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OverClocked After Dark - The Former Thread of Days of Yore

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No racism in my threads.

Also, Lets change the name of OCAD to OCGS.

Harder to say, but pretty accurate.

Hey buddy, did you get my PM? You do remember from the philly meet right...the tree climber.

Hah, you guys have some very dedicated fans who would listen to 15 minutes of silence. You know there's a setting in WinAmp that "auto scrolls" through the silence at the beginning and ending of an mp3. ;-)

Said setting is great stuff, but I was listening to this on an iPod on the way home from work on the metro, so that option wasn't really available to me. :P


Guys, I think the reading of My Immortal is getting stale. We get the joke, she sucks at spelling. I can't even get through this latest podcast. It's just too much. Can't you go back to the good ol' days where you guys would throw fukung images back and forth at each other?

Guys, I think the reading of My Immortal is getting stale. We get the joke, she sucks at spelling. I can't even get through this latest podcast. It's just too much. Can't you go back to the good ol' days where you guys would throw fukung images back and forth at each other?

You'll be happy to know the next OCAD has ZERO MY IMMORTAL READING. Unfortunately it also has zero fukung images. We probably can't do any more images until our regular site is up and running, but the My Immortal final chapters are outside the podcast proper through the end.

Episode 27 should be up tonight, I'm hoping.

You'll be happy to know the next OCAD has ZERO MY IMMORTAL READING. Unfortunately it also has zero fukung images. We probably can't do any more images until our regular site is up and running, but the My Immortal final chapters are outside the podcast proper through the end.

Episode 27 should be up tonight, I'm hoping.

Lies, what about the Bonus Round? Is that gonna be out tonight too?

I shower regularly I'll have you know, and my face fuzz doesn't trap the stink of Potato Bread and Kosher Salt like your's does.

1) It's 12-Grain Bread.

B) It's Sea Salt.

III) Just because you shower doesn't mean you don't smell like poo. Oh sweet candy canes, if that were true, we'd have 50% less con funk from the get-go.

Oh, and just cause I'm spiteful, here's:

Episode 27: Double Decker Shortbus

Also, uploading fixed Episode 26. Link and RSS will remain the same, so if you want the fixed version just try redownloading in 30 minutes or so (iTunes will update accordingly)

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