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Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes killed (C&D story not proven)

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Oh, please.

This is zeality we're talking about here.

1. he's a dick

2. he's a moron

3. he's absolutely obsessed with chronotrigger to the degree of insanity

4. he's kind of an attentionwhore

He's the same guy who, around these boards, used to make every single post in every thread he entered somehow relate to Chronotrigger.

That's nice zeality but i don't think the average rainfall of the coastal lowlands of Venezuela has anything to do with chronotrigger

This is all just a publicity stunt, a way to get out of the project that he knew he would never finish.

OK, so some people mucked around with the Chrono Trigger ROM, tried to make a new game out of it, and then Square-Enix squashed it.

And people are surprised by this... why?

There's been plenty of Megaman/Mario Romhacks (not clones but actual romhacks) that it would make one wonder, except considering squeenix's past behavior I suppose it's not entirely surprising. Dick move above all else for them to wait till it reached the closing stages to send a big fat C&D message.

off-topic note*

I didn't think anybody else still used ICQ :lol:


Please. Read the supposed "C&D letter." It's so obviously fake and poorly written. Why the hell would the S-E legal department mention Prophet's Guilde and Temporal Flux without clarifying what those were? Why is Prophet's Guild italicized when Temporal Flux is not? Why isn't this letter signed by legal counsel?

Because it's a PDF Zeality cooked up himself.

This wasn't killed by SE. It was killed by Zeality who's just attention-whoring.

Thread renamed to prevent rumor-mongering.


Could have been something really cool, something that a lot of fans would have appreciated as well. But whatever zeality is doing, its pretty lame.


Did Zeality go Spram-style crazy or something? I remember him from years and years ago and he seemed pretty cool. I admittedly don't remember him being crazily obsessed with CT, though...


I've been browsing the forum Nekofrog posted. Apparently, it's legit. The phone number confirms so and there's a post on the main site confirming that it's legit. Even though I can see why people think this is fake.

Square-Enix USA have been very frustrating to deal with for the past few years. Not just because of these C&D letters that seemingly focus on Chrono projects, but in dealing with them as a game media site. I mean, when we try to post a video review of Star Ocean 4, they block it because they own the footage. WTF? This is free advertising for crying out loud. When we posted an FFXII import review for our site, they got really upset for some reason.

I know it's their right to shut down these projects...I just hope it doesn't come down to sending a C&D letter to OCR banning everything Square-Enix related.


Yup, the letter is loosy but it IS legit. Guys, it's kinda easy to focus on a scapegoat, but Zeality was "only" a script writer in this project. The director/main programmer was someone else, and there was a whole team working on it too (I was the co-programmer).

And yes it was 98% completed. There are two old-ish trailers on YouTube showing parts of the game.

OK, so some people mucked around with the Chrono Trigger ROM, tried to make a new game out of it, and then Square-Enix squashed it.

And people are surprised by this... why?

People are surprised because this is (probably) the first 8-bit/16-bit ROM hack to ever receive a cease & desist letter. Besides, a complete CT ROM hack had already been released two years ago, Prophet's Guile. It never got C&D'ed, not until this collective letter anyway.

You don't know Zeality, do you?

i was going to say something like this, but you beat me to it.

he was a troll and a flaming asshole. if you said anything - ANYTHING - bad about his pet game, he flipped out and sent you harassing PMs. i remember he learned something new (or thought he did, at least) about the Nu, he just flipped out. it was pretty funny.

that said, did they just delete his account, or just ban him? i don't see him in the memberlist anymore. he had a lot of posts, didn't he?


Wow, uh...reading this thread and the links from it and stuff, I've gone through like 5 different thoughts on what happened. Now...I'm just throwing my hands up, saying "I don't know WHAT the hell is going on" and figuring eventually it'll make sense, haha.

i was going to say something like this, but you beat me to it.

he was a troll and a flaming asshole. if you said anything - ANYTHING - bad about his pet game, he flipped out and sent you harassing PMs. i remember he learned something new (or thought he did, at least) about the Nu, he just flipped out. it was pretty funny.

Lord.... that could've been me.

Seems like no one on any other site thinks that ZeaLity would do this himself. It really doesn't make any sense that he would, either.

The stress of working on a huge project for years and years can make you do all kinds of things that don't make sense.

Not saying he did, I'm just saying I can definitely see his position in doing that.


Should this actually be real, then allow me to say this once again...

To those who wish to make a ROM hack, or fan game, or what have you, of a popular game with a history of C&D orders... KEEP THE PROJECT TO YOURSELF. Don't post everywhere that you're doing it, don't put out trailers advertising it, and don't make a website for it. That's how these projects get found, and shut down. Keep it to yourself until it's done, THEN release it and pimp it.

How many times is something like this going to happen before people figure this out?

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