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1. Synthtopia

2. Motor-rider

3. Moonlight

4. Sudden Illusions

5. The Terminator Theme

6. Synphetic Aspirations

7. Dark Dreams

8, Metric Metal

9. Across The Galaxy

Well, this album has been in the making for a long time, but its finally here...

This is my first original full length album Sudden Illusions.

It can be downloaded HERE

It is a mostly electronic album, with some rock and classical influences.

Comments and reviews are greatly appreciated...

I would like to thank ocremix at this point for helping me develop as a musician, I wouldn't have come as far as I have without this site :P

Also, Rozovian deserves a mention for helping me write Synphetic Aspirations.

Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did making it :P


This is half the reason I keep coming to these forums, the free albums that randomly hit the boards here are always great.

I'll check it out later


Don't have time at the moment, but this is likely to get a good thorough listen-through within the next few days.

Thanks Willrock! Lookin' forward to it!


Very nice, I've given it a quick listen, and I'm hearing a bit of a Falcom-esque vibe to some of those upbeat tracks that I really like. I could seriously picture Synphetic Aspiriations in particular as being a background track for an Ys game. :D


finally.. dl'ing.

Synthtopia - did you borrow from your icecap remix? Similar motif as your original section + similar arpeggio (at least similar synth). No complaints though, very chill, describing it as nostalgic works for me.

Moonlight: YES, PIANO LOVE. I wouldn't have minded more rubato but still very sweet.

Sudden illusions - somewhat unexpected in some places and I liked that. Really digging the sounds you brought to this one.

Symphetic had a nice vibe all aboot it.

Dark Dreams reminded me of Bach I think.

Haha, Metric Metal's intro juxtaposed to Dark Dreams was awesome. Strikes me as your heaviest piece on this album, coool.

Across the Galaxy sort of reminds me of a pinball machine but more space-y with those pads. Perhaps it's the arpeggiating everywhere. Liking it. Very full and satisfying ending.

Oh, and... thanks for making this and releasing it for free. Do you have commercial aspirations, by chance?


Synthtopia - did you borrow from your icecap remix?

Not intentionally... But the arpeggio is the same synth sound at the intro so I can see why you made the comparison.

Do you have commercial aspirations, by chance?

Interesting choice of words.. ;)

I do intend to make my later albums commercial but I'm testing the waters at the moment...

Thanks for the comments man.


Nice work, man. Sudden Illusions and Synthopia are my favorites from the track. Nice work on the Terminator theme also. Dark Dreams is also cool... Might as well say the whole album is great. :D

Oh and for anybody interested, my contribution to Synphetic Aspirations is the melody at 0:17-0:41, which Will heard while we were working on the music for FireSlash's game project. He apparently liked enough to incorporate into the track.

This is a pretty neat album, although it seems more like an EP in length IMO.

I actually prefer shorter albums, I listen through different albums a lot, in contrast to the rest of the world that seems to shuffle their playlist (altho I do shuffle too at times) :D

I find that albums that are over 40 minutes in length get boring before you've heard the whole thing through personally, and thats something I try to avoid, hence the short album time.

Thanks for the comment :P

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