Harmonious Dissonance Posted January 25, 2010 Posted January 25, 2010 Ok. So I've found out two things. 1. I've gotten a LOT better despite what my PSR says. 2. I cannot play pyromancer without ending with the score 6/6/6
JadeAuto Posted January 25, 2010 Posted January 25, 2010 Just an FYI, if you can, get me to game before Thursday - I'm moving this Friday and I'll be MIA for awhile. Even when I get internet back, it'll be sattelite, and I doubt I'll be able to play on that kind of latentcy. It's been fun, and I look forward to playing more when I return to civilization.
Tensei Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 Alright, after lots of testing and a shitton of IRC inhouses on the test server, I've come to know and love a very fun pub itembuild for Hellbringer, aiming to make him a powerful semi-carry. The recent buffs to Harkon's Blade and the AoE effect of death boil have all made this build very much viable, since Hellbringer now no longer has to resort to his auto-attack to farm, making a 25 minute Harkon's Blade a realistic goal. At the start you can just buy a courier if necessary, and get your power supply and Steamboots (STR) inlane. Don't get plated marchers, you need the attack speed from steams. Depending on how well you do you can actually get the Acolyte's Staff before completing steamboots, but only do this if for some reason you suddenly find out you have 3k gold. If you have room to farm, go straight for the staff, otherwise build up a Greater Arcana which will give you sustainability and help you if your team needs you earlier. After this, get the recipe and finish Harkon's Blade. Congratulations, your auto-attack DPS just went through the roof. You'll be doing about 150 magic damage per auto-attack, amplified by a -15 magic armor from lifevoid + Harkon's, combined with AoE Death Boil. Haven't even mentioned the ult yet. You'll most likely start racking up kills in teambattles very quickly now, so go straight for a Thunderclaw, upgrade to a Charged Hammer and finish the build with Barbed Armor. You should be more or less invincible by now.
relyanCe Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 TehDonut said: heheheh, new sig =D omg alicia <3 i jizzed my pants
zircon Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 I really think the AOE boil just overpowered Hellbringer way too much. IMO it should be max of 3 chained targets at most at level 4, and/or smaller AOE. He really, really did not need that buff and even with nothing but the Lifevoid nerf he would still be an incredibly powerful character.
eternal Zero Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 TehDonut said: You don't REALLY want them to port NA, undying, kunkka, storm, (insert homo hero here), do you? Actually, yes, I wish they would.
Tensei Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 zircon said: I really think the AOE boil just overpowered Hellbringer way too much. IMO it should be max of 3 chained targets at most at level 4, and/or smaller AOE. He really, really did not need that buff and even with nothing but the Lifevoid nerf he would still be an incredibly powerful character. I agree that it feels much more like a straightup buff than overall balancing. The part of the game where the old lifevoid made him a threat was generally the first 10-15 minutes, so he's a bit weaker at that point, in the sense that he can actually be killed now, but he's still extremely powerful in lane. Death Boil makes his damage output in teambattles so much bigger now, actually coming close to the amount of damage caused by a 3k Health Sandwraith with dispersion. also: Patch Notes TL;DR: - Chronos is now very good. - Zephyr overpowered and ban material. - Electrician is a bit more useful overall. - Game Mode Banning Pick is AP with 3 bans for each side.
eternal Zero Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 That will make me play today/tonight. Be on the lookout for an angry vet ripping through kids.
Azul v2 Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Seriously, they went way overboard with Zephyr. Why would anyone pick Enigma over Zephyr when Zephyr's ult is 50 times as strong combined with his other skills.
Hemophiliac Posted January 28, 2010 Posted January 28, 2010 Azul v2 said: Seriously, they went way overboard with Zephyr. Why would anyone pick Enigma over Zephyr when Zephyr's ult is 50 times as strong combined with his other skills. and when you can push the entire team into the ult too
Harmonious Dissonance Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 Tensei rejoices! I got rid of Heroes of Newerth...
Tensei Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 Harmonious Dissonance said: Tensei rejoices! I got rid of Heroes of Newerth... I don't care.
BardicKnowledge Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 Hemophiliac said: and when you can push the entire team into the ult too This. It's not one skill or the other, but the combination that's so good. If I had to pick one skill, Gust has much more general utility than it should for a regular skill -- it stuns (and therefore ruins channels), moves people where you want, and does damage? Hell yes, best early skill in the game (and you get the max range movement at level 1 -- knock Swift into your tower early on).
