

Tell it to yourself;

say it's just a nightmare.

Something is telling you

nothing can change where you are


Why should it matter,

your dreams of a child?

Innocence is gone.

Only fear to play with.

Faces are changing

but nothing is changing the pain

too late.

Two steps

I take

get closer

and closer.

And one more breath

I take

sends me

further back.

Ah ah, ha ah ah...

Ah ah, ha ah ah...

Over and over

it calls to your soul.

Say it isn't so.

Emptiness surrounds you.

No one can help

if the angels refuse to

come near.

Who's there?

Cold faded photos,

they lay by your side.

Something in my room,

never mind the reason.

Visions of lying

and reasons just

live to survive

this time.

The cold (the cold)

The light (the light)

The fear (the fear)


It's not (it's not)

the ice (the ice)

you feel (you feel)

that's chilling you.[/color']

In your mind's eye

lives a memory' date='

hard to find,

blinded by sorrow.

And her cold voice

sings a melody.

Hear her sing,

"Hell-frozen rain falls down."

She can't hear your voice.

She can't hear you call.

You have burned your choice.

If you're here

can you prove

you're really here.

There is a moment in time

when all the cards that

you've played _______ (divide).

You feel the temperature dive

and all your demons inside

come crashing through.

In your mind's eye

lives a memory,

hard to find,

blinded by sorrow.

And a strange voice

sings a melody.

Hear it sing,

"Hell-frozen rain falls down."

Everything is wrong. (Everything is wrong.)

This is not my home, is it?

Do I know your face? (Do I know your face?)

Does my mind wish to forget?

A toast to lonelier souls

who never could take control of life.

And all the missing we love,

I hope the darkness they find

will give 'em light.

In your mind's eye

lives a memory,

hard to find,

blinded by pain.

And a cold voice

sings a melody.

Hear it sing,

"Hell-frozen rain..."

Out of safe arms,

feelin' dangerous,

missing truth

frozen in lies.

Is your family

just a memory?

Once again,

hell-frozen rain falls down.

Of all these pieces of broken dreams,

there's one that scares and confuses me.

If all these things that you say are true,

you should be someone I always knew.

In your mind's eye

lies a memory,

hard to find,

blinded by pain.

And your father

sings a melody.

Hear him sing,

"Hell-frozen rain..."

Out of safe arms,

feelin' dangerous,

missing truth

frozen in lies.

Are your loved ones

just a memory?

Burning pain,

hell-frozen rain falls down.

Life is cold here.

Empty, hallowed ground.

In my head,

blood-colored rain falls down.[/color']


First of all, I feel the need to defend Silent Hill: Origins, as I thought it was a great game. It managed to frighten me, even though it was handheld, and the locations in the game were amazing (especially the sanitarium) and the overall feel of the game was very much Silent Hill. Homecoming failed me in these aspects. The story was exciting, and I didn't mind the combat system. And about him being able to use and carry TVs and stuff, the only game where such physics DIDN'T exist, was SH4. I mean, carrying around the great knife in SH2? And the expendable weapons seemed like a good idea to me. That actually worked pretty well in SH4, although I managed to break most of my weapons. Atleast this time I didn't have to go back to my apartment to get more weapons all the time.

Second, about Akira Yamaoka leaving Konami, I just have one thing to say. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Third, I'm excited about Shattered Memories (although I'd kind of forgotten about it until recently), and I'm going to miss the combat and the classic statement "Huh, radio. What's going on with that radio." but if there's puzzles galore, then I'm in!


Origins was pretty good, yes :) It was by no means a "bad" game; it just wasn't long enough, or maybe fresh enough for a lot of fans...and I can see why they might take issue with that.

Seems like the game was a kind of "greatest hits" of the series, all mixed up and taking cues from various games in the series. The Sanitarium had a SH2 vibe to it, while the Motel felt very SH1-SH3ish, for instance.

I still really enjoyed myself with it, and I've gotta say it was the very first portable game that has *EVER* managed to freak me out. It's still the only one that's ever been able to do so.

You'd think that's merit enough! I mean, can you guys think of any other portable games that have actually been scary? Off the top of my head, I can only think of SH Origins, and maybe Sanitarium and Moon for DS, although I have yet to play either. They did look a bit freaky though.

