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I have this problem of buying anything Lufia related no matter what. I thought RoL was pretty darn bad, but I bought it played the shit out of it anyway :(

Would you buy a Daos Dildo?


How's the music?

For the most part, it sounds pretty nice- it's your usual updated fare for the DS (think of the FFIV soundtrack). I still kinda like SNES stuff better, but the DS versions tunes are definitely serviceable.

And of course, I AM raging about the game, but I am SURE that it wouldn't be BAD by any means. It's just (definitely) not the Lufia II I want to play.

Arek, what do you think of The Legend Returns? That's probably got one of my favorite GBC soundtracks of all time.


o u

i meant game wise

The legend returns is pretty good. Definitely had fun playing it when I did way back. Its ost was pretty good as well.

I think I am about 70% done with the game now. I totally feel what Emperor Charlemagne means when he mentions it not being the Lufia II I want to play. If this were a game not related to Lufia at all, I would say that it is pretty solid. The beginning is pretty meh and it takes a little bit to engage you, but the fighting and puzzles are really well done. Besides Maxim and Tia, the characters are pretty well written *I still love Lexis after seeing him as Doc Brown. He even says "Great Scott". Good on you Natsume*. As a "retelling" of Lufia, however, this game falls pretty short.

Standalone title: 4/5

Lufia retelling: 2/5


So I beat it not too long ago and one thought kept coming to my mind, and that was "What the hell?"

The beginning of the game was really bad and doesn't pull you in at all, then suddenly it just drags you in. I played for about 4 hours or so straight just now and I couldn't put it down. After you get passed a quarter of the game, everything drastically improves. The puzzles really become fun to do. The story becomes engaging and starts to really follow how the original went. All the characters *surprisingly including maxim and tia* even start to become really likable *except guy gets picked on far too much and that started to bug me a bit*.

It is as though when they first started developing the game they had one direction they wanted to go but then said "fuck it" and decided to follow the original instead.

EDIT: makes me kinda sad that the sales were so abysmal but it makes sense considering that the game series was dead for quite a while and genre they chose for the reboot really didn't settle well with a lot of people. any hopes for a sequel *unless square becomes really generous and neverland pitchs something that is turned based to hopefull drag fans back in* is pretty much pointless


I really want to get this, but alas I'm short a DS to play it on, right now. When I get a DS I'll get this game, for sure. I agree that if they decide to make Arek some super god boss or some shit I'd be pretty upset :banghead:.

Quick question, though - Is the Ancient Cave in it? That was pretty amazing in the original, and while it wouldn't be a deal breaker I'd still be disappointed if it weren't there.


herp derp change is bad.

Seriously, what did you people expect? A literal clone of Lufia II with pretty graphics? If so, that's some delusional thinking. SE doesn't know what to do with itself anymore, so this isn't any surprise.

What we SHOULD be doing is judging the game on its own merits rather than endlessly comparing it to an SNES game from 17 years ago.

herp derp change is bad.

Seriously, what did you people expect? A literal clone of Lufia II with pretty graphics? If so, that's some delusional thinking. SE doesn't know what to do with itself anymore, so this isn't any surprise.

What we SHOULD be doing is judging the game on its own merits rather than endlessly comparing it to an SNES game from 17 years ago.

herp derp i say 4chan quips and only read one post and make a judgment instead of reading all of what someone says as they progress through the game

edit: tried doing the ancient cave with just maxim and tia *you can access it anytime in a newgame+* and i made it to floor 96 before i had to leave due to monsters with huge physical defence and offense that just pretty much one-shotted maxim and tia. guess ill have to wait to do it again until i get selan :(*

herp derp i make assumptions.


No, I did read through the thread, and it just boggles my mind that people assumed it would be this carbon copy of Lufia II. I'm seeing it a lot in other places too, so this isn't an isolated thing.

I dunno, maybe I just don't see what the big fucking deal is.


I didn't assume it'd be a carbon copy, though. In fact I knew it'd be different the first time it was announced.

I just don't know if you understand the words "Pink hair Dekar" do you


And I've watched a couple of vids and I have to agree that Lexis as Doc Brown is something I am very ok with. Ha ha.


No, I did read through the thread, and it just boggles my mind that people assumed it would be this carbon copy of Lufia II. I'm seeing it a lot in other places too, so this isn't an isolated thing.

I dunno, maybe I just don't see what the big fucking deal is.

who the fuck said they wanted it to be a carbon copy

my rage at the beginning is something very warranted. its not because its not like lufia ii, it is because it is VERY SHITTY.

dont like what you see with what we say about the game?

deal with it

who the fuck said they wanted it to be a carbon copy

my rage at the beginning is something very warranted. its not because its not like lufia ii, it is because it is VERY SHITTY.

Then just don't play the game and return it. Problem solved!

You should calm down, lest every time I see your name I think "Arek the Asshole."

Thank you for posting something that adds nothing to the thread what-so-ever.

At least my comment was towards his sarcastic response of me returning the game, which if you look at how our conversation has been going, was at least pertaining to the thread's topic. Your post, however, contributed nothing and could have been sent as a PM.


Back to Lufia discussion?

Did Arek make an appearance at all?



I don't think people (well, Arek, anyway) have simply said 'tHis suxxors!1', rather than give a list of reasons why they do/don't like the game, be it changes from the original, functionality or whatever. I'm still debating whether to get it or not, so the thread's pretty helpful, for me.

If you don't like the thread, don't post in it, eh? :whatevaa:


I'm waiting for my copy to arrive, and then I'll weigh in when I've beaten it. I loved Lufia II, far moreso than Lufia I on SNES.

I loved the Maxim/Selan story and how Tia had to bow out as she just wasn't right for Maxim. I'm hoping for the best here.

Wish the SNES version of Lufia II would be released on virtual console, I'd buy it too!

  • 3 months later...

Forgive me for the necropost here. But I just have to chime in.

Okay, so I got this now. It's really friggin' fun. I like the whole action-RPG feel, and the puzzles are fun. Beating the crap out of enemies after they're already dead is always satisfying (didn't know I had 32 soul shards just from the first dungeon).

The music's pretty good too, of course (aforementioned dungeon made me want to listen to The Very End, neko's phenomenal mix) and I'm enjoying it.

I have played a bit of the original SNES ones and a bit too much of RoL, but this is superior to RoL by far (like comparing a rotten apple that's been in a junkyard for 3 months to one of them thar mythologicamal golden apples) sooo...

I like it.

Once again, don't get mad at me for the necropost here.


I played the game about a month ago, and I honestly have to say it's really good. The removal of the world map was an excellent choice in this game (that removed the most crushing elements of the original - the poor method of story progression), and the action RPG style compliments the original gameplay style very well. The characters, while overplayed a little bit in this version, stay true to the original, which made my day. The soundtrack is superb, incorporating tracks from the original and sequel and rearranging them for the superior DS sound.

While the action RPG element was a nice addition, the designers slacked off on the puzzles. Many abilities are only used for a single area, and the puzzles that are there are far too simple.With character swapping there was potential for an engaging rich experience, but the lack of dungeon puzzles remove the need for this. The difficulty curve is a bit... erratic. Personally, I enjoyed the steep curve in the beginning (since the game gives the option to ease the curve via auto leveling), but then it levels out, which makes the rest of the game easy, by comparison.

Overall, an enjoyable game in it's own right. It's comparably enjoyable to the original that it's based on, and had the potential to even surpass it, in my book, if those flaws were not present. Nonetheless, I'd say it was a worthy purchase.


Oh, thanks for the necro - I wanted to comment on it for a little while now.

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