DJ-star Posted July 22, 2009 Posted July 22, 2009 This Looks (and sounds) AWESOME!! I just join not to long ago (so this site release free albums like that from time to time?) eather way I'm so telling my friends about this site. Quote
audio fidelity Posted July 22, 2009 Posted July 22, 2009 Just a note, I collaborated with OA on Fighting for Tomorrow, not AF i just helped with the choir, koto, and some bass - Nutritious did all the orchestra Quote
DragonAvenger Posted July 22, 2009 Posted July 22, 2009 i think it's more like the lack of sleep i've gotten recently has made me say some weird stuff. OA wants to have DrumUltima's babies. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted July 22, 2009 Author Posted July 22, 2009 OA wants to have DrumUltima's dragon babies. fixed it for you Quote
OceansAndrew Posted July 22, 2009 Author Posted July 22, 2009 yes, and I love my wife very much. But dragon babies are different. Quote
Otakatt Posted July 22, 2009 Posted July 22, 2009 Glad you like the review! I edited it to change AF to Nutritious where pointed out, and to fix a surprising number of typos I made. ~.~ Quote
anosou Posted July 22, 2009 Posted July 22, 2009 This thread is filled with strange but amusing project-participant-incest. I approve. Quote
nrich Posted July 22, 2009 Posted July 22, 2009 i'm really glad to see the heavy promotion worked and how well received the project's become. granted i wasn't there from the beginning for the painstakingly long process of production and release, but i knew it'd be an outstanding follow-up to the success of voices of the lifestream great job to everyone. looking forward very much to the next endeavor Quote
SwordBreaker Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 Just downloaded the album and I'm listening through. I'm in Act 2 and there's some good stuff thus far. Just wanted to plug in this...Chocobo Chocobo surprised the hell out of me! Honestly never expected an arrangement like this at all. The beat is really cool and dark compared to the lightheartedness of the original...but then the rap and lyrics come in and change the track completely. Kind of reminds me of D12's "Fight Music" in a way. Lots of Crazy Crackaz in there, too. Nice work, Scuba Divers. Despite not being my cup of tea, I'm really digging this mix. BTW, just wanna be sure on whether or not Liontamer actually rapped on this or just did the intro. 'cause that first part kind of sounds like Larry...then again I haven't heard him perform before so... I'll be back with more detailed impressions. Loving what I'm hearing though. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 bone me plz You're not a dragon yet. Also, on a similar note....OA refused. On a REAL topic related note, hanging out in the chatroom for the live radio stream internet show promoting EOBLOF was fun! Quote
DragonAvenger Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 Just downloaded the album and I'm listening through. I'm in Act 2 and there's some good stuff thus far. Just wanted to plug in this...Chocobo Chocobo surprised the hell out of me! Honestly never expected an arrangement like this at all. The beat is really cool and dark compared to the lightheartedness of the original...but then the rap and lyrics come in and change the track completely. Kind of reminds me of D12's "Fight Music" in a way. Lots of Crazy Crackaz in there, too. Nice work, Scuba Divers. Despite not being my cup of tea, I'm really digging this mix. BTW, just wanna be sure on whether or not Liontamer actually rapped on this or just did the intro. 'cause that first part kind of sounds like Larry...then again I haven't heard him perform before so... I'll be back with more detailed impressions. Loving what I'm hearing though. Larry only is part of the intro. Also, for some extra information, MomAvenger is also in Rhymes With Elixer!!! No one will ever guess where, though. Quote
audio fidelity Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 ah! i didn't know this! way to go momavenger! Quote
SwordBreaker Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 LOL. Go MomAvenger! I'm guessing that she's part of the audience. Thanks for the info, dudet. Scuba Divers came out of nowhere in any case. Never heard of them before this track. Cool group. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 She is specifically the whistling you can hear in the intro. Specially recruited for that crucial part. Quote
caitsith2 Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 Took me a bit to figure out what parts are song together, and how, in Act 3-12, under Together, we'll fight for our world, And protect it from this fiend (Fire from within) We must prevail *Let me teach you how to suffer, My hate is supreme, And you will not stop me!* (Essence born of hate) Never we will lay down to, Your sick and twisted lunacy (Cleansing bloodstained wings) *Life will cease when all is destroyed, I will bring the end, So come and meet your fate!* (Deep beyond Hell's gates) Happens like this. (Grouped, where 1 & 1 is together, 2 & 2 is together, and so on. 1 Together, we'll fight for our world, 1 (Fire from) 2 And protect it from this fiend 2 (within) 3 We must prevail 3 *Let me teach you how to suffer, 4 My hate is supreme,* 4 (Essence born) 5 *And you will not stop me!* 5 (of hate) 6 Never we will lay down to, 6 (Cleansing) 7 Your sick and twisted lunacy 7 (bloodstained wings) 8 *Life will cease when all is destroyed,* 9 *I will bring the end,* 9 (Deep beyond) A *So come and meet your fate!* A (Hell's gates) Yes, this track is awesome. ----- Also, who skipped putting in the lyrics for 2-02 Metal Mage? Anyway, it consists of these lines. Come on people, I want metal faster, faster yeah break it down yeah guitar solo That was Awesome Quote
