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I just...


This... Well, obviously this shows that something new is being done. Although, I'm a bit disappointed to see Link in his traditional tunic. Here's hoping that design will change.

I'm a bit disappointed to see Link in his traditional tunic. Here's hoping that design will change.

Assuming we'll see a progression of age on link, it may very well change from Young Adult Link's look as we know it to whatever Shiggy has in mind.

As for the art posted here...

Well... I don't really know what to say actually... Wow I guess..?


I think that you folks are onto something with the spirit being the Master Sword. I like the concept (has anyone else noticed that everyone has some kind of sidekick now?), though I'll miss Midna.

It looks like Nintendo are changing up the style with Zelda and Metroid. Time for a true rebirth of both, don't you think? Anyway, I'm hoping this Zelda distances itself from Ocarina and the games that came afterward. I mean no offense to those games, because all Zelda games rule - I'm just ready for a Zelda that actually feels new. Same with Metroid.

I'm just ready for a Zelda that actually feels new.

Wind Waker?

Same with Metroid.

Metroid Prime?

Or am I an old fogie now?

I don't like this growing up business.


I wasn't taking this topic seriously until I spied those concept art pics. Those are somewhat...shocking. This brings some questions: If Link isn't going to kill things with the Master Sword, what sword IS he going to use? Will he be fighting Ganon, if he isn't able to use the sword of evil's bane? Will Zelda even be in this game? I'm quite intrigued now.

You know megadave, I felt that Phantom Hourglass did a pretty good job of revitalizing the series (despite its numerous shortcomings). The items, the dungeons, the secrets, the minigames...It all felt pretty fresh to me!

I wasn't taking this topic seriously until I spied those concept art pics. Those are somewhat...shocking. This brings some questions: If Link isn't going to kill things with the Master Sword, what sword IS he going to use? Will he be fighting Ganon, if he isn't able to use the sword of evil's bane? Will Zelda even be in this game? I'm quite intrigued now.

Unless the Master Sword can transform between a sword shape and a persony shape. Speaking of the persony shape...it kind of reminds me of the fairy queen from The Wind Waker and Four Swords Adventures.

I'm a little disappointed in Link's artwork, though (or more specifically, the way it was described). More grown up than ever before? No. He's Twilight Princess Link without a sword.

I wasn't taking this topic seriously until I spied those concept art pics. Those are somewhat...shocking. This brings some questions: If Link isn't going to kill things with the Master Sword, what sword IS he going to use? Will he be fighting Ganon, if he isn't able to use the sword of evil's bane?

Nintendo will shock us with their innovative ways once more and build this Zelda around some totally awesome premise where you control the master sword statue thing to fight enemies.


They should just give Link a MGS4 Solid Snake mustache. Problem solved. Need a sidekick? It's Link's talking mustache that doubles as a hookshot, boomerang, and musical instrument.

The Mustache of Time.

Heard it here first folks.

I would buy this game.

So looking at the image again, Link's shield is in his left hand... meaning his sword hand is his right. Are we getting more mirrored game action again like they did with Twilight Princess for the Wii?

I think it's more likely that this time around, Link's hand will can be changed at will.

If the game uses Wii motion plus, then Link MUST be using the same hand that the player does, whether the player is right or left handed, or the sword motions won't match.

Pretend to block with a sword in your right hand, and you'll see that if the sword was in Link's left, he'd be exposing himself to attack.

I think it's more likely that this time around, Link's hand will can be changed at will.

If the game uses Wii motion plus, then Link MUST be using the same hand that the player does, whether the player is right or left handed, or the sword motions won't match.

Pretend to block with a sword in your right hand, and you'll see that if the sword was in Link's left, he'd be exposing himself to attack.

You know what? I think this is a fabulous explanation.


I have the feeling that this will be the Majoras Mask to Twilights Ocarina; a strange, darker, more mature Zelda sequel thing that tables will like a lot.

Also, maybe this Master Sword spirit thing could lead into coop play? probably not.


I can't see them making a Zelda that's darker than Twilight Princess. Twilight Princess had some dark shit by Zelda standards. Majora had the doomsday thing going on, yeah, but TP had a lot of creepy moments too.

You know, I'd love to see them implement a greater emphasis on tactics in battle. Currently, you lock onto one enemy, kill him, and move on, jumping from foe to foe only against the most aggressive or numerous. Maybe Link will use other weapons besides the swords on occasion, opening up possibilities for better crowd control maneuvers or dual-wielding different items for multitasking mid-battle, etc.

I just hope that the game has a better control scheme.

Granted I can't compare to TP directly since I had the gamecube version, but damn were those some clunky controls...

Maybe the wiggle will be better. :3

I haven't played the Gamecube version, but the controls were bad on the Wii. I didn't mind the waggle, but I had to turn the pointing off because it was bad. But the worst was the item buttons (C buttons), and the menu where you set those item buttons. Even after beating the game, I never got used to those item controls... I seem to remember the in-game HUD for that was confusing too. Always pulling out the wrong item... THAT was the hardest aspect of the game!! (...if you don't count the cave of ordeals.)

I REALLY hope this new Zelda either removes the "target an enemy and use the right item to kill it with no skill involved" gameplay, or revamps it in a way that makes it fun. OOT started it all and in that game it was challenging and fun, but it got worse and way too easy in Windwaker, and even worse in Twilight Princess. No one can deny the combat in Zelda 1, 2, and LttP is WAAY better than the combat in TP.

Well, we'll see what happens... maybe this new game will have voice controls, and you'll have to tell the sword/spirit which enemies to kill. It's stupid enough that they just might do it. But first they'll have to see if other voice-controlled games will sell :roll: A Wii motion plus Zelda has a ton of potential... but I'm not getting my hopes up at all.

I can't see them making a Zelda that's darker than Twilight Princess. Twilight Princess had some dark shit by Zelda standards. Majora had the doomsday thing going on, yeah, but TP had a lot of creepy moments too.

Your opinion is wrong! =D

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