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Maybe some of you have seen/read about this game before. The release date is soon (Oct. 13th) and since the first time I heard of it, the promoting website took shape. A demo is currently available on PSN and Xbox Live for those who'd like to see a bit more.

I personnally really like how the game was developped and how the creators inspired themselves. The "making of" video was very entertaining imo. But then again everything related to metal, myths and design does to me <3. Not exactly impressed by the main character (I blame it on Jack Black's voicing) but I think it'd at least deserve a full-weekend rental.

The official website here


It's not often I get this excited for an impending game release. I really hope this game does well. It's about time Schafer had a big hit. I'm hoping, with EA's help, this will make a bigger splash than Psychonauts did.

If I can land a job at Double Fine, I will be a happy man.


I played the demo yesterday and was really impressed by it. Tim Schafer is still at the top of his game if the demo was any indication, which is good because I've been waiting for something new since Psychonauts.


Really enjoyed the demo. Really, Really!!!

I am VERY excited, and I have been for a while!

I worry though that the combat will get stale after a while. I honestly believe the game will only be able to succeed if the story is entertaining, and if the demo is any good indicator, I enjoyed it immensely. The opening was fantastic and a couple of the lines were laugh out loud funny.

I also enjoyed JB's voice. This is a role that just suits him and his voice, regardless of whether you hate him or not, and the lines are pretty funny to boot.

Good stuff. Looking forward to next week. :)


I think one of the things that MAKES Jack Black funny is that he's kind of a poser. He's a dork, he knows it, and he plays off it. I just rented Year One and it was friggin' FUNNY. Of course Michael Cera helped a lot, but still. I find him hilarious most of the time, and I can't WAIT for this game.


I was impressed with how not watered down this game was.

During all the previews I saw a game with lots of potential but I was worried about a couple things like, how does it control and feel to play, how "metal" is this game actually going to be, how well is the soundtrack gonna match the mood, how good will the voice acting be (especially JB) and most importantly, despite the name, how brutal and vulgar is this thing actually gonna be?

Then I played the demo and most of my worries were put aside.

I would've probably purchased it anyways, Tim Schafer is one of my favourite game devs pretty much ever, but I'm just glad to see that according to my first impressions, Double Fine managed to get the game done properly and far and above my expectations.


I really want this game. Psychonauts is by far my favourite platformer of the last generation. However, I am nearly broke, and won't be able to afford this and A Boy & His Blob (out the day after) unless I get hired somewhere.


Mine is just on the way here now "out for delivery" from Amazon... It should be here any minute. I can't wait to play it, obviously, which is why I got the release-day shipping.

As for the people saying JB is not metal... you don't know squat about metal. There are those with the long hair and tattered clothes or outfits who dress the way they do to make a fashion statement. Metal isn't about fashion statements. Maybe heavy metal is, but heavy metal is too gimmicky these days.


Just remembered Uncharted 2 comes out today too I'm pretty sure. Gotta pick that up too when I get to the mall later. Uncharted is getting ridiculous rave reviews. I hope it's not being overhyped and lives up to the expectations. Man it looks sexy.

Damn these next couple weeks are gonna be busy.

Just one more hour to go before work ends!


I probably would have rented Uncharted 2 if it was on the 360. Yeah, apparently Sony isn't learning anything from the Infamous / Prototype deal where Prototype outsold infamous more than double pretty much because it was multi-platform and infamous is just on the ps3. Oh well. They'll probably figure it out when its too late.

How far have you guys got with Brutal Legend so far? I finished the Lemmy main quest and did a couple sneak attack secondary quests. ;)

I've only found like 4 songs and haven't figured out how to find stuff seriously yet.

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