KyleJCrb Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 BTW, just wanna be sure on whether or not Liontamer actually rapped on this or just did the intro. 'cause that first part kind of sounds like Larry...then again I haven't heard him perform before so... Larry is far too white to be able to rhyme like that. He sounds more like this. Quote
audio fidelity Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 thanks caitsith! - you got it documented Quote
Didaji Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 I have now listened to all tracks. Its so awesome. Great job everybody involved !!!! Quote
Wander Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this post, but I think MY OPINION MATTERS ALSO I'M COMMUNIST. Anyway, formalities aside... I was thoroughly disappointed with this project, especially after having downloaded the FLAC version (took off a good 1.5 GB of my 10 GB cap). I do appreciate the amount of work that has been put into this, but I cannot deny my dissatisfaction. First of all, the whole concept of "remixing" doesn't sit well with me. Listening to the old SNES version of the FFIV soundtrack brings back memories. Makes me feel nostalgic, even. After listening to this remixed album, I couldn't stop shaking my head. The songs I knew - someone had taken what was once a masterpiece and turned it into their own "interpretation". Second, the general flow of the album - it's weird. Especially since it's a collaborative album, the songs each have an incredibly different feel to the last. Given its operatic (I mean the whole all-in-song style, not crazy sopranos belting it out) presentation, I would have thought that I would be addicted to beginning to end. This was not the case. I found myself skipping through tracks that didn't sit well with the mood the last one put me in. Let's take a look at Jesus Christ Superstar, by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Now, granted, none of you (the 'mixers) are on par with a composer like Andrew Lloyd Webber, but regardless, I'll make the comparison. Jesus Christ Superstar is a rock opera, in that the whole production is in song. When listening to on a soundtrack, it still gives the feel that a story is being told. From the Overture to John 19:41, the whole album simply works when listened to in order. The songs flow into the next very well, especially in Act II where the tension of the characters builds up very well. What I found with Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption (bad name, by the way) was that it was simply everyone setting off and doing their own "thang" and then coming back and sticking the songs in order. This is where it fails as an album. The mood is absolutely wrong. For those of you who haven't listened to Jesus Christ Superstar, you should. It's a great audio experience. That being said, however, there are some genuine gems in the album, though I won't name any to avoid butthurt. I must say that overall, it's a thumbs down from me. Quote
Rozovian Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 I'm probably going to get a lot of shit for this post....(here be a tale of broken expectations and distaste for interpretation, starring Wander, co-starring Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice with special guest star Jesus Christ) That being said, however, there are some genuine gems in the album, though I won't name any to avoid butthurt. I must say that overall, it's a thumbs down from me. Who gets butthurt by having their track named a gem? This is the internet, everybody hates. Just name the gems, the artists would probably appreciate that much more than hearing the album they contributed to was overall a disappointment to you. Quote
DragonAvenger Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 First of all, the whole concept of "remixing" doesn't sit well with me. Listening to the old SNES version of the FFIV soundtrack brings back memories. Makes me feel nostalgic, even. After listening to this remixed album, I couldn't stop shaking my head. The songs I knew - someone had taken what was once a masterpiece and turned it into their own "interpretation". I have little problem with the rest of your post, but this bothers me in the fact that the entire site is dedicatd to "remixing" (as you put it). If you went to a VG cover site and heard an album like this, then yes, I could understand why you would complain, but on OCReMix what were you expecting to hear aside from 'remixed' songs? Quote
