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  • 1 month later...

A new CG trailer from TGS care of Kotaku.

Also the whole reason the game hasn't been announced for the 360 yet has to do with Microsoft's Xbox Live policy, specifically the part about not being able to charge any other fees on top of a gold subscription. FFXI was fine because it used Playonline, and FFXIV does not. I'm sure there'll be some kind of work around and there'll be an announcement later on this year or early next.

  • 8 months later...
Can I get some reasons why WoW sucks? Maybe from someone who actually bothered to play the game?

I played and compared 'em both. At the time I switched (4 years ago), WoW's gameplay was infinitely better than FFXI's. Has that changed at all?

After reading the pages afterwards, why are you even bothering to argue with the imbeciles? They've yet to state why they truly think the games are terrible beyond moronic generalizations. You may as well go yell at a fucking wall and scream "YOU ARE NOT WHITE, YOU'RE MADE OF MARSHMALLOW!" for the same damn effect.

All I've heard is the same stupid diatribe from morons from the "haters" camp that gets repeated in almost every fucking thread that deals with FFXI, WoW, both, or just MMOs in general. It's always something incredibly trite as "popular != good", "WoW sucks", "FFXI sucks", "people in charge of XXX game don't know hot to make a video game", "I had to kill 50 billion boars", "nothing but fetch quests", or something along the lines of "I'm a cheap motherfucker" in regards to the pricing scale. They pick a stance, or two, and do nothing but harp about that/those stances over and over with different wording and no real argument.

You can go on and on about what you liked and didn't like about either MMO, but ultimately you'll just give the idiots more ammunition with which to be stupid. Just ignore them and move on.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well things look pretty bleak for a 360 version of FFXIV, as evidenced by the dev team apparently unable to come to an agreement with MS over Live use. Kind of a pity, being that this thing was first revealed years ago on the 360 to begin with.

Prophet, it looks like I'll be consulting you in the near future. :-P

On a more positive note, 1up has a video up comparing the alpha and new beta builds. While there isn't anything particularly overt in the first half(looks like they turned down the gamma mostly) save for the addition of what seems to be better textures, the battle system/HUD interface looks quite different.

Of course being that we're a community of a more musical persuasion, I think I was more interested in the new battle music than anything else. :<

Posted (edited)
On a more positive note, 1up has a video up comparing the alpha and new beta builds. While there isn't anything particularly overt in the first half(looks like they turned down the gamma mostly) save for the addition of what seems to be better textures, the battle system/HUD interface looks quite different.

Of course being that we're a community of a more musical persuasion, I think I was more interested in the new battle music than anything else. :<

It's more that they just fixed the lighting code up - there's less ambient light and more light occlusion and actual light sources - the shop guy with the pane of light in front of him or the lights hanging from the ceiling are good examples. Also, new shadow code - in the second shot of a character walking, you can see much better-defined shadows. The textures are definitely looking better.

Battle system looks a LOT better, and will definitely be interesting in groups. The combination of increased speed and not having to keep the ATB gauge completely full will make things interesting, especially for magic users - instead of higher MP costs for bigger (-ga) spells, they might just have to wait longer...

Or they could even give the option, like a range - you can activate the spell at any time in this range, but the longer you wait, the less MP it costs... hm.

Edited by The Mutericator
Posted (edited)
Out of curiousity did anyone here play FFXI? And I mean...not just briefly either.

I played it for 2 years

I've seen many vids of 14 and I have to say the more I see the less impressed I am. it FF11, just polished up. It has the same quirks 11 had, the fact they used the same races.. it blew me away how little they changed. it's like FFX-2 to FFX.

It even has the same battle animations.

can have a look yourself http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/446/view/videos/play/1766

I really though I was looking at a new area of FF11 till I looked at the title

Edited by Coyote-Trickster
I played it for 2 years

I've seen many vids of 14 and I have to say the more I see the less impressed I am. it FF11, just polished up. It has the same quirks 11 had, the fact they used the same races.. it blew me away how little they changed. it's like FFX-2 to FFX.

It even has the same battle animations.

Heaven forbid a game uses the same fantasy races as a game before it. There are only so many variants of pointy-eared people you can create. The same goes for ways to swing a sword, and styles in which to render a forest/jungle.

Glad to see you're focused on what matters.


^ Stop that, I want to hear what he has to say.

Coyote: have you seen any similarities as far as the battle system goes? I realize very little of the mechanics have been shown off, but I'm interested to know exactly how much like 11 this is (I never played 11).


It's still the same relatively slow combat (played XI for probably close to 6 years), though it has some new features that make controlling combat a little like FFXIII, in that you can queue up actions. There is a UI element specifically for this to make abilities much easier to access (in XI everything had to be accessed with a macro, no icons), and there is no auto-attack, so in some cases, you might simulate auto-attack by queuing up a series of say, punches to accumulate TP, then use a TP move of some sort. What's cool is that TP moves require different amounts, as opposed to in FFXI where each one required 100 (a good few hits, for those who did not play).

