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Borderlands, 2K Games new RPG/FPS. 4 pack deal 37.50 per person now.

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'aight then, I guess I'll go ahead and buy this tomorrow (today, technically). That is, October the 15th (Thursday).

Edge and K-wix, if you guys want to go ahead and paypal 33.75 to biggiantcircles AT gmail DOT com that'd be awesome. And PM me your Steam ID's if I'm not already your friend on there. Edge, I think you're on my list already, but couldn't hurt to PM me anyway. I'm too lazy to check right this sec.

Remember to Paypal using the *gift* option or whatever, so Paypal doesn't take out a fee or some garbage.

Thanks fellers.

Sent :) Lemme know if there are any issues.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been trying to "rent" the 360 version from work, but we've been sold out of it by closing every day so far. It sounds sweet, and getting it on STEAM is always a good decision.

I miiiight get the PC one instead of the 360 one.


Got it for 360 and am at like level 22. Its fucking fun. I haven't really jones'd for a game in a long time, but i cant wait to get home and start playing.

EDIT: As someone who hasn't played mmo's before, i'm kind of unaware of some of the meanings of stats... What is the "x9" that blinks when looking at damage for guns? I thought it would just be "times 9" but that doesnt seem to be true. Anyone want to enlighten me?


So I hear people on PC haven't been able to connect to like... anybody.

Edit: The multiplayer is through Gamespy apparently and you need to forward the following ports if you're on a router.

7777 (TCP/UDP)

27900 (UDP)

28900 (TCP)

28910 (TCP)


I was actually very skeptical about this until I picked it up a few days ago. I'm only at level 15 or so but it is a lot of fun. I thought seeing a bajillion numbers popping up as you sprayed an assault rifle would be distracting, but its a very satisfying experience.

I'm getting owned a lot right now by those skag things so I probably need to update my loot though. I just don't want to sell my quick regeneration shield for a high powered one. Its saved me so many times now!

/end babbling

I was incredibly hyped when the first screenshots popped up, but after hearing that this works best in multiplayer I kind of lost interest. Is single player mode really boring?

i cant get multiplayer to work i tried all day (which is making me really mad btw) but i seriously just spent my entire day playing single player and i had a ton of fun and will definitely play a lot more of it, even if i have to play it single player

that doesnt happen with many games

edit just found this http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=79043

buncha tweaks like removing the intro video i mean really what are devs thinking when they use intro videos a minute long and make them unskippable


I'm also playing, have a level 20 Soldier who can very easily go back to med spec (support spec is imba for tanking on groups). This game is freaking awesome.

I'm kinda irritated at the multiplayer bit though. It shouldn't be this hard to get people hooked up. I blame gearbox for a shoddy PC port, makes me wish I got this on the xbox instead (even with a better video card in my PC, vsync alone makes the PC one worth it)

PC or XBox 360 version guys? I'm not really into third-person mods or anything and would just want to play the game especially to do co-op. I don't have an XBox Live Gold membership either so I'd like to know if I need one to play co-op.

Yes, you'd need XBL Gold. I think this game is better on console than on PC, personally. The multiplayer works really great 360.

The other day, I was just chatting in a party with one of my friends when he suddenly joined my game. I found this significant because I didn't have to select a "online" option when playing my campaign. I just played the normal way and he still could join my game in the middle.

P.S. Another thing I love about this game is how easy it is to save your game. You don't have to go run and find a save point. You can just quit at any time and keep all your stuff. When you reload the game later, you're at a spawn point that's likely very close to where you left, but not in the middle of getting eaten by giant badass skags.

Yes, you'd need XBL Gold. I think this game is better on console than on PC, personally. The multiplayer works really great 360.

The other day, I was just chatting in a party with one of my friends when he suddenly joined my game. I found this significant because I didn't have to select a "online" option when playing my campaign. I just played the normal way and he still could join my game in the middle.

P.S. Another thing I love about this game is how easy it is to save your game. You don't have to go run and find a save point. You can just quit at any time and keep all your stuff. When you reload the game later, you're at a spawn point that's likely very close to where you left, but not in the middle of getting eaten by giant badass skags.

I read in a few other places that the PC version feels too much "like a console design". So I guess the console is considered the "gold standard" for it.

Console it is!


Yeah, having just seen the number of problems inherent to the PC version, the console version appears to be the best option.

Though I won't be playing it myself, seeing as loot-fest are generally the most addictive time-sink ever, I can attest the game is really fun and engaging, especially in co-op/multi-player.

I was starting to notice the similitudes with another game from Bethesda, when I heard a bandit said: "Scared? You should be". Wasn't that the raider's line in Fallout 3?

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