djpretzel Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
MaGi_TekK Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Nice work fellas. Man, about f*&$in time someone had the balls to remix something besides FF or chronotrigger, geezus. This mix just reminds me that there are a ton of games being neglected out there that really deserve remixing. (Little Nemo the dreammaster cough cough). Anyways, this mix is real slick, very ambient, definately a keeper, not much else to say. Quote
Dhsu Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Actually...the meaning of the word "eros" is more akin to the "lust," referring to the physical or sexual aspect of attraction. I believe "phileo" is closer to the romantic connotation of love. But...whatever works. Quote
GrayLightning Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Nice to see this one up. Battle of Olympus might have been my favorite game on the nes. I really am glad that I got to work with Freemind again, especially on this particular piece. Listening to this mix transports me to a greek island. I hope that somehow Freemind and I are able to share that feeling with the listeners. I think you're right in that it is more slanted towards that aspect. The greeks used four words to define love as far as I understand it, eros, phileo, storge and agape. Eros is also the god of love which was the origin of the word. The title came about when I asked freemind exactly what Eros was. I also think Eros sounds cooler than phileo. Freemind can probably explain it since he is the greek here. Thanks to the judges and to djp also. Quote
Freemind Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 He he..i am very happy to see this remix on OC board..Not only because it has a greek name or reminds of a greek island ( that credit goes to Gray ), but because it is very emotional...I liked the original and Gray too... About Eros Greece we have a diffrence between "Love" "Eros" "Sex"..Eros is like love..When you first meet a beatiful girl and you are fall in love with her..Also Eros was a god at the greek mythology..( for those that know that, it was like the angel that has arrows )!Sorry, but I can't explain any more, because my english are bad... Well..a big thank to Gray that did the miracle and changed a boring orchestra-piano theme, to an ambient/new age remix..He is the best of this kind Quote
GreenMaster8 Posted February 17, 2004 Posted February 17, 2004 Wow, Peloponnesus was one of my most favorite tunes from Battle of Olympus, and you two did it very well. I've not been very active on these forums, but I have heard much of the music remixed here, and this has really inspired me to express my utter delight at the sound of this piece. I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to remix one of my favorite games from NES. I hope to see more remixes for this game in the future, but in any case, bravo to you two. Quote
neostormx Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 finally a battle of olympus remix. good job guys! superb! Quote
nostalgic gen Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 yay, something that's not techno, chrono trigger or FF! Managing to keep all three of those out of the piece deserves a pat on the back. It's a really tastefully done piece, this. The evolving pads at the begining are great and support the piano really well which I was pleasantly pleased with. Most remixes I hear using piano usually suffer from the "midi" effect, with not enough effort put into the performance. But this sounds like it was played or sequenced by a pianist who understands dynamics. There was a moment where I'd have liked to have heard a stronger cresc though. The transition at 1:50 from new age to orchestral was interesting. I wonder if there should have been a brief pause here for dramatic effect, or some other form of anouncement. Either way, the music is excellently arranged. I guess this is where the greek sound starts to creep in. I'm not entirely sure what Greek music sounds like, but this sounds more like it as the tune progresses. It's all tastefully done. Subtle, but with enough punch to give it emotion. I don't know if it wasn't just a little too restrained though. It did feel like it was holding back. The balance here certainly works, and it certainly pays to stay within limits rather than go over the top, but I wonder if it might not have had more passion if the crescendos were just a little louder and more reinforced. Perhaps our hero who's in love is just a little too shy to admit his feelings just yet Either way it's a great remix, one of the best recent submissions I've heard here for a while now. I have a spot for GL's music anyway, but Freemind has really added an element that was really complimentary. Quote
GrayLightning Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Thanks to those who have commented on the piece. Freemind and I appreciate it. Most remixes I hear using piano usually suffer from the "midi" effect, with not enough effort put into the performance. But this sounds like it was played or sequenced by a pianist who understands dynamics. We both did. I think I remember Freemind played it in live as a midi recording. I really enjoy his piano style, it reminds me of barabas or winston. I then took the piano midi from the reason file recording and did modifications of my own with the velocity one stalk at a time to give it a greater sense of dynamics and emotion. I'm glad our hard work payed off, if even a little. Quote
Angel of Eternal Flames Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 It's amazing, I'm now currently playing the Battle of Olympus on my computer, and I hit this site to find a Remix. Coincidence....I think not! I was actually think about trying to come up with something for this game. As for the is quite lovely! I never really liked the song for the Peleponnesus forest. But making something sounding so bad and turning it into something so beautiful is just awesome. It sounds great. And the fits well with the game. KUDOS!!! Quote
GrayLightning Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 Thanks, and it's great to see some Battle of Olympus players around. Quote
neostormx Posted February 18, 2004 Posted February 18, 2004 now if only someone would remix the first stage song. that one is embedded into my skull. love it. Quote
Arke Posted February 19, 2004 Posted February 19, 2004 Gray and Freemind, excellent work! This song sounds tragic and epic, although soft for epic. It makes me think of a hero that makes selfless sacrifices his whole life, and eventually gives his life to save another... I can't really explain what it is about the song, but I will say that you guys were able to put a lot of emotion into this song. You guys should do more collaborations, because this is truly an excellent song... The piano leads it, while all of the instruments are more ambient and build into the piano's emotion. Ingenious. I wish I could say more, but as it is, I feel so much about this song, that I am unable to put it into words. Keep it up guys! Quote
