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OCR01124 - Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker "Pirates of Dragon Roost Isle"

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Nice stuff! Another FL user that proves his mettle. This mix is a beautiful string orchestral mix that never loses its audience and reminds me of the BG music to the wonderful show Pirates of Dark Water (ergh, or any other pirate show). This mix is cinematic and grandoise, filled with all the pomp and frill that any good orchestral mix should have. The precussion fits in well; the orchestral kit makes good sounds (although that cymbal crash started bugging me slightly towards the end of the mix). Still, this is well produced, well arranged and well met!

It never loses the audience, and it keeps the sense of excitement and adventure alive throughout the whole mix.

Nice work!

This is a wonderful piece. I'm enjoying it immensely. Hmm, someone here mentioned Pirates of Dark Water...I miss that show...it never did reach a conclusion...

While people are making the connection to PoDW, I'm going to go ahead and say that when I was talking to Unknown, he talked about this mix as Dragon Roost Isle done in the style of the Pirate of the Caribbean score.

While people are making the connection to PoDW, I'm going to go ahead and say that when I was talking to Unknown, he talked about this mix as Dragon Roost Isle done in the style of the Pirates of the Caribbean score.

Interesting, because that's exactly what this remix reminded me of.

Yet another really great Wind Waker remix. :D Although I prefer DarkeSword's a bit better, I can definitely see this growing on me. So if I develop any further feelings on it, I'll be sure to let you know. :wink:

This is a wonderful piece. I'm enjoying it immensely. Hmm, someone here mentioned Pirates of Dark Water...I miss that show...it never did reach a conclusion...

While people are making the connection to PoDW, I'm going to go ahead and say that when I was talking to Unknown, he talked about this mix as Dragon Roost Isle done in the style of the Pirate of the Caribbean score.

Actually, that is exactly what it reminded me of (Pirates of the Caribbean), I just didn't state it. I never connected it to PoDW, I only noted that I missed that show.


Unknown, you've done it again. This is Garde from VGMix, a big fan of your Artifact of Power Movements.

I love how the flute begins the mix. It's awesome. You've chosen excellent source material, and changed it quite a bit. This really does sound a lot like Pirates of the Carribean... You really are great at this orchestral stuff man, coordinating all the instruments together to make it feel so epic. I can imagine Link sailing and jumping off of his boat onto Dragon Roost Isle and using his grappling hook (not hookshot) to swing up to a balcony and run into the village to play the mail game (a type of gambling, without losing money :P). I loved the original version of this song, but I'd have to say that this version makes the original look pretty lame...

So... What I'm trying to say is that you kick ass, and I love this mix! :)


There's really not much I can add to what has been said. Well, except for one thing...

I really love how the ending flows right into the intro. I'm listening to it right now, and unless I'm looking, I can't tell where the piece starts and stops. Definitely one of my favorites now. Good job.


Hey, this is great. Love the combination of Wind Waker music with Pirates of the Caribbean feel. Keep up the good work, and remember: every time a new Zelda mix is posted to OCR, an angel gets its wings.


Way over my expectations here! I was really expecting a sort of...plain tropical mix or else a weirdo mix of the Pirates' music from Zelda combined with the tropical Dragon Roost Isle. Instead, what I get is this awesome mix! It's amazing, far more than I expected! It's adventurous with great percussion and an addictive melody - great!

Wow, this guy did the Artifact of Power movements? I should have expected more then ;)


This is excellent! Other than a bit of Pirates of the Caribbean to me there was a hint of something else...I can't quite figure out what it is...might be just my imagination...

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