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Gundam isn't based on a manga, though give that it originally came out in the 70s, and that its creator has a long history of doing mecha anime, it's not all that surprising that he had an idea for it years before he actually got around to making it.

As an aside, am I the only one who tends to like anime that's not based on a preexisting manga better than stuff that is? It seems like most anime is based on a manga, but the stuff I really like (Gundam, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, and Paranoia Agent, for example) are all anime-first (though the popular stuff tends to get a manga adaptation eventually). There are exceptions, obviously (Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Outlaw Star are all anime-based-on-manga that I enjoy), but it's consistent enough that I wonder if it's just me or not.


Yah Zeon designs sure are super-cool!

Nah, Char was a douchebag loser right from the beginning. The only difference in CCA is that he's also genocidal.

...Yeah. I kinda forgot about that one. XDD

I was thinking more along the lines of the Zaku II, the Gouf, and the Gelgoog.


Man, I was not expecting the end of Spice and Wolf 2

I was hoping it'd go on for at least a couple more episodes

also something about Haruhi 2 was really missing the intensity of the first season

I guess I'll go catch up on Hayate and Shana then


uhhh I don't really get what you're trying to say

Haruhi 1 had an obvious arc (with some side stories) and a strong conclusion, but Haruhi 2 was like TEH ADVENTARES OF HARUHI NAND GANG


season 1 is good and at 14 eps, it's not that big of a timesink

watch it in airing order though or it screws up the pacing

if you're watching it from the DVD which has it in chrono order then here's the airing order with numbers representing chronological order:

11, 1, 2, 7, 3, 9, 8, 10, 14, 4, 13, 12, 5, 6

feel free to skip 11 though

if you're watching fansubs (I highly recommend a.f.k.'s) then it's be in the right order


it works, trust me

if you look at it

11, 1, 2, 7, 3, 9, 8, 10, 14, 4, 13, 12, 5, 6

bold reds are the main story with side stories in between which happen to be in an erratic chono order

it works pretty effectively, in my opinion


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is a great series. Even season 2 was pretty good (endless eight was just a few episodes too long). It's probably got a little more hype than is necessary, but that doesn't always mean it's bad. Like Gollgagh said, there aren't a huge amount of episodes so there's no harm in giving it a shot.You can watch the first season in any order you want, but the original airing order is my preferred way of viewing it.


The main problem with Haruhi S2 (other than the dreaded Endless Eight) is that it's taken piecemeal from several storylines in several light novels. While quite a few S1 episodes did the same, a large portion of S1 came from a major arc. S2 could only count as doing the same if you believe that Endless Eight really should've lasted more than 3 episodes max.

I assume S3 will be a lot better on that end, because Disappearance is probably the next thing to be adapted.

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