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Let's see how many we can come up with. But no looking them up. They could be anything from sequels, to spinoffs, to rereleases, to movies, to whatever. If this goes well, maybe someone can start up a Mario thread. I'll update the first post as people reply.

I'll start us off by doing the easy ones.

Final Fantasy I

Final Fantasy II

Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy XI

Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIV

(yes, I'm counting the nonreleased ones as well)

Added by other guys in the order they were said.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Final Fantasy Chocobo Racing

FF7: Dirge of Cerberus

FF7: Crisis Core

FF4: After Years

Chocobo's Dungeon

Chocobo's Dungeon 2

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon

Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Final Fantasy Legend

Final Fantasy Legend 2

Final Fantasy Legend 3

Final Fantasy Adventure

Final Fantasy Dissidia

Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis

Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Final Fantasy versus XIII

Final Fantasy XIII Agito

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales

Final Fantasy Advent Children

Final Fantasy Advent Children Complete

Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders

Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders: Vanguard Storm

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

expansion packs:

FFXI: Rise of the Zilart

FFXI: Chains of Promathia

FFXI: Treasures of Aht Urghan

FFXI: Wings of the Goddess

Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Dark Lord

And Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions

Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals

Final Fantasy: Unlimited

FFXI mini expansions:

A Crystalline Prophecy: Ode to Life Bestowing (Crap story and quests but good rewards)

A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Evil in Small Doses (Funny story, crappy quests and decent rewards)

A Shantotto Ascension: The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born. (not released yet)

Final Fantasy Origins

Final Fantasy Chronicles

Final Fantasy Anthology

Final Fantasy IV DS

Final Fantasy VI Advance

Final Fantasy II, II: Electric Boogaloo

Final Fantasy Nights

Final Fantasy Origins: Umaro

Final Fantasy Music in the order people posted.

Final Fantasy OST

Final Fantasy II OST

Final Fantasy III OST

Final Fantasy IV OST

Final Fantasy V OST

Final Fantasy VIOST

Final Fantasy VII OST

Final Fantasy VIII OST

Final Fantasy IX OST

Final Fantasy X OST

Final Fantasy X-2 OST

Final Fantasy XI OST

Final Fanrasy XII OST

Black Mages

Black Mages: The Skies Above

Final Fantasy Tactics OST

Final Fantasy Tactics: The Diaries of Olan

Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced OST

Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion

Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion 2

Final Fantasy 1984-1994

Final Fantasy 1994-1999

Final Fantasy Vocal Collections: Pray

Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 2: Love Will Grow.


Mystic Quest

Crystal Chronicles

Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates

Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Chocobo Racing

FF7: Dirge of Cerberus

FF7: Crisis Core

FF4: After Years

Chocobo's Dungeon

Chocobo's Dungeon 2

FF Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon

FF Tactics

FF Tactics Advance

FF Tactics A2

FF Legend

FF Legend 2

FF Legend 3

FF Adventure

FF Dissidia


Crystal Defenders

Crystal Defenders: Vanguard Storm

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

Do expansion packs for FFXI count? 'Cause there's:

FFXI: Rise of the Zilart

FFXI: Chains of Promathia

FFXI: Treasures of Aht Urghan

FFXI: Wings of the Goddess

FFXIV Is also missing from this list

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

As well as Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Dark Lord. Geez, that's a lot of games.

Edit: And Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (movie) and Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions...I think I got the names right.

Wait I thought we were actually going to name them. You know, like calling FFVI something like The Wars of The Magi or FFIV something like Ballad of The Moon...

Both terrible titles but something like that.

This would be a much more interesting thread.

Wait I thought we were actually going to name them. You know, like calling FFVI something like The Wars of The Magi or FFIV something like Ballad of The Moon...

Both terrible titles but something like that.

This is actually what I was hoping for too!


We can also rename the FFs to have neato subtitles.

Final Fantasy 1: Chaos Crystals

Final Fantasy 2: Drag Me Through Hell

Final Fantasy 3: Eh

Final Fantasy 4: Moon Prism Power

Final Fantasy 5: A Tale of Two Worlds (hurr durr easy joke to make)

Final Fantasy 6: The Gods Must Be Crazy

Final Fantasy 7: Big Holes

Final Fantasy 8: Chess to Impress

Final Fantasy 9: The Wizards At Odds

Final Fantasy 10: The Real World

Okay maybe not.



Its just like when I found out about that dogfucking Zombies Ate My Neighbors band (http://www.myspace.com/zombiesaregay) ruining the ZAMN name! Do not associate your slop with the good names of videogamedom! If I ever find you people, I'll beat your ass with your own ass! Hell is not good enough for you, but its the best thing I've got to give you! RAWR!!!!





Sorry, that needed to be said. Continue.


Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy II

Final Fantasy III

Final Fantasy IV: Wait...

Final Fantasy V: What happened to the 'Final' part?

Final Fantasy VI: C'mon Guys.

Final Fantasy VII: Knock It Off.

Final Fantasy VIII: ...

Final Fantasy IX: Hellooooo...

Final Fantasy X: What Part of 'Final' Don't You Dorks Get?

Final Fantasy X-2: Okay, This Is Just Getting Dumb.

Final Fantasy XI: What the... An MMORPG Now?

Final Fantasy XII: For the... All Right, Fran And Her Ass Gives This One A Reason For Being Made.

Final Fantasy XIII: Wait... There Are How Many Versions of This?!

Final Fantasy XIV: JESUS CHRIST! Can't You At Least Wait Until the Previous One's Done?!

Final Fantasy IV: The Wonder Yea- Er, The After M*A*S- Shit... The After Years.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings- What Does That Doom Character Have To Do With This?

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles of Riddick

Final Fantasy: Krystal Chronicles II: The Furry Years

Before Middle-Age Crisis: Final Fantasy VII

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode: Final Fantasy VII

Dirge of Cerberus The Really Lost Episode: Final Fantasy VII: Again

Crisis Shoot The Core: Final Fantasy VII: Yet Again Folks.

Final Final Fantasy VII: For Christ's Sake Let This Damned Game Die, Will You?

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