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If you like WoW, don't even try it. All most threads end up being is "WRAR WRAR WoW DID THIS YEARS AGO WHY CAN"T IT BE LIKE THIS NOW GAY GAY GAY" on other forums.

Is that because WoW and FF14 are totally different gaming models, or is it because you don't want the WoWkids polluting this thread?

I'm interested in hearing a review. I don't like reading magazine reviews for MMORPGs anymore, since almost all of them are like "OMG GAME SO AWESOME" and they review it one day after it comes out. Like you can tell what an MMORPG is like after the first day.

Is that because WoW and FF14 are totally different gaming models, or is it because you don't want the WoWkids polluting this thread?

I'm interested in hearing a review. I don't like reading magazine reviews for MMORPGs anymore, since almost all of them are like "OMG GAME SO AWESOME" and they review it one day after it comes out. Like you can tell what an MMORPG is like after the first day.


a 6 pages journal review


The game have potential. there is a lot of work to make it better that's for sure, but so far i love the complexity of the craft. Craft is considered a job at the same level as a killing class like archer or lancer.

Main problem so far is the menu system, they are too much windows and it's a bit laggy. Also the lake of AH is disturbing, the economy is horrible.


I am freaking addicted to crafting in this game, and that alone should earn it a seal of approval since I've never been much for crafting in a game that isn't specifically based solely around it. I could also so the same thing about axe-wielding classes and yet here I am leveling and loving marauder.

I've also noticed that positioning does actually matter in battle this time around as while I was in a party with a member keeping the hate, I was constantly getting nothing but critical/multiple hits when attacking from behind or the flank.

While this game is pretty damned fun, it does have it's big flaws not unlike most MMOs at launch. For starters, there's a bunch of lag UI and battle lag, which is apparently the cause of battle regimens(the game's version of combo attacks) lack of functionality from what I can tell, and the game instruction manual is atrociously bad at explaining anything. The game site, The Lodestone is a bit more helpful(it has crafting recipes up), but not by too much.

I don't think we're going to see very accurate reviews on the game until a few more months have passed however. The game was rushed and it shows, with SE already rushing to add in more content within the next week or so. But for what it's worth, the content that IS there(which is already a lot) is very, VERY fun.


So what estimate can you guys give (based on your experience already, noticeable bugs, gameplay and economy issues, updates they've already done) on how long it will take SE to make the game significantly more stable? PS3 launch maybe?

Just curious because at the current time (from what I've heard) I personally don't want to get it yet, but I may give it a chance after they iron out some difficulties. I can't even imagine not having an AH either. I mean, the AH was a pain enough in FFXI, but not having one all together? Damn.

Was anyone other than Douli, Edge, and myself on Figaro? We need a bigger OCR linkshell!

Me.. I have yet to play waiting for the new mobo to get here.

But I think my name is Kevin Kruse.

Posted (edited)

The reviews are coming in and the critics say that the game is absolutely horrible.



I realize that mmo's are not supposed to be reviewed after only the first week for 2 reasons. First, the glitches and such that will be patched in the first few months. And second, there is no way to see the amount of content and the world in that time frame. But this is just ridiculous. I'm sure by the ps3 launch, things will be much better for us console folks.

Edited by Thin Crust

Oh it's not polished at all, and still rather laggy at the best of times, but I do think it will only continue to get better. I also think that while it can't properly be reviewed at the moment, it will and has been, and for what they are reviewing, I would say yes, absolutely it does not deserve good marks yet. Personally I've been having a lot of fun, though I think SE would have been smarter to not rush the release as the initial lack of polish is the thing that will scathe it in reviews (which is basically what is happening).

It's not a huge secret that it was originally intended to launch on both the PC and PS3 at the same time in March 2011, rather than Sept 22 (CE) or Sept 30 2010 (non-CE). It was presumably pushed up to let players have a chance to get into it before WoW's Cataclysm launched. I'm not totally convinced this was a good move, as the game still feels entirely too much like a beta for the most part, and this may put people off (or make them all too ready to jump back to WoW, if applicable).

At the same time you have either old FFXI players who have been through this before and would rather play now than wait, people who are having fun despite the unpolished state of the game, and perhaps some newcomers who haven't really played MMOs to realize how unpolished it is at the moment. The launch of FFXI was actually very similar to this, however since it launched in Japan a full year (and expansion) before making its way to North America, a good chunk of the most glaring problems were no where to be found and are only known through the translated stories told by Japanese players.

In the end for me, despite all of its obvious problems, I am having fun, so I'm sticking with it, and I expect that FFXIV will do ok, much like all of my thoughts in the past. It's not going to take over the #1 MMO spot or anything like that, and it knows it, and between the Final Fantasy name, and a substantial number of old FFXI players looking for something new, it will have a half-decent playerbase.

Basically that was a long way of saying I think you're right, things should be a lot better come PS3 release (if they're not, who knows, even I might have grown tired of this pseudo-beta by then).

  • 2 months later...

Dang. Y'know, I actually enjoyed what little I played of it. It was a very unique kind of MMO, and showed some interesting potential because of it. They released it too early though, and it's really cost them.

Yea, They released it way too early. At least they are still working on it instead of abandoning it.

By the way, does anyone still play it? Is it fun at least?

I quit.. I need to cancel payment. It really is slow. and kinda sucks. not engaging at. all. Im disappointed. I might pick it back up in a few months if they make some major changes, but thats doubtful.

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