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Goodbye Geocities, I'll miss your sparkling... uh... your... uhm...

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Yes, today marks the last day of existence for Geocities. All those little sites with their little content, all gone.

Oh no, that includes my Mr. T Versus Jigglypuff page! Go see it now before it's gone forever! All my hard work in May 2000 will never be seen again!

Come on, some of you also had Geocities pages. Admit it. It was free, easy and fast to set up. Dig them up while you still can, and share your terrible, horrific design and content.


Back in 2002, my friend and I were big into RPG Maker 2000 and 2003. We'd both work on semi-ambitious projects that almost never got done (and when they did they were often rushed at the end and terrible all-around). We decided to make a site for RPG Maker resources and chose Geocities. It had the most ridiculous, never-find-it-on-your-own title of rpgmegamaniacs (his idea, not mine). It's gone now, but at least I can claim our site didn't do anything overly garish, like have copious amounts of animated gifs.


I used to have a FInal Fantasy VII web page that drew at least half a million hits between 1997 and 2001. Some time in 2008 Tripod randomly took it offline and I didn't have it backed up for me to put it back online again :(

It was a part of a number of web rings and partners (such as guestbooks and counters) that eventually all went away before the actual site itself went away.

I still am kind of sad that it disappeared (and never really made it into archive.org either).

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