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Casting's taking a while. I'll be working with Neko to get these churned out this weekend. By Monday you should know the results of all the games (we're only casting one game from each series)

Also I have a method for those of you who can't get on bnet due to illigetimate cdkeys. I'll share it with garian so that the next one of these can be taken care of more smoothly.

My Broodwar CD literally exploded inside the CD-ROM drive. There was a giant POP! and it cracked into many many pieces. Thank God for Alcohol.

Yeah, I've been using the ISO for some time now... but without the keys on the CD case I can't reinstall it...

... and how the HELL did you make your CD explode?!


Hmm, since I likely can't play next week, maybe it's best to wait until Wednesday (not next Wednesday, but the one after - June 24th). In the meantime maybe I'll play a practice match or two with someone =)

... and how the HELL did you make your CD explode?!

I got Zergling rushed so bad it caused terrible terrible damage to the CD :<

But seriously, it must have been something wrong with the CD drive. The CD probably got jammed on something while it was spinning, or maybe the CD got bent too much and it snapped and shattered. I wasn't playing StarCraft when it happened, so only after opening the CD tray later that day did I realize what the loud pop noise was.

I couldn't even remember which CD it was, until recently when I went looking for the Broodwar CD in anticipation of this tournament.


So, Gario, Elesarana said she had to forfeit, which means you move on. Talk to battousai about some options for playing because he's better at giving directions than me.

Also, Eddie and Nekofrog are in the process of getting all of the VODs up, and after they're on YouTube the winners will be announced and we'll take a week-long break to allow for some practice.

I would've posted something sooner but I was waiting on Ele/Gario's games to happen (which they didn't)... We haven't given up yet and Round 2's games are certainly going to be exciting!


Okay, guys, the first video is up. Sorry for the shoddy quality; we're still working out all the bugs. I'm working on improving my own casting - you'll see improvement throughout. Since it takes 40+ minutes to upload each video, and I'm not on a super fast UL, I'm going to link the results. As garian mentioned, we all have a week to practice before scheduling the games, so take your time and work out the kinks in your own play.

Nekofrog vs SynthStampede game 1 -

casted by Nekofrog and myself



Great work on the cast guys! Some comments I guess about the match between Nekofrog and SynthStampede.

Nekofrog played well, all around, but made a huge mistake of not sending a drone to the other position to scout the toss player out earlier. Also, sending the drone out for the natural hatchery way before you could afford it was a bit of lost mining time. It was just sitting at the natural expansion alone for some time. Both parties microed pretty well though. Sneaky 2nd expansion was a good move too.

The SynthStampede had a good rush, but didn't follow it up as well as should've. Constant probe production is key. Gotta keep the pylon count up as well, as was pointed out in the cast, but by far the biggest thing was economy. If you are constantly pumping probes, and producing pylons as needed, and gateways when you can afford to, you will be able to macro up a large army. Of course when rushing you sometimes have to cut probes, but it's important not to cut for too long. Cutting probes that long is basically an all-in thing. If your attack fails, and you aren't getting probes all the while, your economy won't let you last long after your attack force is destroyed.

So, Gario, Elesarana said she had to forfeit, which means you move on. Talk to battousai about some options for playing because he's better at giving directions than me.

Um...what? You didn't get that mixed up or anything, right?

I told her that I forfeited the match because my key isn't working on Bnet anymore, and I can't find the keys to reinstall it. You know that I'm unable to participate without a proper key (it won't even let me install updates, so I can't play with other people due to that :?), right?

Um...what? You didn't get that mixed up or anything, right?

I told her that I forfeited the match because my key isn't working on Bnet anymore, and I can't find the keys to reinstall it. You know that I'm unable to participate without a proper key (it won't even let me install updates, so I can't play with other people due to that :?), right?

Shouldn't you be able to get the updates off the Blizzard website? That's what I used to do. Don't need a key for that.


Guys. There's a way you can download the game from iccup and play on there. Also I have a custom gateway to share with you if your game works but your key is not totally legit (the private gateway doesn't require a key.)

We have a week to iron these details out. I'll try to find the file right now and respond when I can.

UPDATE: I found the file. If you need it, send me a private message.


Keep us updated!

It's been a day, so I'll put this in an img tag (if you didn't see it yesterday thanks to my nifty lemon chiffon)


Yeah my voice is a little low compared to Nekofrog, so I'll have it upped for the next casts. Thanks for pointing it out.

Gotta keep the pylon count up as well, as was pointed out in the cast, but by far the biggest thing was economy. If you are constantly pumping probes, and producing pylons as needed, and gateways when you can afford to, you will be able to macro up a large army. Of course when rushing you sometimes have to cut probes, but it's important not to cut for too long. Cutting probes that long is basically an all-in thing. If your attack fails, and you aren't getting probes all the while, your economy won't let you last long after your attack force is destroyed.

Ah, I see. I'll keep that in mind whenever I manage to play against another human again. :-( I guess it didn't help that I played Warcraft 3 extensively before I even thought about starting Starcraft. They played so differently that I had to rewire my whole thoughts on strats and whatnot. Can't wait for the next OCRemix tournament though, and hope I get to play another newbie haha.


If I recall correctly, the maps we didn't use are othello, destination, and neo medusa. hope that helps!

If you guys want some practice, come to #ocremix (the IRC chat) and ask around.


So I decided to download Pidgin as an alternative to mIRC, however, it appears that I'm no quite sure how to use it. I know I have to 'add' some kind of IRC account, but I can't recall ever making an account in the first place. Further more, the only thing that I see that I might be able to add #ocremix to is in 'Server.'

So I'm now sure what to add and where exactly. Also, if I do have to make some sort of account, how do I do that? If you're not familiar with this program but with another free program - one that might be easier to use - go ahead and tell me.


Did you download pidgin cause you don't like mIRC? the server is irc.enterthegame.com and once you get connected you'd type /join #ocremix to get to the channel. There really ought to be a guide somewhere on these forums for getting to the chatroom.


i used pidgin for irc for about 2 seconds before going back to xchat gnome on ubuntu. it's absolutely retarded for irc. BUT if I recall correctly, all you have to do is create an "account" (it's actually just local settings that pidgin uses) and then tell it which network to connect to (in our case, irc.enterthegame.com) and the channel you wish to join (#ocremix). i MIGHT be wrong though, so you should check the pidgin documentation if it doesn't work that way.


It's not that I don't like the program mIRC, I just don't want to have to get the full registration by paying for it; even if I now can pay with credit and it isn't much. I was never big in paying online, and I find it rather silly since a lot of other chat programs are free.

I've placed irc.enterthegame.com as the server, but I get bugger all. I can't enable it for some reason, no matter how many times I click it to be enabled or re-enabled. Does this have anything to do with the password and Username I have to put, 'cuz I don't remember creating a profile on IRC.

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