zykO Posted February 21, 2004 Posted February 21, 2004 there is something to be said about music that is accessible to those who are not familiar or not impressed by its present genre. its no shocker that most people think new age is just a series of bell twinkles and cheesy string sections. we've all heard the yanni blasting, we all know how funny enya sounds to everyone who still thinks you need to have pipes like christina aguilera to be a beautiful female vocalist... but there's this guy named thegraylightning who will keep smackin you in the face with music that can make a grown man cry... no matter how seemingly soft it may seem. let me first say that freemind is an extremely talented pianist. it is fitting for a track titled eros to be performed in part by a greek pianist but moreso by a guy who seems to have the touch for the sort of delicate softness of romance; this is a piece that could not have had some key junkie bangin away at ivory with fancy classical runs, etc. this had to sound ethereal and that means it had to be played ethereally and shoot me running... i think that's what he did. extremely impressive. this guy is good. and then there's gray. good god, man. i remember when this guy first started putting stuff up. i remember very distinctly a track that nearly knocked me clear off my feet - tears of a swordsman. and i thought to myself, this guy is really REALLY REALLY good. it was funny back then because he used the standard tones of his synth rather than fancy soundfonts like most of the community. and he got a lot of flak about it. but then there was this inescapable sense that he had an extremely refined sense of musicality... that he put things together with a very calculatted touch... not like what most people think of new age music... everything goes where it was meant to go. the strings are very yanni, no doubt abuot it. that is a soft spot for me as i am a huge fan of yanni's orchestral work and think it is alot harder to write strings in that style than it is to write them in the more traditional classical approach of writing string. this is admirable work. also. the way the structure of the track ebbs and flows... this is an emotional work. eros, indeed. i dunno, i'm ranting about how i feel about this track and that can lay waste to my entire afternoon so i'm out of here. if you haven't listened to this yet, change that. ~weed Quote
Psycrow Posted February 22, 2004 Posted February 22, 2004 Ah, the sweet sweet love between GL and FM Quote
vega12 Posted February 29, 2004 Posted February 29, 2004 I've been listening to this song a lot lately and thought I should give my opinion. First of all, this is one of favorite pieces from OCR; it is very emotional and fluid. The dynamics in the piano are absolutely amazing and work so well with the ambient synths and effects prominent in the start. It is attention to detail like this that push a song over the edge from good to great. Another bonus is that the while being a center-piece, the piano manages to avoid becoming over-powering and continues to be a key factor even when the flute comes in for the lead. The transition between ambient to orchestral was pulled seamlessly. You can trance out while you listen to the song and not even notice the change because it is so subtle. I look forward to hearing more from you two in the future! Quote
Julio Jose Posted March 24, 2004 Posted March 24, 2004 nice instrumental. I always love these songs. They are the perfect remedy for a long and stressful day. Quote
ShiningLight Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 This is a very amazing song. I really like it! Keep it up Quote
Chickenwarlord Posted July 14, 2006 Posted July 14, 2006 My Grandmother (who is a classical music freak) walked in and asked me who composed this. That is a very high compliment to the both of you. She thinks that anything 'less than' Brahms isn't worth listening too. Quote
nematocyst Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 sorry, but i didnt like it. TOO SLOW!!!!! i mean... I LOVE that song. it's gotta be my favorite NES song ever.. but to me this didn't do it justice. It's beautiful, yes.. but it puts me to sleep. And where's that awesome rhythm section??? to me this is an awesome epic song that should be played by Iron Maiden, not Muzak. Quote
Inv1ctus Posted October 9, 2007 Posted October 9, 2007 this song sent chills down my spine. nuff said. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 17, 2009 Posted March 17, 2009 Classy work. Solo piano and new age together with good production and a good source makes a great combination, and it's interesting to see the arrangement decisions made. This really works well at the new tempo, and in addition to being a really good stand-alone track, would also make a great title screen song for a remake. Incidentally, this source would also sound awesome as metal. I think that's just the sign of a great song. >_> Quote
Polo Posted July 23, 2009 Posted July 23, 2009 Listening to Eros makes me picture a beach at night: waves, wind, and a star-studded sky. The wealth of sensitivities employed here make this naturally drift, fly, sparkle, and seduce. Amusingly, the twinkly bells in the intro and outro act like gentle kisses, and the piano is like a shy lover in how its dynamics vary its vocal courage. Strings rise and fall where needed to both supplement and complement the melodic leads, most prominently at 1:33-1:40. 2:19+ makes me tear up inside, and the crescendo at 2:37 is grand and captivating. Eros shoots its arrow >---> straight to my heart. <3 Quote
Marmiduke Posted September 16, 2010 Posted September 16, 2010 There's an instant beauty to this mix that almost takes you back a bit. The intro is so elegantly constructed, it really doesn't sound like a remix at all. The piano is a thing of magic, and the GrayLightning touch is undeniably brilliant. Musically rich but never overdone or heavy. I felt portions where the piano wasn't leading were a little soft, which transported me out of the song a little. But aside from that, there's not much that I would consider changing about this. Very much a case of the right remixers plumbing the right melody. Big thumbs up on this one. Quote
Conan Posted March 27, 2016 Posted March 27, 2016 Wouldn't have found OCR if I weren't searching for remixes of battle of olympus music and it couldn't have been done better. Quote
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