I expect FFXIV to mostly appeal to the same people who liked FFXI, with the advantage that it is more quest driven so it will have a better chance of luring in anyone who was leery of FFXI's grind. I doubt we'll see too many more MMORPGs with a focus on grinding, that's just too old (and generally boring) a mechanic for a new game these days (though doing the same quests over and over isn't much better, time will have to tell where XIV stands on that).


FFXI was my first MMO. Much as I sometimes miss Vana'diel, I can't go back to it now. It's just too slow and punishing. If FFXIV can recreate the feel of FFXI but speed up and streamline the actual gameplay, I'll be in heaven.

I can guarantee that my wife and I will be giving it a shot. Probably Tweex too.

Posted (edited)
^ Stop that, I want to hear what he has to say.

Coyote: have you seen any similarities as far as the battle system goes? I realize very little of the mechanics have been shown off, but I'm interested to know exactly how much like 11 this is (I never played 11).

It's still the same principle. You toggle lock then select attack, then the skill. Though like mentioned in a post prior you can use TP at any time and not wait for it to max. In this video the guy playing Sheathed and unsheathed alot but as I remember FF11 the was a delay when you did so and someone new would hit it a few times thinking the first try didn't work. There is still that delay in battles. I use to love running from a fight in 11. You had to toggle attack off or you'd just run around the mob. Even when you toggled it off and ran the character would stop running, sheath their weapon and start running again.

I noticed that they added that enemies can flee now. I hope to god that they don't do that in big maps, least you aggro half the area running after it or it aggros the same creatures. Oh man... The Kuftal tunnel lizzies were great for that in FF11 "Whm got a lizzy aggro! ...Make that 12 of them"

one thing FF11 had that seems to be present in 14 is the massively confusing maps. For the short time I played Wow it was hard to get lost. in FF11 it was easy in specific areas lol Boyahda Tree, Kuftal, the tunnel to the glaciers(I forget the name. It was left, left and a right at the large scorpion... thank god it only showed up in that spot, it was my marker lol) Crawler's Nest was a interesting one. Eldieme Necropolis was a great one too but these areas had nasty mobs lurking about and the stress of getting mauled probably made things more confusing then they were. I'm sure I'm not the only FF11 player to travel 30-40 minutes to a camp in one hit death areas to party wich would last 15 minutes

... gah. also the White mage was usualy the first to get killed while getting to camp lol

I actualy did like FF11 when I played it but it was the comunity that made it great. I had alot of great friends there in Bismark. When they said they were making a FF14 I wasn't expecting it to be so close to 11. I was kinda shocked when I found out.

I remember when the Final Fantasy creator said that No Final Fantasy would resemble another lol but that was a looooong time ago, things change.

I'm actualy 50/50 on the game atm, to be fair.

just don't want to be let down ><

add: "How do I mine for fish?"

Edited by Coyote-Trickster
FFXI was my first MMO. Much as I sometimes miss Vana'diel, I can't go back to it now. It's just too slow and punishing. If FFXIV can recreate the feel of FFXI but speed up and streamline the actual gameplay, I'll be in heaven.

I can guarantee that my wife and I will be giving it a shot. Probably Tweex too.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get an OCR linkshell or something going in XIV?

I sometimes miss Vana'diel myself, but I've got the exact same feelings as you. Two of my old classmates apparently started playing again this week, but as much as I loved the game-world, the general pace of the game is such a turn-off.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we could get an OCR linkshell or something going in XIV?

An OCR linkshell would be cool. I'm very excited for this game. I played FFXI from the time it was released til about a year ago. I tried the official benchmark thing and scored a little over 4000 on the 1080p setting, but I can't find any information on scoring anywhere.


If you got that high, you're going to be able to run it just fine. Problem is though that the benchmark they're using apparently isn't finalized as there's still apparently much more optimization and tweaking to be done for the finalized graphics engine. Hell, they're saying it might require less juice.

At any rate, an OCR group would be great. They're doing a lot to change up the community tools as well. For one thing, the linkshells are now called companies, and they can apparently level up. Also, not unlike Guild Wars, companies are going to be getting their own "company residences" or some such thing.


A lot of my friends played FFXI while I was playing WoW. I always wanted to jump in but it was already far into the game in terms of expansions for me to start learning imo. FFIV will be a very fresh start for me that's for sure.

An OCR linkshell would be cool. I'm very excited for this game. I played FFXI from the time it was released til about a year ago. I tried the official benchmark thing and scored a little over 4000 on the 1080p setting, but I can't find any information on scoring anywhere.

Above 2500 is fine, 4000 should be more than enough :)

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