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Like video game music but tired of hearing the same thing over and over again?

Well, listen to some NSN VGM(Not So Known Video Game Music).

I try to update daily, so chances are there will always be atleast one new song every day or so.

Don't forget to spread this around. Also, do you know any Not So Known Video Game Music? Then tell me! I NEED TO KNOW!

Any comments are appreciated.

I hope this list helps people look for songs that aren't remixed all the time.

Currently 51 songs as of Jan. 04, 2011. Yeah!


I could name a few games. Some of them are more obscure. There is yet to be any remixes of Mother 3 (as far as I have seen). Okage Shadow King is pretty obscure...I could think of 2 tracks in that game that could be remixed rather well. I think World of Warcraft (although very well known) has a few tracks...mainly the battlegrounds themes that could offer great fast paced and or heavy remixes.


ahaha awesome, one of my hobbies is downloading random SPC and VGZ packs to hear music i'm unfamiliar with. I noticed Madou Monogatari and Shodai Nekkutsu Kouha Kunio-kun in your playlist and have to say that you're now my favourite person. I can come up with some more suggestions for you if you like (it'd be best if you came to the IRC channel to talk with me, as I nearly absoulutely LOATHE forumz (except the ocr forums)).

The very (I think) obscure freeware game Bonesaw has an EXCELLENT chiptune soundtrack.

Here is a track

Someone should go remix something from Bonesaw

That soundtrack was made by Josh Whelchel, otherwise known as TwiTerror here. He also made the soundtrack to The Spirit Engine and its sequel, both excellent soundtracks. It would be quite a fun task to remix these!


Not so known, eh? Here are some that came to mind...

Pretty much any track from Master of Monsters, "Flood of Power" from Midnight Resistance, "The Habam" from Red Zone, "Stage 1: Sky City", "Stage 3: Underground Stronghold", and "Stage 6: Assault" from Whip Rush, "Last Dance" from Hellfire, "Army's Song" and "After the War" from Final Zone, "Erias", "Last City", "Ending" and "Light Song" from Sword of Vermillion.

All of those are from Genesis games.


I've always wanted to turn the music from the old NES game "Tiger Heli" into something, but it's terribly short, and pretty abrasive.

I'd be surprised if either of the 2 songs in the game even had names.


I was just thinking "there oughtabe a thread about..."

Nice Work.

Troddlers (#1 pick >> "Pyramid" / #2 pick "Crossed")

One of the few games to utilize the SNES mouse.


Shaq-Fu (#1 pick >> "Beast" / "#2 pick "Voodoo")

Yes, THAT Shaq-Fu. The SNES version has a halfway decent soundtrack.

If you yoink the archive, Beast is shaqfu8.spc; Voodoo is shaqfu11.spc

And yup, I do own this game.


Tic Tac Toe (#1 pick >> the title screen)

Don't count out public domain ROMs.


Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (#1 pick >> Space Zone stage 2)

Wonderful soundtrack. Space Zone stage 2 is track 29 in the .gbs


Battletoads (#1 pick >> intro/title screen / #2 pick >> impact crater)

Get the proper .nsf and winamp plugin (Nintendulator) here:


This is the only way to hear the drums in the title theme. Most versions of the .nsf out there were recorded without the drums so even if you have the right plugin, you have the wrong file. ap will be your troublesolving middle man. Get both here!

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