SystemsReady Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 I don't know. Kill La Kill is definitely ridiculous (and really good), but it had some coherency to it. Gurren Lagann is batshit insane. Need I mention the final battle? Gurren Lagann has its own brand of weird logic it goes with (the universe is powered by awesome)...but it doesn't hold a candle to the "logic" that Panty & Stocking employs. By which I mean it has no logic. Quote
Firebird Posted September 28, 2014 Posted September 28, 2014 (edited) I recently made the mistake of telling some friends of mine that I never got through Gurren Lagann because I found the first half of the series to be unquestionably terrible. Now I've committed to watching the series in its entirety with the goal of dissecting it episode-by-episode and delivering a paper explaining why I think it's a bad show, while my friends are hoping that getting through the series in its entirety will make me change my mind.I haven't yet seen Rurouni Kenshin, though it comes highly recommended. I did see the first live-action film, which was really good, so I mean to get around to it. Bleach is absolutely worth it, in my opinion, IF you have the patience to wade through the heap of shonen tropes and cliches. It's got the obnoxiously long fights, the unbearable mid-fight monologuing, the constant powerlevel one-upping, blah blah blah blah blah. But from the visual style to the subtext, it has some of the most incredibly well-crafted characters you'll find in anime, and is one of the thematically strongest series I've ever watched, topped off with a rather superb sense of humor throughout. It's a series I'm so glad I watched once, and have fond memories of, but doubt I will ever have the patience to sit through again. What's good about Bleach isn't just good, or great. It's phenomenal, it's deep, and it's intelligent. And it's buried under a mountain of mediocrity by way of tropes, cliches and conventions of the genre. I am all for personal tastes. But considering how much I have read comments on both shows. It seems like a weird bizarro world from where you're from. Though it's cool if you like it... If there's a shonen anime one should watch, it's definitely either One Piece or Hunter X Hunter. Both define and transcend the genre at times, especially the latter. I am both surprised and a little angry HXH hasn't had a proper English dubbing yet, despite it being aired on Netflix, if only with subtitles. Kinda feel ashamed for admitting this, but I am actually looking forward to the anime of adaptation of the Prison School manga. Of which, compared to Highschool of the Dead, is completely tame in terms of how utterly perverted it can be. But it more than makes up for its comedic department, and it is one of the few mangas that I had to look away from just so I could stifle myself from laughing. No other manga can make a serious debate on asses both so utterly ridiculous and enjoyable, or have characters misinterpret a situation based on the old "drop the soap" scenario be so hilarious, or even have an unexpected reference to Scorsese's Taxi Driver. It's awesome! XD But still, it is very very ecchi, I can see people be turned off by it... Edited September 28, 2014 by Firebird Quote
Servbot#36 Posted September 30, 2014 Posted September 30, 2014 so uh, SAO IIbiggest piece of crap I've ever seen I'm inclined to agree. Didn't have super high expectations for it after that whole Alfheim arc, but man it was pretty disappointing. Also (and I'm saying this purely as an opinion of course) I wasn't too hot on Kill La Kill. I thought it was pretty okay but it didn't feel like it was really progressing much until the end and the villain seemed kinda lame. What was her motivation? I never figured that out. Quote
Garrett Williamson Posted September 30, 2014 Posted September 30, 2014 I'm inclined to agree. Didn't have super high expectations for it after that whole Alfheim arc, but man it was pretty disappointing. There are so many things I could say about it but I don't think it's worth my time, hahaha! It's seriously just total garbage. I didn't even watch more than three episodes. I went and looked up what else happens and what I read told me "this isn't worth your time anymore." Quote
Servbot#36 Posted September 30, 2014 Posted September 30, 2014 There are so many things I could say about it but I don't think it's worth my time, hahaha!It's seriously just total garbage. I didn't even watch more than three episodes. I went and looked up what else happens and what I read told me "this isn't worth your time anymore." You picked a good time to leave. It hasn't been great for a while but it aaaaaall fell apart this last episode. That last plot twist was awful. I'm not gonna spoil the specifics for other people here but it was like they were trying really hard to justify such a dumb twist and ended up making it seem more confusing by just giving the guy like five completely unconnected motivations. And still none of them made any real sense. The Kirito Tiger Knee was pretty cool though. Quote
