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If you like piss-take reviewers like the Angry Video Game Nerd, then you have to check out Spoony's (Noah Antwiler's) reviews found at http://www.spoonyexperiment.com/

He does a wide range of reviews - mostly early FMV titles :shock:, 'retro' games, sometimes slightly newer ones (His Final Fantasy VIII Review is fucking EPIC!) and also movies.

Believe me - He is worth checking out...

...If you like piss-take reviewers like the Angry Video Game Nerd...

check out Spoony

reviews - mostly early FMV titles, 'retro' games, sometimes slightly newer ones

(His Final Fantasy VIII Review is fucking EPIC!) and also movies.

Believe me - He is worth checking out...:lol: (no not really sorry to waste your time)



Alright I'll bite.

Out of the various reviews I watched from him, he comes off rather flat; almost as if there's a requirement to take him seriously only to pity him for not having anything else better to do. It's as if he's doing it for the attention rather than the actually trying to entertain his audience. The best way I could compare this would be watching someone back in highschool, trying to give a report, putting up a facade, and trying to be cohesive as well as not boring.

Perhaps I should consider looking at his other stuff, but overall I felt I was given false advertisement considering your attempt to make comparisons to AVGN; even the nerd is just a gimmick as James is just some guy doing a show about the exceptionally bad game titles along side the rare good ones, this as well as looking back at a large variety of movies from monster-mash flicks, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, sports (rocky series).

Perhaps this spoony guy only just started and may have a following of some sort, but I wouldn't try to make a comparison imo. :lol:


You know, when I started watching the Let's Play for Phantasmagoria 2 I was NOT a fan. by about halfway through the 2nd video, though, it really started to get good and it got even better with the 3rd and 4th iterations. The 5th was pretty bad but I still go back once in a while.

  • 2 weeks later...

Not a lot of spoony love it seems.

I will give you that it's not always a bag full of laughs. It's somewhat in the same vein of MST3K. Taking B movies and games and poking fun at them. You never know what you're going to see on the front page either, which can be a nice surprise.

The way I found him was from his FF8 review. I hate that game nearly as much as he does. lol. So maybe that's what one me over. On one hand I wish he would have done the whole game, but I totally understand why he wrapped things up the way he did.

Plus I can relate to the guy. College grad with a CS degree that's doing crap from them.... :?

Now, I need to watch some Terror Traxx!


My God, I love that funny bastard, AVGN. If there's anyone near his quality I want to check his stuff out. The Nostalgia Critic or The Guy With the Glasses are the closest thing I've ever seen. Long live these two great comedians.


I never knew his Yor review existed until reading this thread.


Best. Thing. Ever.

Also, not sure why some make it Spoony vs. AVGN? I think they're different. They do similar things, but have their own way of doing it. I also think it's possible to enjoy both. I can see why people might not like Spoony though. Even though I think he's fantastic. XD

On the latest review, Terror TRAX: Track of the vampire, I noticed at the end of the credits that the game had been donated by... Amayirot Akago!

I bet it felt good to get rid of that POS

Wait, someone around here actually noticed I exist?

And yeah, I love Spoony. Period. Getting him to review that game was a dream come true.

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