The Damned Posted November 24, 2009 Author Posted November 24, 2009 Well, my achievements seem to be staying, so I guess I'm back in the game. By the way, you just lost the game. Quote
Inimitable Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 New update says they fixed achievements disappearing. Everyone should be back in the game. Quote
Doulifée Posted November 24, 2009 Posted November 24, 2009 How the hell can you play negative games O_o; atmuh is so bad, it count as a negative game. i also award myself with this: trying to unlock AGAIN the Sob story achievement , with dumb IA (despise that one of the game was fucked by myself, shooting a horde and trying to get cover near a wall, where a witch was sobing of course) Quote
The Damned Posted December 4, 2009 Author Posted December 4, 2009 Go to 1:15 and watch "How to play Left 4 Friends". Go ahead. Watched it? Good. I DEMAND WE PLAY THIS. We have to. It's so perfect for how most of us play anyways. It will only turn into perfectly hilarious games. Quote
Doulifée Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 wtf are they doing? driving the boomer through the level? Quote
Garian Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 rofl, someone should make an actual hunted l4d2 mod for doing this. Quote
Doulifée Posted December 5, 2009 Posted December 5, 2009 why not. any way to have fun Quote
big giant circles Posted December 5, 2009 Posted December 5, 2009 I gotta say, I got so pissed tonight that I just had to uninstall the game. I played the most frustrating vs match I've ever played. Everyone's pings were good, but the game was just ridiculous. I repeatedly clipped through survivors as a hunter AND jockey, what would have been a perfect charge was completely disrupted by literally some invisible texture (was an open street, but I just randomly stopped charging and did that staggering thing that he does when he hits a wall, and no, they weren't using explosive ammo), I boomed on 3 survivors in a corner and it didn't register a single one, I later exploded 2 feet away from an incapped survivor, but it didn't register, and as a tank, I punched at a survivor that was backed into a corner and it somehow missed. I mean, I'm not the greatest player, but I'm pretty darn decent at the game, and this was not just "oops, hunter/tank/boomer/etc fail" moments. Definitely brought out the rage-quit in BGC tonight, that's for dang sure. [/rant] Quote
JCvgluvr Posted December 5, 2009 Posted December 5, 2009 So, I've finally gotten through all campaigns. The only ones I don't like that much are Dead Center and Swamp Fever! As for the other 3: Dark Carnival has a very enjoyable atmosphere. I always loved going to those kinds of carnivals as a kid, and it's great to be able to run through a zombie-infested version now! And you can't forget those adorable clowns, or that kick-awesome show with the Midnight Riders! Hard Rain's storms actually creeped me out IRL. Any video game that gets me to feel another emotion besides "violence=fun" gets major props from me. Other reasons include the tortuously-fun amount of witches, and the battles at the elevator. Then there's the Parish. It's just plain exciting! I like being smack-dab in the middle of New Orleans. And that finale on the bridge, it's just so intense! If I absolutely HAD to chose one a favorite campaign, it'd be the Parish. But remember, it's really, really close between those 3! Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted December 10, 2009 Posted December 10, 2009 Man o man, versus is so damned satisfying this time around. I've actually formed a pretty fun versus group over the weekend on live, and we just go at it all the time. It's so funny to see at least 2 of the opposing team drop out after totally decimating them literally seconds after the leave the safe area of chapter 1 on Dead Center. The spitter blocks their path, a jockey grabs an unsuspecting one and takes him over the edge, then when the others go to help, a hunter pounces on one and the charger knocks another one right out the window... Such versatility. It's great. Playing as survivors is a lot of fun as well with the addition of so many new weapons. Seriously satisfied with this game. Quote
The Damned Posted December 10, 2009 Author Posted December 10, 2009 I don't know... my own experiences with Versus this time is quite the opposite. I find the new scoring system to be kind of broken. In L4D1, the idea was that the Survivor team wasn't really supposed to make it to the safe room, so it became a matter of how much better you could do than the other team. In actuality, it wasn't exactly like that, but you still got to have massive gaps and very close games. In L4D2, it seems like scores are arbitrary, because both teams will make it to the safe room, but one will get a massive bonus, even though the total amount of Infected damage done is the same for each side. Maybe it's just a bug in the score system, but I've seen some outright bullshit in points. Also, most of the time, both teams will make it to the safe room perfectly fine, negating all the effort you put into attacking them. It feels like there's no reason to really even bother attacking now. It feels very unpolished and I can't seem to get into it. Quote
big giant circles Posted December 10, 2009 Posted December 10, 2009 Well, I actually like the fact that losing one round won't completely screw you out of winning the game now, but I agree that if both teams reach the safe room one gets a wimpy 25 point bonus. Instead, what I think they should do is tally up the difference in damage and give those points to the winning team. So that way if you as infected got all 4 survivors black and white when they reached the safe room but your team reached it with half health left, then it should give you like the extra 400 points of damage that you did to their team instead of just 25. Quote
The Damned Posted December 15, 2009 Author Posted December 15, 2009 OK, new stuff includes a new melee weapon, a new uncommon infected, a new gun, and new maps for Co-op, Survival, Scavenge, and Versus. Oh, and did I mention that you'll be playing with all eight survivors! That's Bill, Zoey, Louis and Francis, along side Coach, Rochelle, Nick and Ellis! All at the same time! TOGETHER! Quote