Abadoss Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 So, I scoured the inner recesses of my brain to come up with this list of every anime series and/or movie that I've watched so far. It's really hard to try to remember all this... Quote
Firebird Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Hmmm.... you know, I shouldn't find the Dragonball Z Battle of Gods movie so entertaining. But I do. It's an utter delight to me. Quote
relyanCe Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 So, I scoured the inner recesses of my brain to come up with this list of every anime series and/or movie that I've watched so far. It's really hard to try to remember all this... here's the easy way Quote
BaconProcurement Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Anyone watching Akame ga Kill!? I definitely recommend it for the action. The main story could put some as it is serious and goofy. (Your standard flair of anime tropes are here in this fantasy world.) By the way, it can be quite bloody and dark at times so you have been forewarned. Quote
Thin Crust Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 So, I scoured the inner recesses of my brain to come up with this list of every anime series and/or movie that I've watched so far. It's really hard to try to remember all this... Reading through that list I'm surprised at how many I had also watched. Wonder why SAO has such a long description. Quote
relyanCe Posted October 14, 2014 Posted October 14, 2014 Anyone watching Akame ga Kill!? I definitely recommend it for the action. The main story could put some as it is serious and goofy. (Your standard flair of anime tropes are here in this fantasy world.) By the way, it can be quite bloody and dark at times so you have been forewarned. I'm about 4 episodes in, watching it sporadically with some other friends whenever we get together it's pretty badass so far Quote
Abadoss Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 Reading through that list I'm surprised at how many I had also watched. Wonder why SAO has such a long description. I think it was just the list I pulled it from. Not sure how to get rid of it. Quote
k-wix Posted October 15, 2014 Posted October 15, 2014 Me and the wife (Woo-hoo! Just married!) just finished watching 'No Game No Life' on Crunchyroll. We both went into it not expecting much and were pretty surprised. It's a bit heavy on the fanservice, but the concept is really interesting and the writing is solid. Episode 6 is the probably the highlight of the series thus far. General plot is that a world that exists where 'games' determine the outcome of everything. Need money? play a game for it. Kill someone? play a game for it. The story centers around a male/female duo that are 'really' good at games, and get sucked into the world. Definitely worth checking out. Quote
Koriantor Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 Kill someone? play a game for it. How in the world does that work? Is that even legal? Are the games part of the laws of that universe or is it a societal artifact? And congradurations! May you two have a wonderful life. Quote
k-wix Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 How in the world does that work? Is that even legal? Are the games part of the laws of that universe or is it a societal artifact?And congradurations! May you two have a wonderful life. Basically, the 'god' of the the place forbids all hostile conflict of any sort. Any kind of conflict must be resolved through a game. Basically a god keeps everything and everyone in check. It's really, really interesting. Thanks for the blessing - we've been together for a very long time, so its business as usual for us Though we did have a pretty awesome video game themed wedding. Check out the cake: Quote
relyanCe Posted October 17, 2014 Posted October 17, 2014 that's just too cute. Quote
WiFiSunset Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Hmmm.... you know, I shouldn't find the Dragonball Z Battle of Gods movie so entertaining. But I do. It's an utter delight to me. Same here, I really liked it . I Really hope that it somehow turns into another DBZ series. Seems like it could really go somewhere great. Quote
relyanCe Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 (edited) Just got done watching Ping Pong the Animation. One of the best I've seen in a good while. Highly recommend it, especially for people who aren't usually into sports anime (like me). Also just finished my second watch-through of Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Fantastic the first time, twice as good the second. You really need to see it at least twice to catch all the little details, as well as the absolutely S-Tier photography, composition, light, and color. Also, keep in mind, this is a horror anime, so not for the faint of heart, but worth it if you can stomach darker themes. Edited October 28, 2014 by relyanCe Quote
