BardicKnowledge Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 I'm a longtime DotA player, play every day for the most part, and tried HoN and didn't like it all, and went back to DotA.I don't think DotA will ever die, until Icefrog (who I think is working with Blizzard) develops the map for Starcraft 2. I've seen that awful League of Legends and the better Heroes of Newerth, and I don't see any as a threat to the DotA community. Icefrog is NOT making DotA for Starcraft 2 currently -- the only "version" of DotA that is making a jump to a new engine is HoN. (Legends doesn't count IMO -- too different) As for last hitting/ will learn with experience why its an important tactic. Pushing the lane is the absoulte last thing you want to do the first 15 minutes unless you have an imba pusher like Broodmoother or Axe (don't know what heroes they are in HoN). You can autoattack all you want, but simple fact is you aren't going to get as much gold against a player who is last hitting/denying. The XP isn't a get XP as long as you are in the area and creeps are dying. If you want gold, and don't have a farming hero, last hitting is crucial to maintaining an advantage over the opponent. We know that last-hitting and denying is important to the metagame -- the question is SHOULD it be, and WHY it was implemented in the first place. Nevermind, didn't see this. However, if its true that Orb Effects don't stack, then this shouldn't be a worry. Void can still backtrack anything, if thats not on cooldown. Bash's universal cooldown REALLY hurts chronos until very lategame now. It's not just that you can't permabash -- currently, you can bash only once every 5 seconds or so. Magebane is honestly better until around level 16 or so -- even with chronosphere. Orb Effects _do_ stack in HoN, and Chronos doesn't get backtrack chance per orb, but per swing. You can have manaburn, life drain, Sange&Yasha cripple, and chain lightning all on one character and they will ALL trigger. Link: ^That also makes magebane better, as his manaburn finally stacks with life drain and shieldbreaker.
Bahamut Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 I don't know, I can suck the big one sometimes too. Yesterday in a 3v3 I got destroyed as Magmus early game, and in a 5v5 I got destroyed when I was Swiftblade. I'm not all that skilled.
Tensei Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Bash's universal cooldown REALLY hurts chronos until very lategame now. It's not just that you can't permabash -- currently, you can bash only once every 5 seconds or so. Magebane is honestly better until around level 16 or so -- even with chronosphere. Actually I'm pretty sure the cooldown on Chronos' bash is no more than 1.5 seconds. The bash duration is 1 second, so while you can't really permabash someone, as soon as you have bash maxed and elder parasite activated (level 10-14ish) you can usually proc enough to destroy anyone 1v1. Elder Parasite in general is a GREAT item on Chronos because it synergizes well with his ult and his bash ( you won't really feel the 30% increased damage on yourself if they're either near-permabashed or inside your bubble). In other news: Mock of Brilliance - 5150 Posthaste - 2700 Completely outfarming some of the meanest carries in the game - Priceless.
Kidd Cabbage Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Standard build on Chronos since Dota of old is Elder Parasite and Wingbow. That's all he needs to dominate. In other news, I'm surprised to see so much drama going on in this game. I figured that most people in [OCR] were pals or something, and here I've been trying to get along with everyone. But I've still had people insulting me and my friends from my old clan (we only pick easy heroes), and the only scuffle I've sort of gotten into was because I told someone not to leave games anymore because it ruins the game for the rest of the people playing. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I agree. People need to stop being so critical and whiny about the game. I don't mind losing that much, but I hate having people being negative all game. "Ah, this game is fucking lame," and conceding before anything actually happens at 15 minutes. I mean, I love playing with Luke - he's very new, and more often than not feeds the other team, but he's a real friendly, positive guy that makes playing with him fun, and I'd rather play with him any day than some of the other people who are so negative and critical when we play together, no matter how good they are.
zircon Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Keep in mind that most of the people being complained about (either way) aren't even registered forum members. You won't hear this kind of drama coming from, say, me, bardic, Wes, tensei etc
eternal Zero Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Personally I don't really hold single rage incidents against anybody. When I played with you guys and Teranz was on my team he really didn't bother me so much except when he was making excuses for himself. That I hate. I don't mind if you mess up or die or whatever. It's okay. It's a game. Just because I might be good doesn't mean you have to prove yourself to me. Zircon was doing this a little too but I didn't mind because it was fun messing around against him in lane. IBBIAZ hit the nail on the head though. My old clan was all about well mannered people > skilled people. Criticism and comments only went around if someone asked for them and it was an absolute rule of our competitive team NOT to start questioning what happened in a game while the game was still going because even if you were losing you had to try in an actual match, y'know? I hate concede so much and I always regret letting my team do it.