ParanoidDrone Posted December 15, 2009 Posted December 15, 2009 Sweet. I am breathlessly anticipating this. In unrelated news, does anyone happen to know if avoiding Witches causes the Director to spawn more than usual? Because I did a single player campaign in Dark Carnival where I made a point of avoiding Witches and encountered at least 6 or 7, two of which were IN A SAFE ROOM DOORWAY. (That is, twice there was one Witch, not once there were two Witches next to each other.) And one of those was at the end of that Crescendo where you need to open the gates and the horde doesn't stop coming until you're all inside. Quote
linkspast Posted December 15, 2009 Posted December 15, 2009 Sweet. I wonder if they will just be NPC`s? Free DLC is so sweet. Quote
Powerlord Posted December 15, 2009 Posted December 15, 2009 Free DLC is so sweet. Nothing can beat the PC version of [thread=17376]Team Fortress 2[/thread] for free DLC... particularly when you consider it goes on sale fairly frequently (it was $2.49 during the Halloween weekend) and is normally sold along with Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, and Portal as The Orange Box for $30. TF2 has its 8th free DLC pack coming out late this week or next week. It'll probably have a free weekend this weekend as well. (P.S. OCR runs two 24-player TF2 servers as and ) (Side note: TF2 currently has 250 achievements, and will gain at least an additional 74 with this update.) Quote
The Damned Posted December 15, 2009 Author Posted December 15, 2009 Sweet. I am breathlessly anticipating this.In unrelated news, does anyone happen to know if avoiding Witches causes the Director to spawn more than usual? Because I did a single player campaign in Dark Carnival where I made a point of avoiding Witches and encountered at least 6 or 7, two of which were IN A SAFE ROOM DOORWAY. (That is, twice there was one Witch, not once there were two Witches next to each other.) And one of those was at the end of that Crescendo where you need to open the gates and the horde doesn't stop coming until you're all inside. According to the L4D wiki, there's nothing about the AI Director setting up witches if you avoid them. My own personal experience from hundreds of hours of playing is that witches can and will appear just about anywhere, and the number of times they appear, whether you kill them or not, is random as well. I've had games where we only had one witch in the entire campaign, and others just like yours, where they appeared in every level, and sometimes two in one map. Quote
Doulifée Posted December 15, 2009 Posted December 15, 2009 According to the L4D wiki, there's nothing about the AI Director setting up witches if you avoid them.My own personal experience from hundreds of hours of playing is that witches can and will appear just about anywhere, and the number of times they appear, whether you kill them or not, is random as well. I've had games where we only had one witch in the entire campaign, and others just like yours, where they appeared in every level, and sometimes two in one map. same here, also sometime the Director can be a little bitch with special infected, my last play i was managing them 3 at once. Quote
The Damned Posted January 2, 2010 Author Posted January 2, 2010 Enjoy your hard evidence of what weapons will kill a tank quickly. Oddly enough, the most effective firearm is my old L4D1 stand-by, the assault rifle, at 24 seconds. Next up is the combat shotgun (which is weird, because on L4D1, they nerfed shotgun damage against the tank) at 26 seconds. The best melee weapon is the tonfa (aka nightstick, aka police baton) at 6 seconds. Damn, that's better than the more obvious ones like the machete or the katana, or even the fireaxe. Might be useful in future games, like in versus. Quote
Triad Orion Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Very late to the party, but I finally have the game. And I love it to pieces. Love the new weapon choices a lot. And I'm surprised the Nightstick is that effective. ...Mostly because I have a love/hate relationship with the Melee weapons. I generally prefer using dual pistols, but most of my friends like to go with melee, and then they're stupid and run right in the goddamn line of fire. Quote
The Damned Posted January 5, 2010 Author Posted January 5, 2010 I've found that melee weapons are best for Advanced and Expert, and in Versus. In Easy and Normal, everything dies really quickly, such that going just pistols or even just a Magnum is perfectly doable. But once you get up to Advanced, the damage you can take from random zombies starts to add up, and you can find yourself overwhelmed quite easily. One good swing of the bat or guitar or whatever takes care of that far quicker than pistols can. Versus, it's good for dealing with successful boomer attacks, tanks, and getting Hunters off of teammates. Shooting them off only works if you have a clear line of fire, good aim, and aren't close enough to push them off. Meleeing a Hunter not only gets if off your teammate, but also kills it, weakening the attack of the Infected significantly. Also, it's fun to smash things. SMASH SMASH SMASH! Quote
Sporknight Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Very late to the party, but I finally have the game. And I love it to pieces. Love the new weapon choices a lot.And I'm surprised the Nightstick is that effective. ...Mostly because I have a love/hate relationship with the Melee weapons. I generally prefer using dual pistols, but most of my friends like to go with melee, and then they're stupid and run right in the goddamn line of fire. The thing about the nightstick is that while it swings quick, it only has one point of impact. Compare this to the guitar/katana, which have slow swings but hit a ton of zombies. If you're just killing tanks, by all means go with the nightstick, but if you're wading through hordes you'd be better served with a different melee weapon (or the grenade launcher, heh). Speaking of the grenade launcher, does anyone actually use it? It seems like a fun toy to play with on low difficulty stuff, but with friendly fire on higher difficulties it becomes highly situational. Quote
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