...and yeah, still such a shame about Yamaoka-san leaving Konami :( They actually confirmed it too. Wish I could find the link, but apparently they had some sort of interview with him (That I hadn't seen the full version of) and the gist of it was that he was leaving to bigger and better things, perhaps in the light that Silent Hill is becoming a more western-developed franchise these days. Sad :(

And as for Shattered Memories? I'm gonna be picking that up today! I've got high hopes, as it really looks like they've tried something different. Gonna enjoy seeing how they added in those spiffy permutations to the classic SH1 formula :)


Bought Shattered Memories on Tuesday. Since I pre-ordered it from Gamestop, I got a free OST disc with the game. (Which had 21 tracks. Not 18 )

First impression...

Wait a sec... let me explain something.

This game was so short that I was done in less than 5 hours. Considering the psych profile feature, I decided to play another round immediately after. Since I knew what I was doing this time, the game ended faster. About just over 4 hours. So I went ANOTHER round immediately after that. So because of this, let me start like this...

First, second, and third impressions...

This is a GREAT game! I've never played a game like this and I highly enjoyed it! The story grabs you from scene one and never let's you go. The graphics are slick, smooth and definately shows what the Wii really is capable of. The snow alone will should tell you that. The voice acting is spot-on and very convincing.

The chase scenes in the frozen nightmare areas, however, get a little repetitive. The first couple of chases feel absolutely horrifying. But that feeling gets smaller and smaller the more chases you go through. And when you can't find your way to the waypoint, it's just irritating when those little pink bastards grab a hold of you.

Playing the game through 3 times (in a day, even) I got different results in certain parts of the game. The first time through, Cybil was a tough, fit and angry ass cop. The second time she was a more neutral-looking, mother-sounding officer. The third time she was dead sexy and busting out of her uniform....but also very angry. (Kind of a turn on for m- AHEM!)

Out of the 3 play throughs, i got 2 different endings (not spoiling anything). I'm told there's more than that so that means I gotta go through it AGAIN or else i'm not gonna feel complete.

Overall, definately worth the buy and a great reimagining of the first game. It's a little short, but that shouldn't stop you from adding it to your Wii collection.


I've wanted this game for a long while now, and I've been more than excited about it. Now that we're hanging with Monobrow, it's kind of a given that we'll have to pick this up eventually. Should be fun!

And honestly, after the disappointment of Homecoming and the ho-humness of Origins, I'm really glad to see that Climax seemingly got this one right. Took them long enough, I guess!


I personally didn't have a problem with Homecoming. Other than the fact that the PC version has MAJORLY ANNOYING sound problems. And to make things worse, the dev team ignores the PC community on the matter. On the Steam forums, people continue to complain but the cries of bitter sound fall on deaf ears.

But it seems Homecoming is quite unpopular for some reason. The main reasons that I keep reading about are because the story is bland and that Pyramid Head should NOT have been in it (because he/it was a manifestation of James Sunderland's guilt in SH2)and that it took elements from the Silent Hill movie such as those guys in the hazmat suits or whatever they were.

I liked Homecoming though. It's a shame no one else does.

Bought Shattered Memories on Tuesday. Since I pre-ordered it from Gamestop, I got a free OST disc with the game. (Which had 21 tracks. Not 18 )

First impression...

Wait a sec... let me explain something.

This game was so short that I was done in less than 5 hours. Considering the psych profile feature, I decided to play another round immediately after. Since I knew what I was doing this time, the game ended faster. About just over 4 hours. So I went ANOTHER round immediately after that. So because of this, let me start like this...

First, second, and third impressions...

This is a GREAT game! I've never played a game like this and I highly enjoyed it! The story grabs you from scene one and never let's you go. The graphics are slick, smooth and definately shows what the Wii really is capable of. The snow alone will should tell you that. The voice acting is spot-on and very convincing.

The chase scenes in the frozen nightmare areas, however, get a little repetitive. The first couple of chases feel absolutely horrifying. But that feeling gets smaller and smaller the more chases you go through. And when you can't find your way to the waypoint, it's just irritating when those little pink bastards grab a hold of you.

Playing the game through 3 times (in a day, even) I got different results in certain parts of the game. The first time through, Cybil was a tough, fit and angry ass cop. The second time she was a more neutral-looking, mother-sounding officer. The third time she was dead sexy and busting out of her uniform....but also very angry. (Kind of a turn on for m- AHEM!)

Out of the 3 play throughs, i got 2 different endings (not spoiling anything). I'm told there's more than that so that means I gotta go through it AGAIN or else i'm not gonna feel complete.

Overall, definately worth the buy and a great reimagining of the first game. It's a little short, but that shouldn't stop you from adding it to your Wii collection.

Goody! Most of the reviews say as much.

Hopefully it can get rid of some of the bitter taste that Homecoming left. Not to say it was terrible- just not up to par. Given the fact that I don't have a Wii, I'll just have to wait for the PS2 release next month.

