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i just wanted to mention that while a few of us may sit idle with the game running (usually tensei), the easiest way to set up a game is through IRC (either in #ocremix or #ocrhon on irc.enterthegame.com), second easiest would be talking through steam, feel free to add me and poke me there because most of the time i'm at my computer i'm either already playing HoN or i'm playing TF2.

on another note, we just had a great 4v4, the matchup was pretty balanced until lategame when i started to actually be useful and stop feeding bardic and baha :)

edit: oops yep i completely got the two games mixed up!


Haha - actually that was a 4v4, the 4v3 was when you rolled us as Andromeda :P But yeah, one of the best OCR games yet.

After some additional play...

* Soulstealer has gotta be S-tier, at least A. His damage takes a bit to ramp up, he's fragile, and his demon hands can be tricky to use. But once you learn how to actually play him, he's really not that item dependent, and his nuke is both highly damaging, spammable and HIGHLY mana efficient. He can devestate creep waves in 2-3 shots allowing him to get massive gold, while his soul stealing ability allows him to build up overwhelming damage.

* Demented Shaman is probably S as well. One of the best support heroes; every ability is quite useful, and his stats are awesome as well. He can protect you from damage, heal (while damaging, a la Jereziah), root/stun/DOT (all in one!) and massively buff armor in an AOE while debuffing enemies. Pretty cool.

Wow, did you join these forums just to talk smack or something? The point eZ was making was that his clan is good, probably far better than any of us on OCR, so give it a rest. His offer is much appreciated.

I'd love to set up a friendly 5v5. Maybe Donut, Wes (Bahamut), Bardic, Tensei and myself.

Yes, this would be awesome as we RARELY get to play 5v5 with no pubs.

Trolling is dumb.

I'm a long time irl friend of Donut's. I didn't register to troll this guy as is apparent from my register date.

He simply sent me this thread to laugh at and I called out this guy because he's spouting bs and likely to teach new players [ like you have admitted ] the wrong way to approach things.

He invited you for ' good social or competitive games ' There's no point in skewing a new player's view to what ' good ' actually is. I mean wouldn't you like to learn good habits from the get-go? Playing with someone lying about their skill is probably not a good way to go about that.

Despite whatever intentions you have, your attitude and way of approaching things is dumb. There's a reason most of us don't play public games, and this attitude / behavior is it.

on another note, we just had a great 4v4 the matchup was pretty balanced until lategame when i started to actually be useful and stop feeding bardic and baha :)

Yeah, that last game was incredible. Pebbles throwing Moon Queen into group as I triggered her ulti was amazing :P

Yes, this would be awesome as we RARELY get to play 5v5 with no pubs.

Yeah, that last game was incredible. Pebbles throwing Moon Queen into group as I triggered her ulti was amazing :P

We started playing as 5v5, but then the Europeans started working and going to sleep early.

Also, that toss of mine was a complete fluke. I was trying to grab Magmus.

Wow, did you join these forums just to talk smack or something? The point eZ was making was that his clan is good, probably far better than any of us on OCR, so give it a rest. His offer is much appreciated.

I'd love to set up a friendly 5v5. Maybe Donut, Wes (Bahamut), Bardic, Tensei and myself.

thanks for leaving out one of your better players


Garian gave me a beta key and I just finished installing. Some of you know me as !! from TF2 so feel free to hit me up on steam. I played DotA a bit on WC3 but I wasn't very good.


Garg gave me a beta code a while back and decided to make a post so people could find me for some games. You can get a hold of me through steam most of the time.



A bit out of left field, but how does everyone feel about the sound design in this game?

I was always a fan of the menu theme from Savage, so I'm very pleased they've brought it back and expanded on it. The theme that plays during an actual match is nice too, though I'm not as fond of it. The way it flows as the game progresses doesn't always work, but there's usually something intense going on by the time it really ramps up.

As some have said, voice acting is hit-or-miss. When they get it, they really get it (Madman <3), but when they don't, they really don't (Keeper </3). Personally I rather like having some heroes without dialog at all; it's a change of pace, and can help you focus a little better. Hopefully at least a few of them remain silent at release.


@Zircon Thanks for the backup :P. Also if you think Soulstealer is S class now (he's kind of close but A is more like it) he's only going to get better. Currently his turn speed is way slower than his DotA counterpart and this really limits his fighting capabilities with his nukes. Next patch coming is going to add a LOT to the game with this turn speed fix included. It's going to be nuts. If you don't believe me I have a few friends on the Dev/Mod team who have been testing the new patch internally since it's adding so much. Also Demented Shaman is definitely one of the best support heroes in the game so far. Good support wins games. Even if your carry player is only decent you can win a lot of games with solid backup.

Also I never said [iXi] was a competitive DotA clan. We're brand new and in HoN only right now. It started out as a bunch of friends playing but then we decided to make a clan and some of us were competitive level players. We're in the clan tourney bracket hosted by our own Avan and also signed up to compete in the HoN League tourney if you'd like proof of us.

Also, Zircon, I'm unlikely to be on your IRC channels (never been my kind of thing) so message me ingame. Also my smurf account is eternalzero so I might be on that one too.

As for the sound? I used to play DotA with the sound muted so that's how little I cared for that, haha. In HoN I turn off the music but only keep sound effects on so I can hear spells in the fog. I do enjoy some of the voice acting (Madman!) but some of it is just way too annoying (Armaddon, Electrician) but as of now I have it on so I am sure when I'm done taunting someone.:twisted:

I still maintain we could play a good 5v5 as long as we don't end up with dumb stuff like fivre being AFK half the time, or not being able to trade Soulstealer for Accursed, resulting in Arek playing with a really hard hero. :P

As long as I'm there playing Electrician.