drougnor Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 I just want to start off by saying I'm a new poster, but a long time listener. This collection is absolutely fantastic and lives up to the expectations I have grown with every release over the years. With that, something has to be said . . . I joined up to comment on this because I couldn't let this go unaddressed. Specifically about the post I am quoting from. Where to start . . . Final Fantasy IV is my favorite game of all time and I'm very familiar with the tracks supposedly being covered. and I really didn't care for this at all and have been looking forward to it for quite some time. Don't start off with obvious 'entitlement' and follow it up with 'bastardly entitlement' if you want the rest of your post to be taken seriously. Just a suggestion. The pedigree of your fanboy/fangirl'ism won't win you any points when you intend to tear down someone's art. Nor will it 'endear' you to those you are about to tear down. With the exception of 2 tracks, the other 44 strayed so far from the source material that it was just uninteresting. Every time I thought one was headed in the right direction (track 2, CD1), things started spiraling downhill. I struggle to 'follow' the complaint. EVERY track I have listened to stays VERY faithful to the source material to my ear. I really just don't get where you are coming from. The routine in almost every track seemed to be to play the cover song through once and then, for the rest of the track, play whatever you want with a few vague hints here and there of what you're actually covering. Oh, wait, I think I'm seeing what's happening here. You seem to have the concept of an OC Remix 'cover' album (The term you were reaching for was Remix, not cover) confused. The 'problem' you describe is exactly the INTENT of every OCR album I've ever listened to. These people are artists who are inspired by well known source material, and as such, include the source in their own work, but don't set out to make a slavish reproduction. Any competent instrumentalist can do that. I certainly recognize the talent involved here (with the exception of one track* in particular which I'll address), but it just seems to have been misused. Again with the 'backhanded entitlement'. By stating that you recognize the talent, it seems to me that you are trying to engender some support for the upcoming negative statement. Really, it just makes you look like a dick. Not a personal attack, just keep that in mind when giving a critique. Most of this sounds like it should be on a demo CD promoting yourself and your own areas of expertise in the music world rather than on a compilation meant to cover songs composed by someone else. I agree that these artists should be promoting themselves, shamelessly, even . . . But they do the albums they do out of love for the art. Oh, and once again, you miss the intent - your usage of 'cover' implys to me that you think they should only slavishly 'recreate' instead of what they call it: ReMixing. And lastly - *The Chocobo rap You're doing it wrong. I couldn't even make it through that disrespectful piece. So, just what did they do wrong? I heard a piece that caught my ear in such a way that I look forward to it playing again every time I listen to the compilation. You state later that you dislike rap, which is no crime. I happen to dislike MOST rap with a fiery passion, yet, I loved the HELL out of this song. It was a great performance that, in my opinion, comes out of left field, kicks you in the stomach to grab your attention, holds your attention the entire time and leaves you with a smile, wondering if you just heard what you just heard. I had to rewind it three times just to verify I wasn't insane. I challenge you to go back and listen to the ENTIRE compilation once if not twice to listen for the very reasons you listed that you dislike the album. Ignore that there are changes to the source. Allow the artistry to come through. Otherwise, what you are saying is that you'd rather extract the tracks from the cartridge and listen to them in their original VG sound format, which is also a great idea, but TOTALLY makes your bothering to download this album something you did just so you could complain. Anyway, I plan to go back and write up a much more comprehensive review other than my above "This was great!" and will try not to ramble on about other's needlessly attacking the art. This has simply been my $.02. Take it or leave it . . . Just try to leave me some change, eh? Inflation's a killer these days. d Quote
Level 99 Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 Wow, looks like someone beat me to the punch! Anyways, here's what I was gonna post: Just doing my normal chiming in here: Thus far, I've heard a lot of people's reactions to the album. Some people, like myself, love every track on the project. Also some people, like myself, did work on the project so may have a little bit of a bias there but regardless, many people who weren't a part of it said they love it all, many people have said they like a lot of song, quite a few have said they like at least one or two songs, and I may recall a small few saying they didn't like anything. Regardless, the vast majority have found that they like at least ONE song, and honestly, for that, the project should be considered a success. This truly is a "there's something for everyone" project, and from both a video game arrangement standpoint and even listening to it without knowing the source (there aren't many, but I'm sure someone has!), I think it all was worth it. Even if it was all garbage, we still had a blast making it and after all the work we did it was released for free. I guess the only complaint then would be that we took 3+ hours of your life away if you listened to every track, but just like Hans Moleman said: "I would have just wasted them anyway." I'll slip back into the shadows now. And with that *slip* Quote
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