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So I've been playing a lot more recently, and although I'm not sure if I've improved any, I do know that I know the mechanics of the game better, and also know exactly where I screw up now instead of going "what the hell just happened?"

I still have a tendency to play tryhard support, but I've been playing more tank/initiator types, as they seem to suit me and my tendency to rush into fights too soon well. I do know there have been several games of late where I didn't feel like I was the cause of our loss, and that I actually had a hand in my team winning the match. I haven't carried a team to victory yet, mostly because my mid-late game is still needing work, but I feel as though I've learned a lot in the past month.

And for the record, I suck balls with Hammerstorm. Don't ever ask me to play him, ever. Stick me with pyro or deadwood instead...at least with those heroes I'll stand a chance.

Hammerstorm is not hard. I don't believe "I suck with a hero" is a good excuse, it's more likely that you just haven't played a particular hero enough. Hammerstorm is a bit situational in that regard because you need an aimed stun+ some form of burst damage (pyro or tort are best) to follow up Hammer's stun for a strong offensive lane. He also requires the enemy either lacking disables or at least not having the means to purge his ult every teamfight. I believe he's actually quite simple to learn, simply get marchers and a bottle, rush shrunken head, and after that get whatever lategame item you're comfortable with.


Just come to #ocrhon and ask away, or watch some of the YouTube tutorial videos. It seems complicated but really if you just keep playing and internalizing what the different heroes and items do, you'll get to a high level pretty quick since there isn't a huge amount of dexterity or hand-eye coordination involved.

Basically, the point of the game is to destroy the 'heart' of the other team's base. To get to it, you have to destroy towers along the way. To help with this, both sides get AI-controlled 'creeps' which will fight each other mindlessly unless the players intervene. Killing enemey creeps makes your hero more powerful. Killing your OWN creeps denies the enemy heroes experience and gold they would have gotten from killing them. Killing enemy heroes gives you lots of gold and experience, while the enemy loses gold.

It's basically the PVP of an MMORPG, distilled into 30-45 minute games.

Seriously though, I'm gonna have to watch the replay. I don't understand why Chronos couldn't just rip through their entire team by himself.

Assuming pub player and/or barely functional enemy team: He couldn't catch all of them at once. Everyone except Scout can do something to halt a Chronos from outside the bubble.


So apparently Scout won the game for them. He had incredible map control with eyes at the rune spots and 3 in the forest. He was taking people down in a single flurry when Chronos was having trouble killing a single person before the bubble ran out. By the time Chronos got any momentum going, he was spending all his time defending the base. I think Shieldbreaker might have been a better choice than Savage Mace.

Of course, Scytheful teleporting the enemy team out of bubble probably didn't help either. :P


For fun, revised tiers!

God: Chronos, Zephyr

S: Magebane, Scout, Tempest, Pyromancer, Witch Slayer, Behemoth, Pebbles, Jeraziah, Soulstealer, Corrupted Disciple, Demented Shaman, Forsaken Archer, Hellbringer, Plague Rider, Accursed, Pharaoh, Deadwood

A: Swiftblade, Valkyrie, Blacksmith, Ophelia, Vindicator, Hammerstorm, Predator, Slither, The Madman, Arachna, Defiler, Puppet Master, Torturer, Wretched Hag, Succubus, Soul Reaper, Pestilence, Magmus

B: Moon Queen, Andromeda, Engineer, Nymphora, Glacius, Thunderbringer, Pollywog Priest, Legionnaire, Keeper of the Forest, Pandamonium, The Dark Lady, Sand Wraith, Devourer, Electrician, Kraken

C: Night Hound, Wildsoul, Armadon, Blood Hunter, Voodoo Jester

D: Rampage, War Beast, Maliken

I think everything is pretty well-balanced right now, especially if you compare to our earlier tier lists. Chronos and Zephyr obviously need to come down, but heroes like Magmus, Sand Wraith, Jeraziah, Tempest and Behemoth have all been somewhat reduced in power for various reasons. Heroes like MQ, Night Hound, Scout, FA, BS and Swift have all seen buffs. The D-tier could all use some buffs, though I doubt War Beast will see any simply because it IS possible to do some incredible farming with him if you're good; he just lacks the tools to really contribute to a teamfight outside of pure auto-attacks.

Outside of Chronos, carries with safe farming have taken the S-tier spots. Scout and Magebane have very reliable escapes and monstrous scaling. Madman dropped a tier due to the Stalk nerf and the power increase of other carries. Corrupted and FA remain two of the strongest heroes in the game.



I'm pretty sure the 3rd one is going to be Lanaya .. a carry hero who is pretty difficult to play but is devastating in the mid game and difficult to lane against. She has unique enough skills/gameplay to make it into HoN and none of her current skills are in the game, unlike Mortred, who is what the picture could signify but it seems she's already in the game though Scout and others.

I'm hoping the 1st is Doombringer. All 3 could be new heroes or nothing at all though.

edit: i think i'd rather see magnus instead of pitlord...just another blink+ult hero.

Think you've got that backwards? Unless you want another blink+ult hero which is kind of dumb IMO?

While I totally love Lanaya this metagame needs more Nerubian Assassin.

what i said is what i meant, i was not mistaken.

Magnus is the blink & ult hero. Pitlords ult teleports himself+allies. Or did you want to see another blink & ult hero ported?

Edit: never mind, you also wanted centaur and mortred ports. ugh.


The game needs Centaur to counter Chronos and Zephyr. It could also use a Nerubian Assassin. Hopefully both are ported in in the near future.

The game does not need Mortred, although I don't think Mortred is anything special....she pretty much needs to be attacking at high speed in order to not fail.

What we need is more Zephyr counters.

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