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This is what I get for taking a long hiatus.

This is the best news since the FF4 release! I listened to all of VGDJ 1-67 a year after the last episode aired. (Y'all also had like 1-2 meetups literally three blocks from where I was living at the time, too, that I missed.)

Anyway, I'll start listening in once I can get home and download this tonight. Looking forward to it; comments thereafter. KF


Well pixietricks, try not to write any New Age today then, people might think your husband is singing...lol j/k...

Show is great guys! Keep up the good work, I've already downloaded several new remixes courtesy of you guys...

btw, Pixietricks, your music is truly artful...I just wish I could find an MP3 of one of your songs so that I don't have to purchase the entire CD yet...I've got too much spending coming up in VG, and music to add another CD to the list...


I've got $200 in spending planned for the next month...I can't spare another cent...I love the song Wildland though, and would love to have it...I'll make sure you get your royalties...lol, but I never let a song go if I want it on my iPod...lol

Wow, it's so short, there's so much more that could be done with that track, it's so pretty...

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