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Great guys, there's definitely enough interest. Does anyone have any experience actually managing a tournament, or know of any decent utilities for doing so? I could probably whip something up very quick/dirty in c++ but I haven't practiced any of that stuff since 2007 :V

Also no one has really said anything about prizes! I'm actually kinda surprised, but it's nice to know that you guys are more interested in the game. So I guess we'll see on that for now.

edit: I was going to say this in the update but this post iwll probably get more reads... There has been some mention of lost CD keys-- Should we set up our own PVPGN server for playing the tournament?


I relatively don't care much about winning any prizes, to be honest. I'm just here for the fun and game.

On another note, when are we having this. I'm currently taking an intensive course, so I may or may not be too busy to play. It all depends on how much work I'll have to do and all. Weekends would generally be good with me (Although my course end some time at the beginning of June).


lol, I'll join. The D2 patch is taking way too long for my tastes, so this would be a nice diversion until then :P

If I do this, I totally claim a match-up with Garian. Gario vs Garian... admit it, it would be cool, in a strange sort of way. I agree with Nekofrog, though - prizes are probably not necessary for this. I'll play either way :P.

I haven't played this game in ages, though - I wasn't terrible at it, but you know how things are - you play against a Korean that's training for the world tournament and it crushes you hopes at ever being any good at it and you give up (he raped me with his insane terran metal madness - I lost my starcraft virginity that day :puppyeyes:)

I think I've finally gotten over it, though - just tell us the match-ups and times. I'll go practice for it before so I won't be a complete failure by the time it starts :tomatoface:.

By the way, are the maps you all are suggesting somewhere on the internet? I haven't played bnet in ages so I don't know what new maps have been floating around.


Ooh boy... I tried some SC games yesterday on Bnet and got totally destroyed most of the time. WHY do people host "1on1 noob only" games just so they can do some cheap-ass build order and reaver-dorp the poor newb who didn't have a chance in the first place?? That kind of assery is like paying big bucks for higher levels/items in MMORPGs, and then running around killing low-level newbies for no reason... except that it's wasting my time.

The only good game I had was a "1on1 noob only" game that I hosted, and a newbie ACTUALLY joined, but it was borderling "too easy" by the end of the game. Well, and there was a 3on3 that was good until an ally left, and a barrage of archons and high templars completely ripped me apart...

With that said, I'm signing up for the tournament ^_^

Is it possible to choose my race before each match? ...because I really don't know what race I'm good with. Can I choose "random" for every match?


Yay for not reading the "please post your race and the name you'll be playing under," :P but I haven't started compiling a list of players yet. Like I said in the updated OP I'm aiming for a mid-to-late June for the first tourney, which will be the 1v1. From the looks of things, I'll just track down a little programming project from my one year of college and build a bit of a tournament manager from that. Or at least use the C++ STL's random number generation system to create the initial brackets and track it by hand.

As far as the maps go, I'm thinking we'll go with some typical pro-league maps. Nekofrog, Tensei, and Battousai have all been faithfully watching the Averatec-Intel Classic on GOMtv and could probably make some suggestions for each of the rounds. The maps I've already mentioned (Hannibal, Andromeda, and Python) can be obtained from teamliquid.net. Some of the other maps from that list that I've played on are Longinus, Baekmagoji, Katrina SE, and Hwarangdo, and they're mostly pretty great maps and are designed for the balanced nature of professional/competetive SC gameplay.

--Ah, it seems that friendlyHunter posted while i was writing this. With regard to choosing random: if that's what you want to play, that's fine by me! We'll still track what race you played in the replays and in the wins/losses. Also if you're thinking you're really a newbie, you should hop on #ocremix irc and chat with nekofrog and battousai, they are very good players and could give you a lot of pointers and might be willing to play with you. Also you should catch some VODs (videos on demand) to see some techniques that the pros use, a lot of them are actually quite easy to pick up and use even in casual play. Another thing you might want to try is learning all of the hotkeys, and press F1 some time during play for the in-game help menu. It has a LOT of useful tips that you might not know about!


Hey guys, i'm new here, and just noticed this thread. There is a program called Tio Tournament organizer that can very effectively run tournaments like this.

Here's the link: http://allisbrawl.com/tio/ if you have any questions about the program, just ask me.

also I might be interested in this tourny =)

-All the best, Solaris1110



I'm hoping you're putting these tourneys on weekends, right?

Sorry, the name - Gario.

Race - Random (seriously, it's nice not letting the other player know what you are, and that's the only way of doing it :twisted:)

...and thanks for the maps :)

haha, well, if you're not sure what race you're going to get until you actually get into the game you're probably going to have to come up with your build order on the fly! that's the way I usually played when it was just playing around with a bunch of guys. I'm not sure if I'm going to join in or not yet, I might just watch this time around :S

tensei: holy crap. double proxy barracks. and then that dragoon WOULD. NOT. DIE. that terran had no chance against the upgraded dragoon range. in pro-league it always comes down to like one or two units and a crucial upgrade, thanks for posting.


*Long whistle*

Wow, what a microfest. That was a brilliant idea to put up a shield battery; and then I LAUGHED when I realized the Goon had upgraded range and the marines didn't :P. Awesome find Tensei. Really shows that even outnumbered one to ten, you can still do a lot of damage with the right moves.

Also, it seems a few of the maps mentioned I've seen before; primarily in the All Star Tournament. Too bad we probably won't have commentary to add to any replays, "Tasteless." (Not that I expect there to be any commentary to begin with).


Nekofrog pretty much hit it on the nail, he and Battousai are pretty knowledgeable about the game and would be perfect for commentating. I was figuring we could either use Observer versions of the maps and have live commentating recorded from a skype session, or we could take the replays and have commentating done "after the fact."

Wild Armor: you should come on IRC in the late-night/early morning tonight (2AM Pacific) and watch the Averatec-Intel Classic with us and see just how insane it really is with english commentary as well!

Also, just in case anyone's wondering: One of the reasons I want to wait until mid-June is to give some of the less experienced players some time with the maps and to get some practice time. There are pretty good chances that people will be matched with someone who's been playing for a while and knows plenty of tricks and builds, I'd hate for someone to get utterly stomped without at least half-expecting it from some of the competition. Also if anyone wants to get some practicing in, hop on the IRC channel and speak up, sometimes someone will be around who'll be willing.

jadeauto: welcome aboard! what kind of lag problem? Apparently a lot of routers do some sort of NAT filtering which royally fucks up starcraft (and starcraft alone it seems). hope you get it fixed! :S


I can actually get onto the IRC channel via mIRC, although I'm a little peeved that you have to pay for a more permanent version (I'm using the trial version). I'm a teensie bit shy to ask out to either Tensei or anyone else in the channel that might have a practice match with me; as it'll feel awkward to ask it in a channel where people might be discussing music.

I assume I have the right channel, though. enterthegame, correct?

Also, RL interruptions are a slight concern for me, but I'm pretty sure I patch that down.

jadeauto: welcome aboard! what kind of lag problem? Apparently a lot of routers do some sort of NAT filtering which royally fucks up starcraft (and starcraft alone it seems). hope you get it fixed! :S

I'm almost positive it's a router issue, though it's weird. I have the proper ports for SC forwarded, and I've gone sofar as to turn my main computer into the DMZ zone with all firewalls off... yet I still get the worst lag ever as soon as I hop on B.Net.

I've googled to try and solve the problem, but to no avail currently.

Running a Linksys WRT54GS2 at the moment.

WC3 and WoW work just fine, as do L4D, TF2, and any steam product I have. It's frustrating.

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