Despite whatever intentions you have, your attitude and way of approaching things is dumb. There's a reason most of us don't play public games, and this attitude / behavior is it.

I'm not a public player so this makes no sense. My attitude = trying to help you guys by saying this guy is probably lying, but instead I get seen as a troll cuz I have a low post count.

Also I never said [iXi] was a competitive DotA clan.
Sorry I can't help myself. I've been playing DotA for a long time and I'm the current head of the main competitive team in my clan, [iXi]The NegativeOnes.

So a native speaker of english is supposed to understand this as you not being in a competitive dota team? lol...

Anyway, I'm done posting in this thread. Seems like most people here don't like to read actual words. Have fun with HON, DotA and whatever else you decide to play. However please do not be blinded by ignorance as you won't get any better.

So a native speaker of english is supposed to understand this as you not being in a competitive dota team? lol...

Yes. I started playing DotA about six years ago. I am also currently the head of my clan's competitive team. I didn't explicitly mention that we were a professional DotA clan. If you make illogical assumptions all by yourself and try and troll me for it don't expect to be very well liked.

Also I hate it too when people don't swap fast enough and people get heroes they can't play and then it's effectively a 4v5 the rest of the match.:<

Edit: Also, Zircon! I checked the replay site to see how you guys usually play and stuff. I've got some advice for you! The Runed Cleaver (The axe made from Manatube, Lifetube, and the 1200 and 1400 swords) doesn't work on ranged heroes so that was a waste of money for your Soulstealer. Btw I'm referencing your 4v4 OCR inhouse on 9/10/2009 @9:32 PM EST. Also primary item for Defiler should be Bloodstone. I apologize for not remembering the HoN name.

And just looking at these times you guys definitely play earlier in the day than I do. =/ Oh well we'll make it work.

Edit Round 2::

Bloodstone = Sacrificial Stone.


Wow wow wow, hold it right there, buddy.

Replay Site?

Moar info plz.

Also I noticed zircon tends to get really silly items on his heroes in general (Mock of brilliance on scout?), but I never really comment on it since so far I've only seen it happen when we're rolling the other team anyway. :P


Sorry but I'm quite wary of sharing the replay site info. Not only did I get it from said friends on the inside so I don't know if I'm allowed to share it, but from a competitive standpoint I get to see how our next opponents play even if I've never heard of them before. Though I guess I could share it with like one or two of you under like a bro's promise of not sharing it with others.

(Also I exposed the fact that the top two PSR players in HoN right now use 1v5 games against smurf accounts to buff up their PSR which is kind of amusing to me that they care that much.)

Edit: Also any item is silly on Scout because he should never be played. =D

Also I noticed zircon tends to get really silly items on his heroes in general (Mock of brilliance on scout?), but I never really comment on it since so far I've only seen it happen when we're rolling the other team anyway. :P

Haha, I get them *because* we're rolling, usually :P


The Donut dick sucking needs to cease immediately.

He isn't some fucking HoN god. He is good, yea, but so are a lot of others. Everytime someone does something good, noone cares cause it isn't donut.

All I see is donut praise. Noone says anything about anyone else. It is ridiculously stupid.

It really pisses me off to see people completely ignoring someone kicking ASS in a game cause it isnt donut. Fuck, I have seen donut complimented on getting ONE kill while someone kept constantly getting some and he didn't get complimented once.

It is horrible and very embarrasing to see.

Get off of his dicks and realize you all are doing well too.



EDIT: And people seem to be missing the point and think I am upset at Donut.


How the hell could you even think that by reading this? I am not upset at him at all. I tihnk you are all just giving him far too much praise and seeing nothing in yourselves at all. Everyone should be praised for something they are doing. I find it downing to not see someone like scytheful get a compliment for being a kick ass voodoo or bardic assisting beautifully in a game or something.

It appears that it is just me in this, but I find it deconstructive for someone aspiring to be good at something get completely ignored and overshadowed over someone else. I talked to honest and scytheful about this before.


Donut only stands out because he is, bar none, the best of us overall. Other people can and have done well, but he still stands a rung or two over them.

Incidentally, the game EZ alluded to was the first in which I haven't felt like a failure or a cripple. It's taken me the better part of a week to get to that point, even with a small bit of prior Dota experience. This is not an effective way to draw new players in.

I really hope practice mode gets buffed up with more features, right now the only practice you can get is laning in an ideal situation(no harass).


Clef, maybe you just naturally don't have much experience with this style. I've been playing about as long as you, maybe a few days longer, but I seem to be doing well. IMO, the game is *quite* noob-friendly compared to virtually any other competitive game I've tried: Street Fighter HDR or IV, TF2, Blazblue, StarCraft, etc...


Arek, I think you're exaggerating stuff a bit. When I say something like "Well if Donut had played a carry we probably would have won." after a match, that's not something I say just to kiss his ass, but it's just a very reasonable assumption, given the previous matches I've played with him.


I know the game is competative and all, but seriously the last 3 or 4 games I played were just not fun at all. It amounted to a lot of bitching and whining and people ragequitting causing a roll. So I've been playing League of Legends a bit, and seem to enjoy it more. Anyone tried it out?

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