Ajax Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 I agree that they went overboard on Zephyr, also, I disapprove of what they did with Chronos, too much buff, not enough nerf if you ask me. The biggest pros about Zephyr's ult over Tempest's is that it is unattended, and lasts forever. One of these days there will be a patch that doesn't have me immediately hoping for another patch, bwah hah hah.
zircon Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 Well, having just now played as new Zephyr in a game where we were generally outplayed (but where I matched the farm of their biggest carry), I think it's not TOO overpowered. If the enemy team is smart and spreads out, they will rarely get hit with the full brunt of it. It was hard to catch anyone dead center and heroes like Soul Reaper still eat Zephyr alive. New Chronos isn't overpowered. I think he's right where he needs to be. He's a bit more viable early now but his 3rd skill is arguably a nerf in some ways, since it takes 4 straight hits to stun, and it doesn't do nearly as much average damage until MUCH later in the game. The biggest improvement was the damage on leap, imo.
Tensei Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Here's a new vid! About 50% less Valkyrie, but 100% more Demented Shaman and Slither play! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5YN13uNufg&hd=1
eternal Zero Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Pyro is so wickedly strong. Had 20 or so kills one game and definitely outpaced everyone else and was carrying like whoa. Only reason we lost was because the combination of Accursed and Magebane is just way too much for a Pyro to handle lategame. I was torn into little pieces. Also on most every hero I carry with I get a sac stone as my second or third big item. The amount of additional HP and regen for simply making kills happen (which any and every carry should be doing) is immense. I was outpacing a Deadwood's max HP as a Pyro.
Tensei Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 eternal Zero said: Pyro is so wickedly strong. Had 20 or so kills one game and definitely outpaced everyone else and was carrying like whoa. Only reason we lost was because the combination of Accursed and Magebane is just way too much for a Pyro to handle lategame. I was torn into little pieces. Also on most every hero I carry with I get a sac stone as my second or third big item. The amount of additional HP and regen for simply making kills happen (which any and every carry should be doing) is immense. I was outpacing a Deadwood's max HP as a Pyro. I haven't played Pyro since the patch yet, but from what I hear you can solo Kongor extremely early/quickly with the DoT, which will probably be fixed next patch. It does sound like a lot of fun to me to get lots of aspd items on Pyro, just because the DoT will stack infinitely. Also: 61st Hero concept. Currently the bets are on it being a Doom Bringer port, though it might as well be the first user-designed hero I've been thinking that a hero who can gain neutrals' abilities would be awesome ever since I saw the Lucifer rework in one of the recent DotA patches, but the user-designed hero this guy might be based on doesn't seem too interesting to me, so I'm personally hoping for a port.
Hemophiliac Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/huv8y3aw/open_create_account.php OPEN REGISTRATION to anyone who is interested. Also i think it's gonna be a centaur port.
zircon Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Doombringer is an interesting hero. He doesn't really seem like a carry at all, but he has what looks like quite outstanding farming. He has some great nukes but the mana costs are pretty low. So what is his role?
Hemophiliac Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 DOOM (ult) is amazing, huge dot dmg, and silence.
Tensei Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 zircon said: Doombringer is an interesting hero. He doesn't really seem like a carry at all, but he has what looks like quite outstanding farming. He has some great nukes but the mana costs are pretty low. So what is his role? A Ganker I'd say. And I definitely hope they don't port Centaur because he seems like one of the most boring heroes to me.
zircon Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Yeah, looking at his skills he actually looks ridiculously OP. At level 6 he can do 740 magic damage, at range, through Doom & LvlX Death alone. PLUS a long silence. That's just stupid, since he can also auto attack and possibly use his fire dot as well.
eternal Zero Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 Doom is meant as a disabler. He is also a semi-carry.
zircon Posted January 31, 2010 Posted January 31, 2010 Why is he a semi-carry? He has no steroid skills and bad AGI gain. Also, why is he a disabler? His silence is no better than Blood Hunter's silence. The spell itself is more powerful overall but AFAIK he has only a single disable on a long cooldown, far worse than BH's disabling capability.
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