Arrow Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 I just finished Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) Burst through Gundam the past couple months. Finished: Gundam 00 Gundam Build Fighters Gundam Unicorn Gundam SEED Gundam SEED Destiny Special Edition (really bad movies, might watch the show) Watching: Gundam Build Fighters Try Gundam Reconguista in G Gundam Wing To-Watch: Turn A Gundam (not really looking forward to it, it's not my style, but I know it's good) I'm not looking to watch G Gundam or anything before Gundam Wing. I *might* watch X. Reasons being I have low tolerance for old animation quality (also G Gundam is garbage from everything I have seen and read about it). I'll also eventually watch any good movies/OVA's made after the year 2000. I just finished Puella Magi Madoka Magica.Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. This is honestly like the best anime ever produced. Great plot, solid characters, great soundtrack, high budget animation, symbolic visual motifs, symbolic plot motifs, scary good rewatch value. Edited January 3, 2015 by Neblix Quote
Firebird Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 I was never truly intrigued by the drama and politics that came with some of the Gundam series I watched, despite liking some of them well enough. G Gundam is amazing for this opposite reason, being the biggest breath of fresh air in the entire series. I only ever seen Gundam purists ever complain about it, since it's the most straight up shonen anime since things like Yuyu Hakusho, though I think a closer comparison comparison in how seriously it takes itself is probably leaning towards something like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. It's certainly my favorite Gundam series, I don't what you're talking about. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) I can't really take a show seriously if it thematically concludes a gigantic geopolitical disaster by having the protagonist tell someone he loves her. Conversely, other geopolitical disasters in other Gundam are accurately addressed as pretty terrible (wars, genocide, etc.), with ambiguous morality, and lack any sort of meaningful resolution. It can be seen as an ongoing commentary of our own cyclic mistakes as humanity, and I find that far more interesting a message than "boy tells girl he loves her, dark gundam gets blown away and they live happily ever after". How is that supposed to make me feel? What am I supposed to have learned from that? Tell people how I feel? I guess, but it seems like the premise of the show (ongoing tournament to take over the world) wasn't appropriately used to reach that conclusion. Never mind the fact that the political world was being run by a freaking tournament, which makes absolutely no sense in the first place. Edited January 2, 2015 by Neblix Quote
relyanCe Posted January 2, 2015 Posted January 2, 2015 the modern tournament is derived from the tradition of combat by champion throughout history, geopolitics has often been determined by "heroic" single combat what is so absurd about a fictional implementation of an historical fact of human interaction, albeit on a grander scale also, shonen is often fundamentally about breaking down complex situations to deeply personal desires, e.g. love Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted January 3, 2015 Posted January 3, 2015 (edited) also, shonen is often fundamentally about breaking down complex situations to deeply personal desires, e.g. love This is *not* what Gundam is. Gundam's strength is its exploration of very complicated political and social issues. The only reason G Gundam is "Gundam" is because it's in the name. Yes, that doesn't make it a bad show by itself necessarily, but it's pretty terrible for a Gundam show, much like many people consider Other M an awful Metroid game (while by itself it's not *that* bad a game, albeit it is nothing special). I have no intention of watching G Gundam specifically because it's over-the-top and lacks any sort of complex substance to it. I don't like shows just for entertainment factor unless it's super stellar aesthetic design, like Build Fighters, which is a 2013 show with pristine animation and music. Even then, the show carries bright themes and doesn't really pretend to be serious as far as geopolitical themes (there are no geopolitical themes); it is essentially a major league gaming story (until the end, when something catastrophic *actually* happens and it's not pretending, it actually is serious). Edited January 3, 2015 by Neblix Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted January 3, 2015 Posted January 3, 2015 Rewatching Samurai Champloo. It's almost as good as I remember it being. Quote
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