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A nice effort. Everything fitted together well and the producing was pretty good but the tune did nothing for me, I'm afraid. I found it quite predictable and shallow. There were moments that didn't flow very well, like the transition from bass to lead at 0:30. Other parts were rather more successful and felt quite good. The powertools thing was a nice idea but it felt a little restrained. If he'd really gone all out, complimenting the power tools by screwing up the rest of it, he would probably have sold it to me better.

A nice attempt, competently mixed but with few surprises, it felt like it was tentatively mixed. Plunge in at the deep end and I think it'll do your music the world of good :)


All in all, not bad at all. I've never played the game but will try soon. There is that strange transition when its sounds as if you're in a factory with that bass line going...just...really different.


the quality of this song is very good. Great song to design a remix for too. The bass and drum used makes the remix really good. The effects

that you used weren't too overpowering which allows for easy listening even though the song has a relatively quick tempo. Keep remixing Life Force it's got some great tracks. Good work dude. :D


Cool, another quality Life Force remix with some nice industrial touches.

Now if only someone would remix the divine song from the third (fire) level and I can die a happy man.


good job. i think the old-school techno vibe was ok. hehe reminds me too much of my old tracker days 10 years ago.

anyways, we need more life force remixes grrr.. this is the second remix of the same tune.. Life Force has SOOooOOoo many good tunes to remix. Even the first stage tune is great, although a bit hard to remix. Especially if someone remixes stage 3's tune.. omg thats so damn hot.


Definately a different feeling then Wingless's remix. This remix is more mellow than The Wingless's rendition. I enjoyed the introduction of the drums and the synth strings. The hardware section adds a lot of bite but made me feel kind of awkward, like you were throwing something intresting for the "break it down" section (quite literally with the tools used). I agree with Blue Blazer, its not overpowering and the song is easy to listen too. It flowed right into the ending melody. I remixed the 2nd level (in Works In Progress section - Lifeforce - Enter the Salamander). Palpable's remix made me rethink the strategy of my own remix. =] Keep up the good work.

Much enjoyed and worth a listen.

  • 2 years later...

Not much love for Life Force it seems. What's this doing on page 29? Doesn't deserve that at all.

Great stuff from Vinod, who's a very consistent arranger who I wish we heard more from. Adds a lot of energy to the source material with a fresh approach.

Glad it passed, although I didn't feel it was a borderline case myself back when I read the decision.

  • 11 months later...

this is a decent mix, but really the power tool section made it stand out a lot more than it otherwise would have, and I think that more of that throughout the song would have improved it. A few transitions could have been a little stronger with the use of better fills, but overall the flow was good. Synths were a bit default sounding, but they were balanced well and didn't detract.

Regardless, the more power tools, the better.

  • 7 months later...

another techno mix, this time a little more inspired. Alas, only a little, that is, at 2:29 onwards. But the part is still kinda shallow and a repetition of the material heard before after it without substantial additions brings down the track. In the end, little stands out beyond the melody line which in a techno song you either must love or else hate and fail to like the song.

  • 1 year later...

I really dig this song! Starts up and keeps rolling the wheels... The organs at 1:23 are over-the-top awesome. I think they were a bit too awesome, because I was sad to not hear them come back at 2:15, but the industry spin was DIRTY HARD AWESOME. The song loses a bit of its energy after that and it felt like it ended a bit too abruptly, but I guess all tunes must end eventually.

  • 3 months later...

The industrial section is what really makes this mix. I'm going to have to agree with others that the sections before that don't really stand out nearly as much, and can even venture into the generic gray area. It stays safe, and it's nice to listen to, but, aside from the powertools, I can't say I'll be remembering much else about this one down the road.

  • 2 years later...

Old school Palpable. I believe I heard some of his more conservative works before he ended up being a part of the panel, though never really made the name match until a few years later for some reason.

So it starts out fairly cookie cutter with the drums and bass, though nicely layered and equalised drums and bass, and manages to keep its conservative nature with the melody addition just later on in the track. There may be a stale progression going on with the writing as it keeps itself very close to the source material, though I still have to say it's a very clean and well emphasized production that manages to stand strong even by today's standards.

The drill/SFX breakdown at 2:29 managed to really add some variety at that point; now for me I'm usually scared of drills in mixes because they'd have THAT MUCH high end on them that it would imagine me in the dentist's chair (don't ask), but thankfully the production feels tasteful here and offers a more pleasant sensation. :)

Arrangement-wise it may be straightforward, but I felt in regards to the execution it managed to stand the test of time fairly well. I'm going to have to admit that I didn't hear as much of Palpable's newer material within the past two years or so, but when comparing this to his Yoshi's Island entry when he became a judge, it's compelling me to righten things for the year ahead. For now, I feel good with this one :)

  • 4 years later...

I feel like the industrial sound fx could've been fleshed out a bit more, and been placed in more than one section of the track. Maybe bring them back in the final refrain but mix them quieter? You can never really go wrong using Life Force as a base for a mix though, so even if the arrangement follows the original too closely, it works.

Really not bad at all considering it's only his second mix. 

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01122 - Life Force "Temple of Life"

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