I personally didn't have a problem with Homecoming. Other than the fact that the PC version has MAJORLY ANNOYING sound problems. And to make things worse, the dev team ignores the PC community on the matter. On the Steam forums, people continue to complain but the cries of bitter sound fall on deaf ears.

But it seems Homecoming is quite unpopular for some reason. The main reasons that I keep reading about are because the story is bland and that Pyramid Head should NOT have been in it (because he/it was a manifestation of James Sunderland's guilt in SH2)and that it took elements from the Silent Hill movie such as those guys in the hazmat suits or whatever they were.

I liked Homecoming though. It's a shame no one else does.

Homecoming is a good game, but a terrible Silent Hill.

  • 3 weeks later...

I just finished playing through Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and I was definitely impressed by the experience! I was initially worried about this game because of the lack of combat but actually found it quite refreshing. Too many games focus on killing as an objective, or even the only objective. So it was unique to play one which focused solely on exploration, escape, and discovery. At times it felt like I was playing an old adventure game (anyone remember Sanitarium?), a feeling that was heightened by the sense of immersion I had when playing it.

While playing it I couldn't help but feel nostalgic about the first time I played Silent Hill back when I was in high school. At that time, with limited internet access, I had to piece together the games story and meaning myself. I remember walking around the town, terrified, wondering whether the people had been taken by aliens, if they were gone as the result of some kind of apocalyptic event, the game just kept me guessing, building, and eventually coming to some kind of logical (as far as the game goes) conclusion. Shattered Memories had me doing the same thing, just in a different context. They bent so many rules that I kept thinking how it was the same, how it was different, and how the game's story was actually going. It was nice to recapture that feeling of immersion, confusion, and fear that I felt in the original.

And...this game scared the crap out of me. Just walking around the town is an unsettling experience. And the chases...By the mid-point the chase scenes had become a little dull. But, they actually got more exciting near the end when I had become more emotionally involved in the game. Even though there isn't really a death penalty, I felt like I owed it to myself to escape, and escape well. The game designers really did a good job of making you join Harry in the game. The environments, messages, and subtle touches here and there really pull you in and build a pressing feeling of dread and anxiety, and it really doesn't let up. Even after the denial inducing finish.

Even though this thing was a huge departure from the series canon, it sits right beside the original game as my favourite.

  • 2 months later...

According to 1-UP.com and Joystiq, Akira Yamaoka has joined Grasshopper Manufacture and will be working on a new game for the company. Grasshopper Manufacture is the development company behind the games No More Heroes and its sequel Desperate Struggle, killer7, Flower, Sun and Rain, and Michigan.

More news to follow...


Even though this thing was a huge departure from the series canon, it sits right beside the original game as my favourite.

It might still be canon. I believe the director recently retracted the statement that this game is technically another continuity. It certainly shares a lot of ideas with Silent Hill 1's "Dying Dream" ending.

That said, I am looking forward to what comes next. I played Shattered Memories through 3 times (Cybil was the same every time, but I got 3 different Michelles and 2 different Dahlias).

  • 1 month later...

Bump, because I miss you guys.

I'm midway through both shattered memories and homecoming. (It takes me forever to finish anything).

Shattered memories:

Good-ish. Graphics are a bit PSX-y, which is sad, for this generation. I hear the Wii graphics are better than the PS2 port's which is extra sad. I like the ice motif, and the plot. I also think that the psychologist fellow is extremely unprofessional, but I suspect that has something to do with the plot in the longrun.


Eh. It's still a silent hill game. It's just too shiny! Why is everything so shiny?! The story's a little too straightforward. Hardly any twists and turns. Nobody dies and then comes back to life and then dies again and then comes back to life wearing your dead wife's clothes... Sigh. Good enemies. Puzzles are pretty simple, too.

About Yamaoka going byebye:

He's been half-assing it since the rest of team silent left. I do hope that the series evolves without him. I don't mind hearing someone else's music, so long as it fits the mood (my music, maybe? I'm good! I sound like Yamaoka!). I would like a return to the complexity of the earlier games. The recent games were pretty lacking in terms of non-story memos (like the mood enhancing ones about murders and drownings and historical sorts of things in SH2) - and they were lacking in subtlety, which is unfortunate.

That said, I'll still follow this series into the dark so long as it continues to emphasize psychological horror and suspense with a little bit of beating formless blobs to death with a bent pipe on the side. Preferably with a bit more subtlety and a bit less "We're gung-ho americans who don't understand that this series is rooted in japanese culture."

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