relyanCe Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Keep in mind that most of the people being complained about (either way) aren't even registered forum members. You won't hear this kind of drama coming from, say, me, bardic, Wes, tensei etc we all have our isolated pockets of HoNrage, but on the whole I tend to think we're quite amicable from the inhouse games i've played
Dhsu Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Keep in mind that most of the people being complained about (either way) aren't even registered forum members. You won't hear this kind of drama coming from, say, me, bardic, Wes, tensei etc I've actually gotten the rage end of the Tensei stick more than once, but the best was when I was trying to recruit help to gank a dude at the bottom, and c3lly just happened to be on his way to refill his bottle. I thought he was coming to help me, but since he didn't say anything and had his sound off to listen to the soccer (YES SOCCER) game, we were both oblivious to each other's actual intentions and I casually yoinked the rune. Hilarity ensued (but only for me). P.S. WHAT IN THE NAME OF ZEUS DOES PROC MEAN.
relyanCe Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 WHAT IN THE NAME OF ZEUS DOES PROC MEAN. proc is the verb for what happens when an "activate on attack" item/skill activates. case in point: Charged Hammer. When you see a random non-casting hero shoot chain lightning, you know his Charged Hammer just proc'd. See Chronos' Time Lock for the skill variety.
eternal Zero Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 proc is the verb for what happens when an "activate on attack" item/skill in point: Charged Hammer. When you see a random non-casting hero shoot chain lightning, you know his Charged Hammer just proc'd. See Chronos' Time Lock for the skill variety. Close but not exactly correct. Proc is an acronym that people throw around as a verb. It stands for Programmed Random Occurrence. So yes this is when chance events actually happen.
Dhsu Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 What sort of retarded nerd lingo is that I don't even
Dr. Tran! Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 I hate concede so much and I always regret letting my team do it. The only time I want to concede is if the other team is inside my base; as in completely destroying our buildings. or I feel like my team is completely outmatched. Other than that, no matter how much it might look like you're 'losing', you can still come back. :/ Wish people would feel the same way.
Tensei Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 I've actually gotten the rage end of the Tensei stick more than once Please don't take it the wrong way, I wasn't raging so much at you as I was at your hero (scout), not to mention our teammates' 3v5 mentality.
anosou Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 I blame atmuh. Somehow, this is true. Always.
eternal Zero Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 What sort of retarded nerd lingo is that I don't even It's programmer jargon. Please don't take it the wrong way, I wasn't raging so much at you as I was at your hero (scout), not to mention our teammates' 3v5 mentality. Scout is still so much fail. Only reason he isn't useless is when the guy behind him is clearly better than his opponents which is more than can be said of old scout.
relyanCe Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Scout is still so much fail. Only reason he isn't useless is when the guy behind him is clearly better than his opponents which is more than can be said of old scout. i miss old scout. hero killing was never so... scientific.
Dhsu Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Yeah, I am definitely epic failscoot, but whenever other people play him I seem to die within 30 seconds of getting back in my lane. D: It's programmer jargon. Jargon shmargon, if they were REAL programmers they'd know it's a reserved word for "procedure." Anyways, I decide to go add this newfound knowledge to the glossary, and lo and behold, it appears I now have a rival...errr, fellow wiki editor! It seems he's done the admirable task of completely filling out the rest of the definitions. So yeah, huzzah for a non-useless glossary!
eternal Zero Posted September 28, 2009 Posted September 28, 2009 Yeah, I am definitely epic failscoot, but whenever other people play him I seem to die within 30 seconds of getting back in my lane. D: Like I said. His main use is when people are better than you. You're still new. He won't be an issue for much longer. Unless, of course, I decide to dick around as him, hehe.
Dhsu Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 Well the main question being "how I not ganked by Scout." I can't towerhug the entire game. :[
Dr. Tran! Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 Well the main question being "how I not ganked by Scout." I can't towerhug the entire game. :[ armor. lots of armor.
Clefairy Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 Well the main question being "how I not ganked by Scout." I can't towerhug the entire game. :[ Having an on-demand disable or escape helps a lot. So far as I'm aware, disarm lets you do everything but autoattack. Positioning helps as well; if you see that bullseye icon appear over your head, duck into the trees. It just might save you. And of course, there is always the tried-and-true buddy system. I've been known to ask for an escort to the secret shop, just because Scout and/or his ilk are getting to be a real problem in games.
BardicKnowledge Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 Have you guys seen this yet? The "new" new Heart:
zircon Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 Wait, +10% damage FROM all sources? As in, you take more damage? Or you *deal* 10% more damage from all sources?
BardicKnowledge Posted September 29, 2009 Posted September 29, 2009 You deal 10% more, and all weapons add an extra 10% -- it's worded poorly atm.
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